North Vancouver School District Code of Conduct
NVSD Code of Conduct (
North Vancouver School District's Code of Conduct has been established to maintain a safe, caring, accessible, and healthy learning environment.
It is the shared responsibility of students, staff, parents/guardians, and the broader community, to demonstrate positive conduct while attending any school or district related activity, at any location.
All members of the school community are expected to:
- Support learning and attendance.
- Demonstrate safety.
- Respect property, environment, personal space, and privacy.
- Model courtesy, compassion, and respect.
- Value diversity.
- Treat self and all other members of the school and broader community respectfully.
All members of the school community must refrain from engaging in any in-person or digital communication or participating in behaviour that is considered to be:
- Interfering with the learning and working of others.
- Bullying, harassing, intimidating, retaliating, discriminating or violent.
- Unsafe or illegal; including the possession, use, or distribution of illegal or restricted substances or the possession of weapons or replicas.
All members of the school community are expected to:
Comply with the purpose and spirit of the BC Human Rights Code, including not engaging in discriminatory conduct based on Indigenous identity, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or that group or class of persons.
Wear clothing that does not promote or symbolize illegal substances or activities, hate or discrimination, profanity, pornography; or that incites violence, harassment, or threatens safety.
Leave personal digital devices at home, in their bag/backpack, and/or in their locker during instructional time. Allowances may be made by the staff for instructional purposes, digital literacy, appropriate use based on age and developmental stage, accommodations within a student's Individualized Education Plan, accessibility, medical and health needs, and/or equitable support for learning outcomes.
Every effort will be made to support individuals and to determine the root causes of behaviour. If the safety or educational program of others is compromised, or if there is an ongoing failure to meet the expectations of the Code of Conduct, a range of consequences will follow. Whenever possible, incidents will be resolved by discussion, community service, restorative processes, referral to counselling and/or support services, mediation, and restitution, but may involve loss of privileges, detention, suspension from school, and/or collaboration with community partners. Confidentiality will be maintained; however, school officials may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct (e.g. school district officials, law enforcement, and/or other agencies, etc.).
The school will take all reasonable steps to prevent any form of retaliation against a student or staff member who has brought a complaint forward of a breach of the Code of Conduct.
Factors such as the severity and frequency of the concerning behaviour(s), as well as the age, maturity, and ability of the person(s) involved, will be considered. In most cases, as people mature, there is the expectation of increased responsibility and self-discipline; therefore, progressively increasing consequences for concerning behaviour may apply.
Considerations apply to those who may not be able to adhere to the Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.
All members of the North Vancouver School District community have the right to be treated fairly and consistently and should know and understand this Code of Conduct.
Seycove Code of Conduct Extensions
Aligned with, and in addition to, the School District's Code of Conduct for students, staff, and community members, all members of the Seycove school community are expected to read, understand, and abide by our school specific expectations and guidelines.
Seycove Secondary School is a kind, caring, and safe environment where students and staff experience freedom from harm and discrimination. The rich expression of diversity includes but is not limited to differences in physical, cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural abilities, socioeconomic status, race, religion and cultural, sexual orientation and gender. Our diversity is also richly enhanced by our students of Indigenous ancestry. Anti-bullying measures will ensure all students enjoy a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environment.
The NVSD Code of Conduct and School Expectations provide guidelines for student behaviour while under the jurisdiction of the school: during the school day, while travelling to and from school, and during any school-sponsored activity or event. It also extends to student behaviour off school property, outside of regular school hours, and online that may have a negative impact on the learning environment of the school, on the safety or learning of one or more students, or on the reputation of the school. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to themselves and to Seycove at all times. Students are subject to all the same expectations as if they were at school.
This code of conduct reflects the expectations of the school community and is reviewed annually to monitor emerging situations that may contribute to school safety. Students, staff, and parents/guardians are required to know and understand the school rules, acceptable behaviors and the consequences for any misconduct. There are rising expectations for student behaviour as students become older, more mature and move through the grades. Students are expected to take responsibility for their actions and can expect increasingly significant consequences for any inappropriate behaviours as they get older.
- Demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviour.
- Participate actively and to the best of their ability in school programs.
- Follow the instructions of all staff embers.
- Attend school on a regular basis and be on time to classes.
- Be respectful to all others.
- Respect the property and personal space of others.
- Participate in appropriate decision-making.
- Seek guidance and support from an adult when facing challenges.
The use of personal digital devices at schools is PROHIBITED during class time.
(NVSD Community Agreement)
Keep personal devices AWAY (in the locker or at home) and OFF during class time
Come to class Ready to Learn
Focus on Instruction without Distraction
Follow the Directions of Staff
Be Present as a Learner
Connect with your Community (not your device)
Support your Mental Health by taking a Digital Break
Keep yourself Safe Online
For instructional purposes as directed by your teacher
When your Learning Plan indicates your need for access
During school breaks and lunchtime
The school will not be held responsible for physical damage, loss or theft of personally-owned digital devices and/or cell phones.
Student attendance is the shared responsibility of parents, students and staff. Parents/guardians have the responsibility to ensure their child's attendance at school and to communicate with the school regarding their child's absences or tardiness.
