The Sutherland Code of Conduct was developed in collaboration with staff, students and parents of the school. It reflects the school's intention to preserve a safe and caring environment for purposeful learning and social interaction for all students and staff. Expectations for student behaviour and participation in active learning are based on requirements and expectations of the School Act of British Columbia (Sections 6, 10, 85, 91), the prohibitive grounds of discrimination set out in the BC Human Rights Code, the Board of School Trustees of North Vancouver School District (Policy 302), and of Sutherland School staff and administration. This Code of Conduct applies at school and school sponsored-events or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school environment, including but not limited to aggressive behaviours such as bullying, “cyber" hate messaging and websites created outside of school.
Sutherland expects that all students will conduct themselves according to the student code of conduct.
It is each student's responsibility to review and ensure they understand the Code of Conduct. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for behaviour.
Students can expect to be treated fairly and judiciously for any misconduct which threatens the wellbeing, safety, or learning of others in the school. For repeat violations or serious breaches of the Student Code of Conduct, a student may be referred to the District Resource Team for recommended placement in an alternative educational setting. In some cases, a re-entry plan will need to be completed prior to the student's return to school.
As students progress through secondary school, there is a heightened expectation that they will make more mature decisions and there is an increased responsibility for students to demonstrate appropriate behaviour. Where appropriate, age and maturity will be considered when dealing with disciplinary matters and their consequences.
We expect all students to treat staff, student peers, community members, and neighbours with respect. Lack of respect for others or their property will not be tolerated. Some examples of disrespectful or irresponsible behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Disrespect for the authority and classroom rules of teachers and all other staff of the school. This includes defiance or failure to comply immediately with an authorized and reasonable direction including a request by an adult to immediately report to the office.
- Disturbance at school, on school grounds, or at a school function or unsafe activities in and on school structures (e.g. the school roof, fences, storage containers, stairwells, railings, blocking entranceways, etc.);
- Unauthorized gatherings on or adjacent to the school grounds, specifically those that disturb the privacy of nearby residents or that reflect poorly on the public image of the school;
- Contribution to garbage or litter build up in the school and community;
- Possessing, distributing and/or discharging firecracker/fireworks.;
- Misuse of school equipment or school property;
- Use of the school name or logos without written permission or in association with unsanctioned activities.
Incidents or threats of fighting, bullying, violence will not be tolerated. Students involved directly or indirectly in any of these behaviours can expect disciplinary action from the school, and such actions may include police involvement.
The school staff expects all students to behave in a socially responsible manner and solve their problems with productive and safe conflict resolution. Violence is defined as the actual use or threatened use of physical, verbal, cyber or emotional power against individuals or groups that results in physical and/or psychological harm, or is harmful to the social well-being of an individual or group of individuals. Students who fight or encourage others to fight are putting themselves and others at risk. Moreover, rough housing or consensual “play fighting" is not allowed at school or anywhere on school grounds. It can be difficult to distinguish from “real" fighting, and it can be dangerous around other students or near to school facilities and equipment.
A weapon is defined as any instrument designed to inflict injury or to intimidate another person, or any instrument that is used in this manner. The possession and/or use of weapons on or near school property is a serious threat to the safety and security of students and staff and will result in immediate consequence. Toy guns, weapons, and replicas are by their very nature intimidating, can be confusing, and are not allowed on school premises at any time. This includes occurrences such as costume days or student skits.
Our school should be a kind and caring environment where students and staff experience freedom from harm and discrimination because of their ethnicity, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, gender identity or expression, disability, physical or mental diversity (including mental health), sexual orientation, culture, age, or class of persons. Anti-bullying and harassment measures will ensure all students and staff enjoy a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment. Expectations for student behaviour and participation in active and positive learning are based on requirements set out by the School Act of British Columbia, The B.C. Human Rights Code, the Policies and Procedures of the North Vancouver School District, and the rules and Code of Conduct developed by school staff and the Sutherland school community. Rules to ensure a discrimination free environment are also designed to establish and maintain appropriate balances among individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
Students who damage, vandalize, or steal school property or the property of others may be disciplined and expected to pay for replacement or repairs. Anyone who accidentally damages something or witnesses damage around the school should inform the office or a staff member immediately.
The school is protected by a network of safety equipment that includes fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke-heat detectors, and a fire sprinkler system. Students must not tamper or play with this safety equipment, nor deliberately cause false alarm, as this can be dangerous to the safety of the entire school.
Harassment involves any unwelcome or unwanted act or comment that is hurtful, degrading, humiliating or offensive to another person. Sexual harassment is the same with a sexual nature. Intimidation is the act of instilling fear in someone as a means of controlling that person.
Acts of intimidation and harassment will not be ignored nor treated lightly. Incidents such as verbal abuse, hazing, bullying, taunting, and/or inappropriate physical touching will not be tolerated. Students who incite others to engage in inappropriate behaviours, or who seek retribution against those who have reported incidents, may also face discipline. When any of these actions are carried out through electronic communication or cyber-bullying (e.g. by phone or Internet), even outside of school hours and off school property, the school may still act when the welfare and learning environment of the school students is potentially at risk. Students involved directly or indirectly in any of these behaviours can expect disciplinary action from the school, including referral to police and outside authorities.
School is a place of learning; therefore, students must not be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol at any time at school or a school event. Students found using, possessing, or supplying others with illegal drugs or alcohol at school or at school-sponsored events will be suspended. Please note that if residual evidence or other indicators lead staff to suspect drug or alcohol use, students may still face disciplinary action as staff will not discriminate between direct and indirect exposure to prohibited substances. It is for this reason and others that students should not remain in the company of those using or involved with drugs or alcohol.
