Handsworth 101 - Parent Glossary
A parent's A-Z guide to everything Handsworth
Athletic Council – chaired by the Athletic Coordinator,
includes two staff coaches, a member of the PE department, one administrative
officer, two students, and two parent representatives (elected by the HPAC).
The council provides advice and consultation to the athletic coordinator and
school administration about extra-curricular athletics budgets, uniforms,
coaches and teams. The council will monitor and influence the direction of
athletics at Handsworth. (Source: Athletic Handbook 2018). Athletic Handbook and Policies
Athletic Coordinator – staff person at Handsworth
responsible for coordinating the extra-curricular athletic program at the
school. Handsworth Staff Information
Athletic Leadership – grade 11/12 elective credit course
which provides students the opportunity to take a leadership role in the school
athletics and intramural programs.
Blue/Gold – school colours, also used to denote beginning
and advanced levels in music and sport teams, especially at grade eight level.
Choices – The Choices program supports Handsworth students
with social/emotional and/or behavioural circumstances that may act as a
barrier to school success. Students work with grade counsellors and the Choices
team to recognize learning barriers, understand the genesis of the barriers,
and strategize on possible solutions.
Course Programming Meetings – in February, counselors make
in-class visits with students and hold information evenings for parents to
provide information and advice on course planning for the following academic
year. Courses and Programs
Clubs – vary from year to year depending on interests of
students. Each club must have a teacher sponsor and be approved by the Student
Council. Student Clubs
Foundry - Support, Counselling and connection to other Foundry services.
Foundry North Shore North & West Vancouver
Go Card/ID Card – the name for the student photo identification
card, supplied by the school after photo day. The Go Card allows students to
purchase bus passes and tickets at concession rates.
Grad Council – grade 12 student group with teacher sponsor
that organizes school-sanctioned grad events and fundraisers.
Handsworth Newsletter – Royal News is the electronic school
newsletter sent to parents via email each month. Handsworth Newsletters - Royal News
Homeroom – each student is assigned a “homeroom” teacher and
classroom at the start of the year. Students assemble in this class on the
first day of school to receive paperwork for parents and then return on various
occasions throughout the year for other documents or important information.
Heritage Fair –showcase of individual and group grade 10
social studies projects featuring aspects of Canadian History, held each year.
Interim Reports – issued throughout the year at teachers’
discretion to keep students/parents informed on student progress.
Grade Eight Parents’ Night – Each September grade 8 parents
have the opportunity meet their children’s teachers as they tour the school
following a condensed version of their students’ timetables. Hospitality is
sponsored by the HPAC. Grade 7 to 8 Transition
Parent Teacher Interviews – held in Term 1 and Term 2.
Interview requests are made via an online system School Appointments On-Line.
Parent Volunteers – parents are involved in the school in
many capacities. Parent Advisory Councils are the legislated (BC School Act) as
the parent voice at the school level. At HPAC meetings we have parent
representatives from the Handsworth Music Parents Association, the Athletic
Council, and Canadian Parents for French. We receive Drama news from Drama
parent volunteers and regularly invite sports team parent volunteers to share
their news at our meetings. NVSD Volunteers in Schools policy Parent Volunteers
Passport to Education - Ministry of Education program,
phased-out 2015, that recognized academic achievement in grades 10-12 meeting
specific criteria. Passport “stamps”
were awarded to students which could be redeemed for specific $ amounts towards
post-secondary tuition. Please visit the BC Ministry of Education Provincial Scholarships, and the Handsworth Student Scholarship pages for more information.
Peak Performance -
North Vancouver School district enhanced program that affords students who are
high level athletes or performers the opportunity to balance their academic
schedule with the demands of competition and training. Peak Performance
Peer Tutoring – academic support available for junior
students provided at lunch and after school (and sometimes in the Learning
Centre) by trained senior students.
Peer Tutoring 12 and Teacher Assistant 12 – elective credit course designed for grade
12s to volunteer as peer tutors to grade 8 and 9 students.
Photo Day – professional school photographers come to the
school to take photos of all students. Parents may order photo packages. All
students will receive a Handsworth photo identification card, known as a Go
Card. Student portraits may be ordered through ARTONA Handsworth School Photos.