Students are expected to report to classes on time - prepared to work and to participate. Regular attendance is essential for success in school. When students are away from school, we ask parents to notify the school by telephone or e-mail. When unexplained absences occur the school contacts the parents daily by telephone and e-mail through our synervoice system. Please ensure current e-mail addresses are on file at the school. Regardless of the reason for absence, it is the student's responsibility to catch up on missed work.
Excessive absences may lead to school support plan that includes the following actions:
- An inquiry from a teacher; required attendance during tutorial time; a phone call home; an interim report sent home.
- A meeting with the grade counsellor and/or the grade administrator.
- A meeting with parent/guardian and the grade counsellor and/or administrator.
- Poor attendance could lead to a School Based Resource Team and District Resource Team Referral and alternate educational placements may be found.
Extended Absences/Vacations During School Time
Some families may choose to vacation while school is in session, Seycove reminds families that absences will have a significant impact on student learning.
Removing your child from school for a family vacation is not in the best interest of their academic or social needs, even if they are successful learners. Students very quickly get behind, fall out of the pattern of attending and can feel stressed and anxious about getting caught up again. While it is understood that some families may choose to vacation while school is in session, the Seycove staff does not condone such absences due to their impact on student learning. Missed class time and learning opportunities cannot be replicated and some activities, ongoing assessments, and assignments may be impossible to “make-up.”
Students are responsible for all course Learning Standards including those missed during their time away; the student’s mark may be impacted. If a student is absent for family holidays or for other non-medical reasons, the school and teaching staff are not expected to make special arrangements for missed work and tests.
The responsibility for the decision to take a student out of school for vacation, and the consequences that result, rest solely with the student and their parent/guardian. While the school does not give approval for such absences, it is still necessary to communicate to the school and teachers about any planned absences.
Ultimately, being absent may impact a student's grade or proficiency indicator. The School District publishes the school calendar in advance with the hope to avoid conflict around missing classes and to prioritize students' access to learning.
Have your child book an appointment to meet with their teacher(s) upon return. Please note, teachers will not be able to provide one on one lessons for students who have missed classes. Missed class time and learning opportunities cannot be replicated. It may not be possible to make up activities and assignments missed, nor may it be possible to provide work ahead of time.
Students arriving late to class create an unnecessary disruption which affects the learning of all students in the classroom. Students who are late for class MUST report to the classroom immediately, knock on the classroom door, and wait for the teacher to admit them. A note explaining the student's lateness may be required. Students are responsible for all work missed. Habitual lateness will be dealt with in the same manner as absenteeism.
Why is attendance so important? See Attendance Matters at:
Reporting Absences
Absences can be e-mailed to
Attendance call line is available 24 hours a day at 604-903-3673
Students and staff have access to the school district's network resources, including an individual user account, a numbered school district email, office 365* and internet service. District resources should not be used for personal use
Students have a responsibility to respect and protect themselves and others by following the NVSD Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.
Cheating is the use of unauthorized materials, items, or devices to gain an unfair advantage in schoolwork (especially tests), and includes copying another’s work, and allowing one’s work to be copied by another.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves claiming another’s ideas or writing as one’s own without proper acknowledgement. The term applies equally to an entire assignment, or any part of it. Submitting assignments done by others, including assignments downloaded from the web without references will be seen as a form of academic dishonesty.
AI: Students using any unacknowledged content generated by artificial intelligence within an assessment, assignment, or project as though it is their own work constitutes academic misconduct, unless explicitly stated by the teacher that AI can be used.
Students involved in any form of cheating, plagiarism, or unsanctioned sharing of work may have a range of consequences:
- No credit for the work or assignment with no opportunity for makeup;
- A phone call home to inform parents/guardians;
- A record of the incident in the student's discipline file;
- Ineligibility to receive awards and scholarships;
- Ineligibility to have a reference letter written by the administration.
Each day Seycove welcomes students to campus and takes care to provide a safe and healthy environment focused on learning and personal development. To that end students found using, possessing, or being with others involved with drugs, vape/vape products, at school or at school-sponsored events, may be suspended. Such actions may also include police involvement. Subsequent involvement in drugs or alcohol will require a re-entry plan to return to school. Any student found supplying drugs or alcohol to others may be suspended and referred to an outside agency and/or the police.
This is in accordance with Section 2.2 of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, effective September 1, 2016, the use of tobacco and vapour products is banned on all public and private K-12 schools in British Columbia. A person must not smoke, nor be with others involved in smoking or using tobacco products or e-cigarettes, nor hold lighted tobacco or activated e-cigarettes, in or on school property.
This ban extends to all school property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of whether school is in session. The ban also includes vehicles, parking lots, sports fields, driveways, courtyards, and private vehicles parked on school property.
If vaping on school property, a range of consequences may apply:
• Meeting with administration, contact with parent/guardian, and vapes and vaping substances will be confiscated, and students may work at home for the remainder of the day.
• For a first incident, students may have an in-school suspension for up to 3 days. A second incident of vaping may result in more severe consequences including suspension out of school.
• As with any incident contravening the school code of conduct, the opportunity to participate in athletics, extracurricular activities or participation on field trips may be restricted.
• Bystanders may also be subject to these consequences.
Students are not permitted to visit any other school while school is in session. Students are also not permitted to invite students form other schools to Seycove during the school day. Do not invite unauthorized visitors. All visitors must report to the office upon arrival.