Ta na wa Ns7éyxnitm tlá Teltíwet Westview Elementary
North Vancouver School District
News Archive

LOST and FOUND Parakeet

February 18, 2022
​This morning the children got a surprise visit from a lost Parakeet at the playground. He or she is very friendly and looked happy to be with people as if he/she was asking for help. We have taken the little one in and will contact the SPCA.
​If you lost your...

Superintendent's K-12 Mask Update

April 01, 2021

March 31, 2021 Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and Staff, Earlier this week Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry amended the existing provincial public health orders . The strengthened orders and guidelines are in effect through April 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., and details are included in this news...

Lost and Found

December 10, 2020
Do you recognize any of these items? If so, please ask your child to claim them at the Lost and Found table set up near the office.

Scholastic Book Fair

November 13, 2018
​ Mrs. Tolfo would like to invite parents to join her in the Library on Monday, Nov. 19 from 8:50 - 9:30am to introduce and peruse the book fair titles and treasures, for gift items for family or friends. This is also an opportunity to purchase. Students who wish to shop...

Westview PAC Munch a Lunch Ordering

November 01, 2018
​ You can now order your PAC organized hotlunches via Munch a lunch. Click on the link to get started!
https://munchalunch.com/schools/westview ...

Westview Scholastic Book Fair Nov 20 - 22

November 10, 2017
​ Schedule is as follows: Monday, November 20: Morning - 8:10 - 8:50; Lunch - 12:20 - 12:50; After School - 2:00 - 4:00 Tuesday, November 21: Morning - 8:10 - 8:50; Lunch - 12:20 - 12:50; After School - 3:00 - 4:00 Wednesday, November 22: Morning - 8:10 - 8:50;...

Westview FALL 2017 Recreation Activities

September 25, 2017
​ Registration begins @ 7am Wednesday, September 27 Westview Fall 2017 final.pdf

Parent Consent Forms Are Officially Online!

September 15, 2017
​ We are pleased to announce that four parent consent forms are officially available via School Cash Online. We kindly request all parents/guardians to login, fill out the forms and submit before September 21, 2017. Click here: https://sd44.schoolcashonline.com.

Parent Consent Forms Go Online

July 26, 2017
​ ​ Parents/guardians, on August 29, 2017 , four consent forms will be available via School Cash Online. If you don’t already have a School Cash Online account, we encourage you to register now. Click here:  https://sd44.schoolcashonline.com  Consent for all other forms is still provided on paper and you will receive...

Year End Message From The Superintendent

July 26, 2017
From: Mark Pearmain, Superintendent, North Vancouver School District

Dear Students, Staff and Parents/Guardians,    This school year has been truly inspirational for me as a new Superintendent. I am honoured to have been able to visit all 32 of our schools in the North Vancouver School District over the...

Have you accessed your child’s report card as yet?

July 11, 2017
​ All parents/guardians are urged to access their child’s report card on the MyEd BC parent portal.  Parents should save and/or print the 2016-2017 June report card for their own records, as all 2016-2017 report cards uploads, as per provincial regulations, expire on July 31, 2017.

School Supplies 2017-2018

March 30, 2017
​ Order forms came home on March 29 , and are due back on April 10 . Supplies will be delivered to the school around June 23. There is also the option to order supples online. The last date for online orders is Friday April 22 . The passcode for online...

Parent Teacher Conferences

February 28, 2017

Sign up for Parent-Teacher Confernces via doodle from 3pm starting Tuesday, February 28. Early dismissal at 2pm on Wednesday, March 8 and Thursday March 9​

Winter 2017 Recreation Activities

January 04, 2017
​North Shore Neighbourhood House and Westview Offer the folloiwng winter activities: Westview Winter 2017 Recreation Activities.pdf Registration begins on Wednesday, January 11.

Parent-Teacher-Student 3 Way Conference Feedback Survey

December 13, 2016
​Please click on the link to share your feeback on this important survey parent feedback - three way conference survey.pdf

Westview at the Grammys

December 06, 2016
Extra tickets will be available starting Friday, January 6
BandstandTicketsletter2017.pdf ...

