École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Student Council

​​​​​​​​​​​Handsworth Student Council

Student Council Logo small.png

Do you have questions about the Handsworth Student Council or wish to know about upcoming Student Council activities?​
Follow us on instagram:  ​HSS STUDENT COUNCIL

​​​​​​​​​​Handsworth Student Council​ 2024 - 2025

​Executive Council​​​


​William Millard
Estelle Sim
Zeyus Spenta
​Malan Vandenberg
Moses Kim
​Communications Coordinators
​Charlie Lernout
Hy Pollock
​Club Coordinator
​Olivia Eddy
​Diversity Representative
​Sogol Kazimi
​Arts/Athletic Representative
​Cole Thompson

​​Grade Representatives​​

​Grade 11

​Muriel An
Russell Ferguson
Leon Liem

​Grade 10

​Nikolas Erl
Ava Huang
Flora Kim
Parto Nenati

​Grade 9

​Blake Dhaliwal
Hana Hirai
Charis Sfikas

​Grade 8

Kaycee Hartvigsen
Cherry Hau


​​Members at Large​​

​Grade 10 Members at Large

​Helena Bahramirad
Ava Spenta

​Grade 11 Members at Large

​Sage Lee
Neo Rötterink
Alex Selent 

​Grade 12 Member at Large
​Mariia Kravchenko

​​​Student Council Teacher Sponsors
Ms. Kelly Jackson  kjackson@sd44.ca
Ms. Marianne Macario  mmacario@sd44.ca​




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