At Braemar we believe in a discipline that is fair and consistent, that provides a positive, purposeful and safe learning environment, and that promotes student self-discipline, co-operation and consideration. We also believe that an effective discipline system requires the support of parents.
Our Code of Conduct is a system of behaviour expectations that is based on four guidelines:
- Care and Respect for Myself
- Care and Respect for Others
- Care and Respect for Learning
- Care and Respect for our Environment
This code is reviewed with students in early September and throughout the school year. It would be helpful if parents also reviewed the code with their children. It is our hope that the application of this code will help us to ensure that our school is a happy, safe and productive place for all.
Consequences for misbehaviour will be logical and suit the misbehaviour insofar as is possible. Minor infractions will be dealt with by the teacher or teacher-aide. Major infractions may require the involvement of parents and perhaps other school personnel. All efforts will be made to help the youngster change his/her behaviour to an acceptable form.
Although it is necessary to deal with negative behaviour when it occurs, the staff is committed to the notion that the best way to influence children to act responsibly is to acknowledge and emphasize their positive behaviour. Our staff is very resourceful in using techniques for positive recognition.
Parents as Important Teachers
You are an important teacher to your child and a valuable partner to your child’s teachers in school. What you do as a parent helps your child to be successful in school and in life. A few suggestions to consider:
- Always speak of the school and staff in positive, constructive terms. If you have a concern, share it with us. We can explain it or solve it together.
- Send your child to school each morning with a cheerful parting.
- Show interest in your child’s schoolwork.
- Provide a special time for you and your youngster each day--a few minutes to talk and to enjoy each other’s company.
You are a powerful model--your child should see you reading, writing, solving problems and enjoying these activities.
Anti Bullying Action Plan
At L’école Braemar Elementary we strive to create a safe, respectful and welcoming school environment by building and maintaining positive relationships between students, staff and parents. We also recognize that bullying and intimidation have a negative effect on the learning climate of the school and therefore, as a learning community, we prefer to address problematic behaviour rather than label a child as a ‘bully’ or victim’. Our students are actively taught problem solving skills and appropriate responses to bullying from an early age. It is important for them to know that we take bullying seriously and need to know when it occurs.
The B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care defines bullying as: repeated physical aggression, name calling, threats or exclusion in a context where there is intent to harm and an imbalance of power. The bullying of members of the school community, by physical, verbal, written or electronic means, is not permitted at Braemar Elementary. Anyone who witnesses bullying is expected to speak with the school personnel (teacher, educational assistant, noon hour supervisor, and counselor, Vice Principal or Principal).
Braemar Elementary School’s anti bullying action plan includes the following:
The staff member will ensure that the students are safe and supported; they will
investigate to determine details of the incident
Staff member will communicate with the Principal/Vice Principal
The Principal/Vice Principal will investigate further
The Principal/Vice Principal will review the District/School Code of Conduct in relation
to the violation of another student’s right to a safe and secure learning environment
The Principal/Vice Principal will determine the appropriate consequences and course of action, taking into consideration:
The student’s age/developmental level
The seriousness of the incident
The student’s history
The history of the relationship between the students
The consequence(s) for the student who is bullying will range from:
Discussion with students involved and proactive solutions decided upon
Completion of assignment on social responsibility including problem solving sheets,
letters of apology, essays, posters etc.
Completion of school service
Loss of recess or noon hour privileges
Loss of extra curricular privileges
In school suspension with communication to parents
Formal suspension with written notification to parents which will be put in the student’s file
Involvement with a Youth Intervention Officer
Or other consequences as deemed necessary
The bullying incident will be documented and there will be a follow up with the parents. Additional supervision, support and monitoring will be provided as necessary.
The Braemar Anti Bullying Action Plan is designed as a partnership between parents and staff. Bullying should not be kept a secret. It is the secrecy that generally allows bullying to continue unabated and makes dealing with the issue very difficult. As staff and as parents, we need to help all children develop interpersonal skills upon which they build positive relationships with peers. By responding together, we can make a difference.