Westview, Ridgeway and Queen Mary Community Lunch

September 23, 2016
Please see attached flyer Oct 2016.pdf

Westview, Queen Mary and Ridgeway Community Lunch

September 23, 2016
​When: Friday Oct. 14, 2016 Time: 12:00 - 1:30pm Location: Queen Mary Multipurpose room Main floor 230, West Keith Road Must Register by Tuesday October 11 to Maria Morrisseau, NSNH Community Programmer 604-290-2384 mmorisseau@nsnh.bc.ca

Westview FALL 2016 Recreation Activities

September 23, 2016
​Registration begins Wednesday September 28 at 7am Call Centre Registration: 604.987.PLAY (7529) In person registration: drop by your local recreation community centre Online registration: www.nvrc.ca Westview Fall 2016 Recreation Activities.pdf

Forms coming home Friday, September 9

September 09, 2016
Students will be coming home wit their package of forms today. Please return these to the school as soon as possible.​

Restored Welcome Figure unveiled at Westview Elementary

June 28, 2016
​ Eugene Harry, Shaker Church Minister with Squamish First Nation, performs a ceremony to unveil the newly restored Welcome Figure at Westview Elementary School.

Standing tall above the crowd of students, staff and parents who are gathered at the front of Westview Elementary School, the school's newly restored Welcome...

North Shore Youth Directory

February 25, 2016
The 3 NS municipalities have put together a useful directory for youth which includes children 10 years of age and up.
North Shore Youth Services Directory

Workshop for Parents at Westview - Monday Feb.15

February 01, 2016
" Sounds Good"​ (A Practical Workshop for Parents Helping their Child Use New Speech Sounds ) Offered by SD#44 Speech Language Pathologists, Phyllis Ferguson and Nicky Braund When: Monday, February 15 At: 7:45pm Please register for this workshop by calling (604)903-3590 or by e-mailing pferguson@sd44.ca to leave your name and contact...

When to Keep a Sick Child at home

January 20, 2016
Sneezes and Diseases Sneezes_And_Diseases_December_2014.pdf

We'd like to remind everyone of the importance of staying healthy as we are in the middle of our winter months. Please remember to wash your hands regularly especially beofre eating and after using the washroom. If your child is not well, please consider keeping...

Sorry, it's full - Let's Talk Shop - October 28, 2015

October 16, 2015
Building Capacity in Parents and Youth - Have you ever had trouble asking your teen those difficult and important questions? - Do you feel like you just don't understand them? Attend this free workshop and find out what's REALLY Going on for Youth.  Please join us for the opportunity to...

Kindergarten Parent Information Night

October 14, 2015
​An information evening will be held for parents of children beginning Kindergarten in September 2016. You are invited to join us at Centennial Theatre from 7:00 - 8:30 pm on Wednesday October 21st. The evening begins at 7:00 pm with a presentation in the theatre that includes: - an overview of...

Classroom Orientation Information for Div.1 and 2

September 25, 2015
Divisions 1 and 2 will be hosting a Classroom orientation for parents and guardians: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 from 7pm to 8pm in the Multi Purpose Room at the school. They will be presenting their curriculum for the year and providing information on how their unique classroom functions. This is an opoportunity...

Welcome Back Assembly and Meet the Teacher Event

September 14, 2015
​On Thursday September 17th, all families are welcome to attend a meet and greet in the gym led by Mrs. Leigh, the Principal, at 9:00 am. Families will get an opportunity to sit with their child's teacher and meet other parents from the child's class. Important community contacts will also be...

School Start up

September 04, 2015
Information about school start up Letter to Parents-2015 (Welcome Back).pdf

School Hours

September 02, 2015
​ Entry Bell 8:50 Instruction  Begins   8:55 Recess   10:15 – 10:35 Lunch     12:10 – 12:55 Dismissal  3:00​

2015-16 School Supply Lists Grades 4-7

September 02, 2015
​ S chool supppy lists for the 2015-16 school year can be found here:  Grades 4 to 7 Supply Lists​ EduPac supplies have already been ordered will be delivered to the school.  Families who elect to purchase supplies through other suppliers, please ensure all supplies are at school on September 10th, 2015.  Thank...

