Westview Elementary
North Vancouver School District

In the interest of the child's progress at school, it is important to maintain regular attendance and to avoid arriving late. Being on time for school is a very important responsibility skill to develop. Arriving late is often disruptive to others however, when absence or late arrival is necessary we ask you to note the following procedures:

Absences – please leave a message on the school's Callback phone at 604-903-3844  before 8:56 am if your child will be absent that day or enter the absence into the Safe Arrival system. Also, leave a message at the same number if you are withdrawing your child for the afternoon. If your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school.

Late Arrivals – children who arrive late for school must check in at the office, before proceeding to class.

Early Dismissal -Children going home early in the day must be signed out in the office by their parent or guardian.
