École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Grad 2025 and Grade 12 Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Grad 2025 and Grade 12 Information

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Graduation 2024 Information Letter to Grade 12 Families and Students: 

Grad Information - April 2024.pdf 

​​Grad 2024 Information posted May 27, 2024
1.  Banquet Tables
    • The tables are typed out on a spreadsheet. 
    • Please come to Room 2021 THIS WEEK and check off your name​ (week of May 27 to 30)
    • Put a checkmark beside your name once you have checked 3 things:
      • correct spelling of names
      • correct people are sitting at your table​
      • your parents are accounted for, if they're attending the banquet
      • table number is noted and will be remembered to minimize any confusion on the banquet night.

​​​​​2​.  Life- Threatening Allergies
    • ​​​If you or any member of your family/guests have allergies that are life-threatening (eg: celiac or severe nut allergy) please message Ms. Frith with: 
      • First and Last Name + Table Number.  
      • The Westin will provide you with your own meal and place setting. 
Vegetarians, pescatarians and gluten free do NOT need to notify me. There are options in the buffet dinner.

3.  Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal is on Wednesday, June 5 at 7:30 am
Breakfast is provided (prepared by Grad parents at no cost to grads)
      • Please PICK UP YOUR GOWNS: 7:45 - 8:15 am outside the main office.  
      • Do NOT forget this as gowns will not be handed out on the day of the ceremony.  We will have packed everything up by then.  
Any questions?  Please email Ms. Frith sfrith@sd44.ca


Friday, June 14 - 6:00 pm Westin Bayshore, Vancouver

Graduates and guests - you must purchase a ticket ($150 pp) for the banquet to attend via School Cash On-Line​ ​​
Tickets Sales close May 10
IF you wish to have a table of 12, you must hand in your form and proof of payment to Ms. Frith by Wednesday, May 8 15:00
There will be a LOTTERY for tables of 12 as there are only 10 tables of 12.
All other students who wish for a table of 11 people or less, you sign up in Room 2021 at Lunchtime between May 21-24.  Proof of purchase and forms are required.  First come, first serve


​Location:     Queen Elizabeth Theatre
                      630 Hamilton St, Vancouver, BC V6B 5N6

Date:     Monday, June 10, 2024 7:00 pm

Graduates:  6:00 pm
Lobby opens:  6:00 pm
Auditorium opens:  ​6:30 pm​

All guests and family members must purchase a $10 ticket by May 29 via School Cash On-Line​ ​​
You will receive your tickets for the Grad Ceremony at the Grad Rehearsal & Breakfast when caps and gowns are distributed .  ​

​Graduation Rehearsal and Breakfast:  Wednesday, June 5 at 7:30 am Grand Commons

Any​ questions?  Email Ms. Frith at sfrith@sd44.ca​.


Grad 2024 Parent Committee
Grad 2024 Parent Committee Communications form is no longer accepting responses.

Grad 2024 and Grade 12 Information

Grade 12 Parent/Guardian Information Meeting

Topics:  Graduation and post secondary opportunities

Thursday, October 5, 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the Handsworth Theatre

​Letter to Grad 2024 Families:  ​Grad 2024 Information Letter 2023Sep27.pdf

​Did you miss the meeting or wish to review the notes?  Grade 12 Information Evening - October 5, 2023.pdf


Would you like to be considered for a school based award?

 If you would like to be considered for a school based award, please complete this form by January 31, 2024 at 11:45pm.

We will not be chasing students down to apply for these awards, so please remind yourself of the deadline.
Only those students who complete the application form will be considered for awards. https://forms.office.com/r/tEC3sd3Pcq

Learn more about school based awards on the Handsworth Scholarships and Opportunities page​.


public display of affection (2).jpg
​​      Public Display of Affection - Grad PDA

Grade 2024 Public Displays of Affection (PDA) allow parents/guardians to have a personal message to your graduating student published in the Yearbook. The PDA consists of two parts (a favourite photo and a personalized statement of affection and pride). If interested, please email your high-resolution digital image (jpeg format only) and maximum 150 word statement (no poems that exceed 5 lines) to handsworthpda​@gmail.com.

Cost $42.00 please pay online through School Cash Online, due March 1, 2024.




The information here is non-negotiable and all deadlines must be met – no exceptions.

Late submissions for anything will not be included.


  1.  GRAD WRITE-UPS and BABY PICTURES are optional.
  2.  You only get a GRAD WRITE-UP in the Yearbook if you have had a proper GRAD PHOTO in a gown taken at Artona.
  3. If you do not get a proper Grad Photo with a gown, your Go-Card Picture will be used with no Grad Write-Up.
  4. GRAD WRITE-UPS and BABY PICTURES for the Yearbook are due Thursday, February 15th, 2024. No late submissions will be included. To submit your WRITE-UP and BABY PICTURE, use the QR code or link available in the CLC 12 Teams under the “Grad Yearbook 2023-2024" channel. No submissions to teacher email or yearbook staff will be accepted.
  5. GRAD WRITE-UPS can be a maximum of 350 characters including spaces, punctuation, letters, and numbers (NOTE – that is 350 characters, NOT 350 words).  Your write-up CANNOT have any abbreviations, initials, slang, social media handles/hashtags, timestamp TV episodes/movies, lyrics from explicit songs, bullying, innuendos, negative comments about the school or anything that is inappropriate for a school publication.
  6. You will not be contacted for a second opportunity to re-write your submission, should your write-up be rejected. If you include anything that is considered inappropriate for a school publication, you do not get to have a GRAD WRITE-UP.  It will simply not be included, and you will not be notified.
  7. You have one submission – you cannot submit a GRAD WRITE-UP and then change or resubmit it – this causes too much chaos and unnecessary work for the yearbook team.
  8. Edit your GRAD WRITE-UP and have several people proof-read it!  It will be in print forever!
  9. BABY PICTURE must be submitted as a high-resolution jpeg.  If you are scanning a picture, make sure that you crop it and submit it in the proper orientation.
  10. PLEASE get your GRAD PHOTO taken between December 12th - 17th, 2023 during the times set aside for Handsworth Graduates. These dates are published in the school calendar. If you need a retake, this must be done by February 2nd, 2024 and you will pay an additional sitting fee.
  11. SHARE THIS INFO WITH ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!! Too many late submissions did not get included last year.
  12. There are 2 sections to the Grad section of the yearbook – make sure you read this carefully so that you know where you will be placed in the book.

There will be no exceptions made for students in terms of where they are placed in the yearbook. You will be placed based on what you submit. Please contact Ms. Scott-Desfosses for clarification.



A.  If you have had a proper GRAD PHOTO in a gown, you will be included alphabetically like this:

 Grad Photo with Writeup.png

If NO WRITE-UP is received, yearbook staff will provide a message that will appear instead.

B.  If you have NOT had a proper GRAD PHOTO in a gown, you will be included alphabetically like this with your Go-Card Picture (after those in the previous section).​

 Grad Photo no Writeup.png

Submit your GRAD WRITE-UP by scanning this QR code or click here for the Grad 2024 Yearbook Write-Up Submission Form​.

Grad 2024 Write up Submission QR.png

Grade Retakes DUE Friday, February 2, 2024!
