North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learnΒ©
Policy 414: Prohibiting Access to Schools
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Adopted: December 6, 2016
Revised: January 17, 2017


The safety and security of students and staff is a high priority for the North Vancouver School District. Section 177 of the School Act is intended to prevent the disruption of schools and school functions, and to ensure the protection of students and staff. This section allows the Principal, Vice Principal, Director of Instruction or a person authorized by the board, to direct a person to leave school property. Section 177 may be used to prevent a stranger who presents a threat to student safety from accessing school property. There may also be circumstances where persons associated with the school, such as students, parents, employees, or volunteers are denied access to school property under Section 177. It also enables the administrator to call for assistance from law enforcement if necessary.

Persons directed to leave school property under Section 177 of the School Act may not return without the prior approval of the Principal or designate. If a person contravenes this section of the School Act, he or she commits an offence.

A Section 177 direction can be appealed. The appeal process is delineated in the Administrative Procedures for this policy and will be provided to any person directed under Section 177.

Section 177 of the School Act is intended to be used only in exceptional circumstances, where there is a risk to student/staff safety or significant and ongoing disruption to the educational programs offered by the school.

The full text of Section 177 of the School Act is provided below:

Maintenance of Order
177 (1) A person must not disturb or interrupt the proceedings of a school or an official school function.
(2) A person who is directed to leave the land or premises of a school by a Principal, Vice Principal, director of instruction or a person authorized by the board to make that direction.
(a) must immediately leave the land and premises, and
(b) must not enter on the land and premises again except with prior approval from the Principal, Vice Principal, director of instruction or a person who is authorized by the board to give that approval.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an offence.
(4) A Principal, Vice Principal, or director of instruction of a school or a person authorized by the board may, in order to restore order on school premises, require adequate assistance from a peace officer
Section 1 of the School Act defines β€œschool” as follows:
"school" means
(a) a body of students that is organized as a unit for educational purposes under the supervision of a Principal, Vice Principal or director of instruction,
(b) the teachers and other staff members associated with the unit, and
(c) the facilities associated with the unit, and includes a Provincial resource program and a distributed learning school operated by a board.

Administrative Procedures





North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |