A: Fees for each academy are found on the following NVSD Academies webpages: Applications & Withdrawals and individual online application pages.
The total academy program fee is broken down into two parts; Deposit and Remaining Fee.
The deposit is required by the deadline stated in acceptance letters to confirm your student's registration and to secure placement in the academy for the September start.
Please note that non-payment by the deadline will result in withdrawal of acceptance to the academy.
Remaining Fee:
The Remaining Fee may be paid in full or can be paid by monthly installments. If monthly installments are selected, they must be set-up on School Cash Online at the same time you pay the deposit. Please note that the first monthly installment is not until August 1 before the September school start. You must set up the installments upon acceptance however no fees are taken until August.
- Typically, installment payments are offered over 9 months, from August 1 of the current year until the last payment on April 1 of the following year.
- If you are joining the academy after August 1, the first installment will start on the first day of the following month after payments are set up. Please note that while the total cost of the academy stays the same, the monthly remaining fee will be slightly higher as the number of months to pay are reduced.
- Failure to pay the balance in full or set up installments by the deadline will result in withdrawal from the academy.