École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Careers 9

The Careers 9 curriculum is delivered through both large group assemblies and smaller group activities throughout the school year. Students will participate in Take Our Kids to Work Day in November. Students will also participate in a Junior Achievement workshop. Lastly, students will participate in a workshop on the value of volunteering​

Take Our Kids to Work Day (TOKW) Assignment

During the month of November each Grade 9 student will take part in the Take Our Kids to Work (TOKTW) Day.  

What is the program about? Launched in 1994 by The Learning Partnership, Take Our Kids to Work Day is the most recognized career exploration event in Canada.

Take Our Kids to Work Day is an experiential learning opportunity for Grade 9 students across Canada. Students spend the day at the workplace of a parent, relative, friend, or volunteer host. Through Take Our Kids to Work Day, students are able to witness the world of work firsthand, prompting early career planning, and enabling students to make informed decisions pertaining to their future goals and endeavours. We will be keeping everyone safe and going virtual for this school year.