Students are required to turn off/silence their phones and store them in their backpacks or lockers during class time unless they have been given express permission to use their phone by a staff member. Students are free to use their phones during breaks or lunch. Students who violate this policy will have their phone confiscated until the end of the school day. Students who repeatedly violate this policy may be asked to leave their phone at home.
In accordance with Section 2.2 of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, in effect September 1, 2016, the use of tobacco and vapour products is banned on all public and private kindergarten to Grade 12 schools in British Columbia. A person must not smoke or use tobacco/e-cigarettes, or hold lighted tobacco/activated e-cigarettes in or on school property. This ban extends to all school property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of whether or not school is in session. The ban on Vapes and accessories is in effect throughout the entire school and school grounds including parking lots, sports fields, trails, and private vehicles parked on school property. If any student is found to be using Tobacco and/or Vapour products, those products will be confiscated and not returned to students. Parent / Guardians will be called and will be provided the opportunity to pick-up the confiscated property.
Staff who suspect students of cheating on assessments or handing in assignments completed by other individuals without appropriate acknowledgement, or otherwise being academically dishonest, will inform the grade administrator and the incident will be investigated. Students should understand that taking these kinds of short-cuts does not help them to learn or achieve their academic potential. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can have legal implications. Moreover, it brings into question one's character and integrity.
What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty?
The following are just some of the common actions considered to be academically dishonest. This is not an exhaustive list.
- Submitting assignments or work which was copied or acquired from another student or source and presented as your own;
- Failing to cite or document quoted or paraphrased material or ideas written by someone else;
- Knowingly sharing or providing your work to another student;
- Submitting the same schoolwork or assignment more than once, without the prior permission of the teacher,
- Any attempt to write an exam or assessment using unauthorized information or communication in any form to another person other than an exam invigilator;
- Allowing another student to view one's test or exam;
- Illegally obtaining or looking at an examination prior to, or during the exam. This includes texting answers or electronically copying parts of a test or assignment;
- Knowingly helping another student to cheat.
Consequences for Academic Dishonesty
Potential Consequences for 1st INCIDENCE of Academic Dishonesty:
- not being given credit for the test or assignment
- other classroom level consequences may be designated by the classroom teacher
- grade administrator and parent / guardian contact
- conduct entry on student information system
- other teachers of student made aware of student behaviour
- deemed ineligible for recognition, awards, and/or scholarships
- declined requests for reference letters
A subsequent incident in any course may result in:
- a letter in the student's permanent file
- a failing grade and/or removal from the course
Students who contravene the school Code of Conduct will face discipline meant to deter and correct their behaviour. If an incident occurs, the student will meet with their grade administrator. The Administrator will listen to their perspective, ask questions, investigate, and will determine if discipline is required. The school's disciplinary consequences will:
- be rational and reasonable,
- be consistent and fair to both the offender and the victim,
- be corrective and progressive,
- be preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive.
Student misbehavior and contravention of the Code of Conduct falls on a continuum of seriousness: the less serious end is exemplified by an occasional lateness to class; the more serious end by violence with a weapon. These two extremes imply a graduated range of misbehaviour and necessitate a corresponding range of disciplinary consequences. The school will account for factors such as:
- the severity and frequency of the offence(s),
- the age, maturity, and ability of the student.
- Over time there is the expectation of increased responsibility and self-discipline; therefore, progressively increasing consequences for misbehaviour may apply.
In the most severe incidents, students may be required to serve a suspension (in-school or out-of-school), during which time learning will be completed in an alternate setting. Repeated suspensions may result in a referral to a District level resource team responsible for alternate school placement.
Students using the Gyms or Fitness room must be supervised by a staff member at all times. Students are asked to wear appropriate shoes in the gyms. Food and drinks are not permitted on the gym floors. In PHE classes, gym lockers are available, but the school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Items left unsecured may be stolen, so students must ensure that they secure their personal belongings.
Sutherland is fortunate to have access to a turf field. The turf field and track are shared with the community. Sutherland students and staff are expected to respect the posted rules for use. In particular, NO food or drink, other than water, is allowed on the track or the turf field. NO climbing on nets/goals.
Please do not encourage guests to visit our school or grounds without prior permission. For the safety of all, all visitors are required to check in at the Main office upon arrival at the school. Those visitors with a legitimate purpose for being at Sutherland will be asked to sign in and will receive a visitor badge. However, during instructional hours, students should not normally "visit" other schools, including Elementary schools.
Clothing is expected to be appropriate to a working and learning environment. The dress code is not meant to stifle freedom of expression, but to foster a supportive, respectful learning community. Student dress should not be unsafe, offensive, or include hateful language or images. Clothing with derogatory words, pictures, or logos that are sexist, racist, drug or alcohol related, profane, or violent are not acceptable. Students will be asked to change unacceptable clothing.
Students bringing vehicles to school may park in designated areas of the parking lot but not in those areas designated as staff, guest or handicapped spots. Sutherland is not responsible for vehicle damage or theft. Please respect the 15km/hr speed limit on school grounds. Anyone who drives in an unsafe manner around the school may be referred to the RCMP.
The school promotes active transportation to get to and from school. When you arrive, please safely store your transportation equipment in a secure location. Skateboard racks are provided in the cafeteria for students to store their board. Bike racks are also provided for students and are located in multiple locations. In both cases, students need to bring their own lock. Recreational use of Skateboards, longboards, hoverboards, scooters, rollerblades, bicycles, and any other student transportation is NOT permitted on school grounds.
You may NOT photograph, video, or audio record any student or staff member without their expressed consent and permission. Images or recordings may not be shared, published, or posted in any format in the interest of privacy. Be aware that school and/or network administrators have the right to inspect and monitor students' activities and files stored on the school server for security purposes.