École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
School Policies
​School District 44 Policies

Yearbook Editorial Guidelines


In addition to the North Vancouver School District Code of Conduct, Argyle has the following school-specific policies and expectations to create a safe and supportive environment for all. These are also available in our student agenda. 


Students are expected to attend classes regularly and be on time for all classes.

Excused Absences

Parents must notify the school if a student is unable to attend school by emailing argyle_attendance@sd44.ca.
Students participating in school-based activities will be automatically excused from their classes where appropriate, but are responsible for making up missed work and assessments.

Extended absences

Removing a student from school for a family vacation is not in the best interest of academic or social needs, even if they are successful learners.  Missed class time and learning opportunities cannot be replicated and some activities, ongoing assessments, and assignments may be impossible to “make-up."

Students are responsible for all course Learning Standards including those missed during their time away; the student's mark may be impacted. If a student is absent for family holidays or for other non-medical reasons, the school and teaching staff are not expected to make special arrangements for missed work and tests.

The responsibility for the decision to take a student out of school for vacation, and the consequences that result, rest solely with the student and their parent/guardian. While the school does not give approval for such absences, it is still necessary to complete an extended absence form to inform teacher(s). Forms are available in the Main office.


Cheating is the use of unauthorized materials, items, or devices to gain an unfair advantage in schoolwork and includes copying another's work, and allowing one's work to be copied by another.

Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves claiming another's ideas or writing as one's own without proper acknowledgement. The term applies equally to an entire assignment, or any part of it. Submitting assignments done by others, including assignments downloaded from the web without references will be seen as a form of academic dishonesty.

A student using any unacknowledged content generated by artificial intelligence within an assessment, assignment, or project as though it is their own work constitutes academic misconduct, unless explicitly stated by the teacher that AI can be used.

Reasonable consequences for academic dishonesty are established by the classroom teacher in consultation with administration and range in scope and severity.


Course changes require permission of a counsellor or administrator and must be done within the designated course change window which is posted on our school calendar. We cannot accommodate course changes or drops outside of the window. 


Please see updated information regarding celebrating student learning & achievement on Argyle's website under the Students top tab.


Students have the option to request a locker during the first week of school using a QR code posted throughout the school and on our website.   If you are assigned a locker, you are responsible for returning the assigned lock in June.  Keep your locker combination private to keep your belongings safe; there is no sharing or changing of lockers permitted. Please note that lockers are the property of the school and the Argyle Administration reserves the right to open and inspect lockers at any time.  Locks not issued by the school found on lockers will be removed without warning unless the student has been granted permission by the main office to use a different lock.

Locks must be returned on the final day of classes or students will be charged $10.  Changeroom lockers are for class use only during PHE classes or during practice times. It is recommended that students lock items in changeroom lockers provided with their own personal lock.  PHE locks may be removed at the end of each day.


Our “Lost and Found" is located near the entrance to the library.  Electronics, jewelry and wallets that are found are handed in to the office.  Any questions you may have should be directed to the office staff.


There is no student parking available in the main (lower) parking lot. Students may park in the upper parking lot; if this is full, students follow all street signage in the community around the school. Any student vehicles parked in the lower lot or in fire lanes/exits may be towed without warning and at the owner's expense.  Charging stations are for short-term use only and students using charge stations must register their vehicle with the office.


In line with the Ministry of Education mandate and the NVSD Code of Conduct, use of personal digital devices is restricted in schools. Students are expected to leave personal digital devices at home, in their bag/backpack, and/or in their locker during instructional time. Allowances may be made by the staff for instructional purposes, digital literacy, appropriate use based on age and developmental stage, accommodations within a student's Individualized Education Plan, accessibility, medical and health needs, and/or equitable support for learning outcomes.

Students using personal digital devices when not permitted by teachers will face ranging consequences and may include confiscation of device for a day or multiple days.

Argyle is not responsible for any personal digital devices brought to school.


Students are responsible for textbooks and learning resources loaned to them. If a textbook is lost or damaged, students are required to pay for the cost of a replacement book. Textbooks should be returned to the library only; this will ensure proper credit for all books returned.  Students should record the number stamped on the textbook as students must return the textbook assigned to them during checkout.


Students are encouraged not to bring valuables to school. Students are responsible for the care and safety of all their personal belongings, including personal electronic devices.  It is highly recommended not to leave any valuables in pockets, purses, backpacks, or unlocked lockers during PHE class. Argyle is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of students' personal items such as electronic equipment, clothing, calculators, or money that they choose to bring to school.


All visitors are required to report to the Main Office upon arrival.

Students are not to invite visitors to Argyle and should make arrangements to meet them away from the school grounds outside of school hours. By the same token, Argyle students should not visit other schools when they are in session.

Food Delivery

Although food delivery services may be convenient for students, deliveries are not permitted inside the school.  Students that choose to use these services should do so only outside of class times and must meet the delivery person outside of the building.​​