School Re-Opens on Tuesday September 8, 2015

September 02, 2015
​ ​Our entry bell will ring at 8:50 a.m. and students should meet in their last year's divisions.  New students will meet in the Library.  Students will be dismissed at 10:55 a.m. ​

School Hours

September 01, 2015
​ Entrance Bell 8:50 I nstruction     Begins      8:55 Recess   10:15 – 10:35 Lunch     12:10 – 12:55 Dismissal    3:00 ​

School Supply Lists for Grades 4-7

September 01, 2015
​School Supply lists can be found here: School Supply List.pdf​
EduPac supplies already ordered will be delivered to the school for our first day in September.  Families who elect to purchase supplies through other suppliers, please ensure all supplies are at school on September 10th, 2015.  Thank you! ​ ​

School Re-Opens - Tuesday September 8, 2015

September 01, 2015
​Our entrance bell rings at 8:50 am. Students will go to their last year's classes at 8:55 am. New students will meet in the library. Students will be dismissed at 11 am.

Track and Field Meets

May 05, 2015
​ Tuesday May 5th - Mini-meet @ Norgate - 3:30 Track Events (relays, 100, 200, 800)  Thursday May 14 - Field Eliminations @ 3:30  Gr. 4/5 @ Westview  -  Gr. 6/7 @ Capilano  Wednesday, May 20 - Track Elimination Meet and Triple Jump Gr. 4-7 @ Handsworth Secondayr 12:00 - 3:00...

Lunches at School

April 27, 2015
​ Lunches Whenever possible, we encourage students to go home for lunch.  This provides for a change of scenery, exercise and a "home cooked" meal.  However, when this is not possible, children may bring their lunches to school.  Since students eat in their classrooms for lunch, we are not able to...

Thursday Early Dismissal for Parent Conferences

March 25, 2015
​Students will be dismissed for Parent Teacher Conferences at 2:00 on Thursday March 26/15.

Canada Day Challenge 2015

March 25, 2015
Are you between 8 and 18 years old? Take the 2015 Canada Day Challenge! We are looking for projects that deal with Canada's history, culture and identity and illustrate the great moments that have shaped our country. Participate in one of the three following categories: Draw it!, if drawing is your...

Monday Feb 9/15 Family Day Statutory Holiday

February 06, 2015
​All Schools are Closed.

National Sweater Day (Turn Down the Heat)

January 30, 2015
It's National Sweater Day on February 5th and we're turning down the heat! Westview school is participating. We're asking all staff and students in our schools to wear a sweater on February 5th as an exercise in energy saving and energy use awareness. You can learn more about this initiative on...

2:00 pm Dismissal

January 26, 2015
Students are dismissed at 2:00 for   Staff C ollaboration  

Pro-D-Day Friday January 23, 2015

January 21, 2015
​Students do not attend school this day.

Grade 7 into Grade 8 Parent Programming Evening January 22/15

January 12, 2015
​On January 22 at 7:00 Parents/Guardians of Grade 7  now attending Braemar, Carisbrooke, Larson, Capilano, Queen Mary , Westview and Norgate Elementary Schools are invited to attend the Gr. 7 into Gr. 8 Parent Programming evening. This session is conducted by Ms. Gayle Weyell (Gr. 8 Counsellor) and Ms. Kristy Dolha...

It’s beginning to look a lot like Winter!

November 28, 2014
​According to the weather people, we're in for some cold weather this weekend and next week. Students need to bundle up more than usual for outside play - warm coats, mittens, hats and scarves are always cozy!​ 

Multicultural Family Potluck Dinner

November 28, 2014
​December 4th 6:00 - 7:30 PM Please bring a dish from a country of your heritage and share a potluck dinner for all Westview families.