Pink Shirt Day – student-led anti-bullying initiative with
national connections. Pink Shirt Day
Planning 10/12 – required courses for graduation. Goal of
Planning 10 is to enable students to develop responsible decision-making skills
in the area of education/career, health and finances. Planning 12 further
supports students in education and career planning and in Graduation Transition
Royals Gear – Handsworth logo wear and accessories marketed
by senior business students. Royals Gear
Royals Athletic Hot Lunch – the Handsworth Royals Athletic Hot Lunch Program runs three days per
week by a parent volunteer group to raise funds for athletic programs. Orders for the lunch program may be placed through Munch-A-Lunch.
Royal Recognition assemblies held in May/June, for students
receiving special student and/or school nominated awards.
Santa’s Breakfast – student council led event for Grade 8s and Handsworth Family of Schools,
admission by donation of food item for Christmas Hamper.
Safe Grad – organized by parents, this “dry after grad” is
not an official school event.
Scholarships – many opportunities exist for students seeking
financial support for post-secondary pursuits. Financial Assistance
and Scholarships
School Nurse – Vancouver Coastal Health supports a
Comprehensive School Health framework. A public health nurse is assigned to
Handsworth and is available to students by contacting the Nurse On-Call at 604-983-6754. The Nurse
can provide support, education and referral as required on issues of healthy
living, sexual health, mental health, anxiety, and disordered eating. School Nurse
School Plan – each year the School prepares a plan that
develops, monitors, and reviews, the school’s goals for improving student
achievement. The substance of the school plan reflects the goals of the North
Vancouver school district while respecting the unique circumstances of the
school. Handsworth School Plan
Senior Formal – formal dinner dance for grade 11 and 12
students held in late January each year, this is not an official school event.
Service Hours – refers to (i) the 30 hours of paid or
volunteer work experience that are a part of the “Graduation Transitions”
requirement for graduation. Students may start accumulating (and documenting) these
hours in grade 10 (ii) volunteer hours accumulated by grade 8-12 students in
service to the school.
Sports Team Parent Volunteers – the extra-curricular
athletic program at Handsworth appreciates and values the support of volunteer
parent groups. Parent volunteers are involved in such activities as team
management, transportation, concessions and fundraising. Terms of reference for
these groups may be found in the Athletic Handbook on the Handsworth School
Site. Volunteers
Strachan Hartley Run - charity run held each fall at
Handsworth in memory of Handsworth alumnus Strachan Hartley who died from
cancer at age 30. The run raises funds for the Strachan Hartley Legacy
Foundation which provides youth with opportunities to achieve their full
potential through sports and education. Strachan Hartley Foundation
Student Council – the council is formed of two
representatives from grades 8 to 10, one each from grades 11 and 12, and an
executive council and members-at-large made up of grade 11 and 12 students. The
council’s purpose is to unite the student body, promote school spirit, and
support student needs. It organizes events, approves new clubs, and undertakes
special projects. Elections are held near the end of the year, with the
exception of the grade 8 reps that are elected in the fall. Student Council
Student Leadership Council – council formed of
representatives from each secondary school in the North Vancouver School
District. District Student Leadership Council
Take our Kids to Work Day – Grade 9 Take Our Kids to Work is
an annual program in which Grade 9 students are hosted by parents, friends,
relatives and volunteers at workplaces across the country every November. The
program supports career development by helping students connect school, the
world of work, and their own futures. Take Our Kids to Work
Volunteers in Schools – The North Vancouver board of
Education believes "the active involvement of parents in a volunteer role
has the potential to provide considerable benefit to the intellectual and
social development of students". North Vancouver School District Volunteer Policy
Youth Awards (DNV) – the District of North Vancouver has
designated a number of awards to recognize the contributions of Youth to our
community and to commend those who support and develop youth. District of North Vancouver Civic Youth Awards
Youth Outreach Workers – provide one to one support and
advocacy for teens. Youth workers hold office hours at Handsworth and can be
reached after school too. More information
Youth Week – celebrated the first week of May to promote and
raise awareness of the positive contributions of youth in our community. More