École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Workshops and Resources

Resources & Information

Hollyburn Family Services

Family Support Programs - Family support is a flexible program that helps parents, children, and blended families improve communication, manage conflict, and cope with stress. Family Support Workers meet with families with children under 19 years of age for 8 to 12 weeks and offer a range of services that can be offered in the family home or in the community.

Parent-Teen Mediation Services - Parent-Teen Mediation (PTM) is a short-term Family Support Service intended for families in which a breakdown in relationship/communication has led the youth to leave the home.

Parent Education - As part of the Family Support Program, Hollyburn offers the following Parent Education courses: The Incredible Years – for families with children under 8; A Parent’s Influence – for families with children up to 12; Parenting Teens – for families with teens and pre-teens

The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) includes three tool kits providing training in the recognition, treatment and management of concussion for: 1) Medical Professionals; (2) Parents, Players, and Coaches; and (3) School Professionals. CATT is free, accessible and regularly updated with evidence-based information and resources. Each toolkit includes a self-paced learning module as well as tailored resources relevant to the specific audience.The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends that anyone involved in child and youth sport should be educated about the signs and symptoms of concussion and the appropriate management of a child with a concussion. 

For Players - Brain 101: What is a Concussion
For Parents/Caregivers - Concussion Guide for Parents/Caregivers

Cybertip.ca - Canada's national tip line for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children.

NeedHelpNow.ca - help for youth involved in a self/peer exploitation incident ("sexting").

Canadian Centre for Child Protection is a national charity dedicated to the personal safety of all children, whose goal is to reduce child victimization by providing programs and services to the Canadian public.

North Shore Community Resources.  This site contains lots of information, including volunteer ideas and opportunities.  Free, confidential North Shore Youth Health Clinic information.

Family and Youth Services for Parent, Teen & Family Support - confidential referral line: 604-987-1411

The North Shore Stress & Anxiety Clinic provides a wide range of assessment and treatment options to individuals and families.  The website also provides online videos, articles and numerous other resources.

Ministry of Children and Family Development: For assessments and psychiatric services and counselling.  604-981-0008

Vancouver Coastal Health: Offers a wide range of community health care services for children and youth - up to 25 years - and their families and caregivers. Services are targeted to school-aged children up to 19 years.

Anxiety Canada - Parenting Pathways Program is an excellent resource that outlines various type of anxiety common with children and teens. Here, you'll find worksheets and printable resources of simple, step-by-step instructions on how to help your anxious child cope with specific issues - such as back-to-school worries, dealing with nightmares, or having difficulty making friends.

Open Mind BC - Mental Health Tools and Resources

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre, located at BC Children's Hospital, runs a website providing information and resources for children, youth and families and includes information about substance use, eating disorders, self-harm, medication, and more.

NVSD Community Report  In addition to providing a summary of the achievements over the past year, and the current operations, this site's report focuses on the many aspects of 21st century learning and teaching the School District.

Graduation Requirements Visit this site for useful information on graduation requirements 