Valuables and Pogs/Cards

November 14, 2014
​Please leave your valuables (iPod, MP3's, Gameboys etc.) at home.  Valuable items can be damaged, lost, or stolen, so as a general rule please do not bring these items to school.  We allow the students to play games (pogs, card games) at recess and lunch on Fridays only.  Please keep these...

We Club

November 14, 2014
​The Westview We Club will be hosting a coin drive this month in order to purchase one or more goats for families overseas.  One goat costs $50 and can produce 16 cups of milk per day.  This provides daily nutrition for a family and the milk can also be sold to...

Winter Weather

November 14, 2014
​ Students need the opportunity to go outside for fresh air and play during recess and lunchtime at school. They will need to have appropriate rainy/cold weather clothes.   Most days students will go outside, even on wet/cold days, so it is important that they are dressed for the winter weather....

Dismissal at 12:10 on Wednesday Nov 12/14 for Parent Teacher conferences

November 07, 2014
​Please make sure your child is picked up promptly at 12:10.  Children who walk home will be dismissed and they are to go home immediately.  The school does not provide supervision for students during Parent - Teacher conferences.

Dismissal at 2:00 Thursday Nov. 13/14 for Parent Teacher Conferences on

November 07, 2014
​Please make sure your child is picked up at 2:00 for Parent Teacher conferences.

Westview Logo Contest

November 06, 2014
​​Click here for Form Contest runs from November 7 to November 17/14. Hand in completed forms to your classroom teacher.

Provincial PRO D Day

October 20, 2014
School are closed all day. Students do not attend.

Welcome Back!

September 19, 2014
​ WELCOME BACK! ​School opens on Monday September 22  from 8:50-10:55 a. m.  for grade 1 - 7 students.
Students should go the room according to their division from last year: Division 9 - Room 122 Division 8 - Room 123 Division 7 - Room 209 Division 6 - Room...

Kindergarten Gradual Entry

September 19, 2014
All students report to Room 122 each day.
Group A Tuesday September 23rd 9:00 to 11:00 (bring a snack) Wednesday September 24th 1:00 to 3:00 (bring a snack)
Group B Tuesday September 23rd 1:00 to 3:00 (bring a snack) Wednesday September 24th 9:00 to 11:00 (bring a snack)

Tuesday September 2

September 01, 2014
Schools will not be open on September 2. Please check ​the web site for updates. Please click here for more information.​

Summer School NEW UPDATE on July 2, 2014

June 30, 2014
Due to the limitations of the Labour Relations Board Essential Services Order, the restrictions on Summer School will prevent us from offering our planned educational programs. Students enrolled in both Review and Completion and Full Credit Summer School will be receiving full refunds over the next 4-6 weeks. These students should...

Board urges BCTF and BCPSEA to reach an agreement or settlement

June 25, 2014
Dear Minister Fassbender, Mr. Iker and Mr. Marchbank:   The North Vancouver Board of Education is writing you today to urge both parties to reach a negotiated agreement or mediated settlement as soon as possible. The bargaining impasse is directly impacting our students, parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff within our community....


June 18, 2014
​ Title: Family Movie Night on the Plaza at the North Vancouver City Library Dates: June 27, July 11, July 25, August 8, August 22 Time: Movies begin at Sunset Location: Civic Plaza in front of NVCL Cost and registration info: Free, no registration required   Join us this Summer for Family...

Teddy Bear Picnic - June 21, 2014

June 18, 2014
Bring your teddy bear.​ Saturday June 21 starting at 10:30 am St. Andrew's Park (church and gym)

BCTF Strike Action - Provincial Exams - Year-end Procedures

June 12, 2014
June 12, 2014 - Letter to Parents and Guardians:      I am writing to you with an important update on the BC Teachers’ Federation declared withdrawal of services and several changes that will affect our end-of-year procedures, including Provincial Examinations, Grade 12 final grades, and the return of textbooks and resource...

Schools not in session on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May 30, 2014
​As you may already know, the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation announced that a second week of rotating, one-day strikes will take place throughout the province next week. The BCTF’s decision reflects a continuation of their job action related to teacher contract bargaining. Locally, the Teachers’ Federation has directed its members in our...

