Highlands Athletic Program
In the first term, from September to November, Highlands may sponsor Basketball, and Cross-Country Running as activities available to our intermediate students. In the second term, from January to March, we sponsor Volleyball, and in the third term, April to June, we provide an extensive Track and Field program for intermediate students and a kilometre Club for students from kindergarten to Grade 7. In addition, Highlands may develop and organize a house team program for younger grades, who will play during the lunch hour twice a week.
Students are informed of the opportunity to indicate their interest in playing a sport by signing up on a registration sheet which is provided before the beginning of each term. This is an inclusive program. We do not hold try-outs because we support the concept that all students are entitled to participate in our program. However, students may be assessed and placed on a team level, which best matches their level of ability.
Parents are encouraged to participate in our program by offering to help coach, assist with supervision, or simply to attend games, and events and cheer our students in their efforts.