École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District


Need help accessing your school email (sd44.ca), Microsoft Teams or MyEducation?

​Looking for your student email address?     _ _ _ _ _ _ s@sd44.ca
Provide your full name, grade and e-mail handsworth@sd44.ca
Primary student email addresses are now ALL school email addresses ( _ _ _ __ _ s@sd44.ca).  Personal email addresses have been replaced with your school email address.

 Please regularly check your school email for all correspondence.  

Guide for student access to School District sd44.ca  emailUsing Your SD44 Student Email Account
Student Guide to installing Office 365 and Microsoft Teams on your home computerHome Installation & Frequently Asked Questions
​Guide for Student access to Microsoft TeamsAccessing Teams​
MyEducation ​BC Family Portal. Logging into Student Account
MyEducation BC Portal Tips & Resources

Questions???   E-mail handsworth@sd44.ca