Elementary Summer School Cancelled

May 30, 2014
At the May, 27, 2014 Public Meeting, the North Vancouver Board of Education approved the cancellation of the 2014 Elementary Summer School program. Due to limited funding for the program, and an inability to charge fees to ensure that all costs are covered, the School District is unable to offer the...

May 29, 2014 - BCTF Rotating Strike Action

May 20, 2014
Schools are not in session on Thursday, May 29th due to BCTF Rotating Strike Action - Letter to all North Vancouver School District Parents and Guardians on May 20, 2014:

As you may be aware, the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation announced this morning a series of rotating, one-day strikes to occur throughout the...

AFK Paradise Valley Summer School of Visual Arts

May 20, 2014
Summer is coming soon and everybody loves camp.  If you love art, this July you can enjoy a whole week of art at Artists for Kids & Paradise Valley Summer School of Visual Arts.  For more information please contact Artists For Kids at 604-903-3798, or email: info@artists4kids.com​.

Ready, Set, Learn Event

April 01, 2014
Apr 15, 2014 01:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Strongstart Room, Westview Elementary School, 641 West 17th Avenue, North Vancouver BC If you and your 3-year old would like to attend Westview School's Ready, Set, Learn event, please RSVP to 604.903.3840. 
 ​ ​

New Spring Programs at Westview

April 01, 2014
Click here for the brochure: Westview SPRING Programs.pdf

​BC Veggie Day - March 20

March 11, 2014
​ BC Veggie Day  celebrates the annual springtime arrival of locally grown greenhouse veggies from BC’s 42 Greenhouse Growers located throughout the Lower Mainland. During the long, dreary winter months our greenhouses are full of activity as new seedlings mature into ripe crops. The fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce and more...

Early Dismissal Thursday March 13 at 2:00 pm

March 11, 2014
Early dismissal for parent teacher conferences.​ The sign up sheets are posted in the hallway by stairs.

NEW Homework club grade 4 and 5

March 10, 2014
For more information, click on link for details on registration:  QM.Westview Homework Club April 2014.docx​

Spring Break Art Camp For Kids "Studio Spring Fling"

February 21, 2014
​ MAB Art Studio & Boutique Gallery invites you to our Spring Break Art Camp For Kids   "Studio Spring Fling" happening  March 17-28, 2014 .   
A great way for the kids to be creative, learn about art history, and engage in arts in our community! We have an array of...

We Club fundraiser continues

February 21, 2014
​ A sale of Pink t-shirts in time for Anti-Bullying Day which is on Wednesday, February 26th. T-shirts cost $10.00 each and  will be available on a first come basis starting February 18th​

WE Club Fundraiser - Feb. 11-14

February 10, 2014
​WE Club will be selling gold shaped hearts for  $3.00 each during this week.  Proceeds go to Variety Children's Charities.

Land, Learning and Livability Public Open Houses

February 07, 2014
Lucas Centre Site and Cloverley School Site
The Board of Education is seeking public input as it undertakes a land management process that will identify options for repurposing of the Lucas Centre and Cloverley School sites.

Two public open houses will be held to inform the community on the process, and to...

Cake Bingo

February 04, 2014
​Thursday February 13 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Please check out the PAC page for more information.

Family Day

February 04, 2014
Monday February 10 is Family Day. Schools are closed. Students do not attend.​


February 04, 2014
Just a reminder that Friday February 7th is a PRO D day. Schools are closed. Students do not attend.​

Grade 7 programming meeting at Carson tonight

January 20, 2014
This is a reminder about the Carson Graham Family of Schools Grade 7 Programming Infor ​ mation Night happening on  Monday January 20, 2014 in the  Agora  from  7 - 9 pm. This meeting is different than the meeting that took place last week.  At the meeting tonight, parents will receive detailed info...

Coffee Morning with Maria

January 16, 2014
Monday January 20 at 8:00 am at back of the school by Kids Club​

Westview Winter Activities 2014.

January 15, 2014
Click here​ for the North Shore Neighbourhood House brochure listing of winter activities at Westview.

Adult Classes Offered

January 15, 2014
North Shore Neighbourhood House is offering Yoga Classes and a Food​ Skills class for Adults only! Please click here​ for more information.

District PRO D Day - January 17

January 07, 2014
Reminder that schools are closed on January 17th for Pro D day.

Happy New Year!

January 07, 2014
Welcome back. ​

Have a Safe and Wonderful Winter Break!

December 20, 2013
​Enjoy your holiday! School reopens on Monday January 6th.

Pajama and Pancake Breakfast

December 16, 2013
After our Carol singalong ​on Friday December 20, we will be hosting our school wide pancake breakfast. If you are able to volunteer, please let us know.

Christmas Concert

December 16, 2013
Join us on Thursday December 19 at 1:30 pm for our school Christmas Concert. 

Warm Cider Wednesdays

December 06, 2013
Carol (from StrongStart) will be making apple cider. Please come by the school a bit earlier  when you are picking up your child on Wednesday Dec. 11 and Dec. 18 from 2:30 pm -3:00 pm for a cup of cider and some conversation. Happy Holidays!

WE Club Fundraiser Update

December 04, 2013
We Club will be selling necklaces the week of December 2nd, at lunch hour in the main hallway.  They are like last year’s Water Rafiki necklaces except they come in lots of different colours.  They are $10 each.  They make great Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers!  The money raised will support...


December 03, 2013
MOVIE FEATURE :     “TURBO” Thursday, December 5, 2013   6:30 – 8:00 p.m.   Popcorn and Water compliments of PAC. Parent or caregiver must attend with child. Bring your blankets and pillows to sit on if you’d like.   See you there!

Scholatic Book Fair

November 21, 2013
​Takes place from Monday November 25 - Wednesday November 27. Click here for the hours​

Westview & Queen Mary Parent Luncheon

November 13, 2013
​You're Invited to a luncheon. Where:   Lounge, St. John Anglican Church, 220 West 8th Street When:   Thursday November 28, 2013  Time:  noon – 2:00 pm ***Must Register by Monday November 25 to: Maria Morisseau, Community Programmer   604-290-2384 mmorisseau@nsnh.bc.ca​ ...

Grade 4s on CBC tonight at 6:00 pm

November 08, 2013
Our grade 4s participated in a CBC science lesson road show today called "In your Neighbourhood". It will be aired tonight on CBC at 6:00 pm. Hope you are able to watch it.

Remembrance Day Assembly

November 07, 2013
Our assembly is scheduled for Friday November 8 at 10:45 am. All parents are welcome to attend.​

Parent Teacher Conferences

November 05, 2013
Parent-Teacher conferences are taking place on Wednesday November 13 and Thursday November 14. Early dismissal days are scheduled to accommodate these conferences. On Wednesday November 13 students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm. On Thursday November 13 students will be dismissed at 12:10 pm. Teacher conference schedules have been posted alongside...

After Hours at Westview

November 05, 2013
This program starts on November 7​ and is for students in grades 5, 6 & 7. For more information see flyer on Fall Programs at North Shore Neighbourhood House.

Kindergarten School Tour

October 25, 2013
October 28 at 1:30 pm Families with children ready to enter school in September 2014 are welcome to come to Westview for a school tour today. ​ If you are new to Westview, feel free to join us for the tour as well. RSVP are appreciated. Please call the office at...

Coins for Book Week

October 18, 2013
We Club will be running it's first fundraiser next week. It's "Coins for Books" for Students in Africa.  We will be collecting spare change all week.  Please help your child dig up some coins around home that could be donated to this cause.  See this link for more details:   Coins for...

Halloween Howl Information

October 16, 2013
The PAC is organizing our Annual Halloween Howl Event on October 24 starting at 6:30 pm. Any parents who would like to help with decorations could come to the school at 3:00 pm. Click here​ or go to PAC events for more information on the Halloween Howl. Hope you can join us.​

Picture Day Retakes

October 14, 2013
The photographer will be here on Thursday October 17 to do retakes or for those who missed their pictures last month.


October 08, 2013
​ **********IMPORTANT*********** October 10, 2013 Hip Gym with Smee Dear Parents, We have recently been told by the school’s administration that the gym is unavailable: Thursday October 24 for the Halloween Dance AND November 28 for a music event. Therefore please make note of the following  make-up  dates on Early Dismissal...

NEW HIP GYM for Intermediates

October 07, 2013
​ We’ve added a program to the Hip Gym with Smee currently running.   If you have an “intermediate” child this email Is for you.  Older children currently registered  in the program running from 3:05 to 4:30 can register for this new program.   To register please go to Programs and Services...

Coffee Morning with Maria

October 03, 2013
Maria is here on Wednesday October 9 at 8:15 am. Come and join her for coffee. Find out more about the after school programs at Westview and at NSNH .

Thanksgiving Lunch

October 02, 2013
The staff is organizing a Thanksgiving Lunch for all the students in the school on Thursday October 10.  Our pancake breakfasts have been well received and so we are taking on the challenge of another school wide meal event. Thanks to the PAC for getting local business donations and providing some...

Dance Week

October 02, 2013
​Our Dance week starts on Monday October 7, 2013.  All classes will be scheduled into dance classes this week. The final performance will take place on Friday October 11 from 2:15 pm.​ Hope you are able to join us.

Indigo Adopt a School Program

September 13, 2013
The Indigo Love of Reading Foundation​ has adopted Westview School and any donations made to the Love of Reading Foundation from September 15 to October 5 will be given to our Westivew  library.  Go to the the website http://adoptaschool.indigo.ca​ and click   Adopt a School.  Search for our school and once you...

September 23- Pro D Day

September 13, 2013
Just a reminder that September 23 is our School-wide Pro D Day. Students do not attend.​

Terry Fox Walk

September 13, 2013
Friday September 20 is our Terry Fox Walk starting at 2:00 pm​. We are collecting toonies all week for the Canadian Cancer Society. Please make sure your child wears sturdy walking shoes for Friday. Parents are welcome to join us for our walk in Mosquito Creek Park.

Mahon Park Event

September 11, 2013
​ Just a reminder that on Friday all the students (except Ks) will be walking to Mahon Waterpark. The Grade 4 to 7 students will be walking over at 9:30 and returning to the school by 12:00 and the Grade 1 to 3 students will be leaving the school at 1:00...

Individual Photo Day

September 06, 2013
​Mountain West Studios will be here on Wednesday September 18 am. Individual photos will be taken at this time.

Parent's Welcome Event

September 04, 2013
​Hope you are able to join us on Friday September 6 at 1 pm.  There will be an opportunity for parents to learn about what is new at Westview, to meet your child's teacher and the parents in your child’s new class, meet the PAC and to hear from the Community...

Wednesday September 4

September 02, 2013
First Day of students for Kindergarten students.
If you do not receive your child's gradual entry schedule before September 4, the office staff will be able to help you in the morning.

Tuesday September 3

September 02, 2013
​First Day of School for Grade 1 to 7 students. The students will be in session from 8:55 - 10:55 am today. Returning students report to their last year's classrooms. New students report to the library.

Westview Office

February 08, 2013
​The Westview office will be open the week of August 26-30, 2013 from 9-3 pm.

Westview Website - Under construction

December 14, 2012
The new Westview website is in the process of being created.  Thank you for your understanding.  Please check back for updates.​

LOST and FOUND Parakeet

February 18, 2022
​This morning the children got a surprise visit from a lost Parakeet at the playground. He or she is very friendly and looked happy to be with people as if he/she was asking for help. We have taken the little one in and will contact the SPCA.
​If you lost your...

Superintendent's K-12 Mask Update

April 01, 2021

March 31, 2021 Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and Staff, Earlier this week Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry amended the existing provincial public health orders . The strengthened orders and guidelines are in effect through April 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., and details are included in this news...

Lost and Found

December 10, 2020
Do you recognize any of these items? If so, please ask your child to claim them at the Lost and Found table set up near the office.