École Windsor Secondary
North Vancouver School District
PAC Bylaws

PAC Bylaws​

1.1  The normal place of operation of the Windsor Secondary School Parent Advisory Council (herein referred to as WPAC) shall be Windsor Secondary School, School District #44 (North Vancouver) British Columbia, Canada.

2.1 Parents or guardians of children who are in attendance at the school, including any administrators and staff (teaching and non-teaching) whose children are in attendance.  Administrators and staff (teaching and non-teaching) of Windsor,  who are not a parent or guardian of a child in attendance, may be invited to become non-voting members of the WPAC.
2.2 The annual membership shall be from September 1st to the following August 31st.
2.3 There shall be no membership dues assessed to members.
2.4 A person shall cease to be a member of the WPAC:
(a) by delivering her/his resignation in writing to the Secretary of the WPAC, or
(b) when, as a parent or guardian they no longer have a child registered at the school, or
(c) when as a teacher or administrative officer, they are no longer assigned to the school.

3.1  The Officers of the WPAC shall consist of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
3.2  The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the WPAC and shall have general supervision of all activities of the WPAC.
3.3  The Treasurer  shall, in the absence or disability of the Chair, perform the Chair's duties.
3.4  The Secretary shall prepare and preserve a record of the minutes of all general and Executive meetings of the WPAC and shall execute authorised documents in the name of the WPAC.
3.5  The Treasurer shall:
(a)  have custody of all monies of the WPAC.
(b)  deposit monies in the financial institution(s) designated by the Executive Committee.
(c)  disburse monies by cheque on the order of the Executive Committee
(d)  keep an appropriate set of financial records for the WPAC and have such documentation ready for inspection by the Executive Committee when required.
(e)  submit to each general meeting and the annual general meeting a report on the financial status of the WPAC.
(f)  at the first meeting of the WPAC in the fall school term, submit a detailed budget of the expected revenue and expenses for the forthcoming year.
(g)  submit a financial report to the annual general meeting.
3.6  The Chair shall appoint one or more members of the WPAC to serve as delegate(s) to the North Vancouver Parents' Advisory Council.

4.1 There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and at least one (1) Member At Large.
4.2 The Executive Committee shall be elected at the annual general meeting and shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the same annual general meeting.
4.3  The voting procedures for the election of the Executive Committee shall include three (3) ballots. The first ballot shall be for the election of the Chair, the second ballot for the election of the Treasurer, and the third ballot for the election of the Secretary, from the nominated candidates and from first and second ballot nominees not elected to the positions of Chair or Treasurer but wishing to let their names stand. Winners on each of the three ballots shall be determined by simple plurality.
4.4  Each member of the Executive Committee shall be a member in good standing.
4.5  A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the members thereof.
4.6  All elected members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election to any position.
4.7  Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the Executive Committee, the role will be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee until the next AGM where the position will come up for election.
4.8  The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or at the request of at least two Members at Large.
4.9  The Executive Committee shall, subject to the action of a general meeting, a special general meeting, or an annual general meeting, exercise all the powers of the WPAC and shall direct and supervise the business of the WPAC between meetings.
4.10  Except by a majority vote at a general meeting (including special and annual), no member of the WPAC shall receive remuneration for her/his services on behalf of the WPAC. However, the Executive Committee may reimburse a member of the WPAC for expenses incurred while carrying out the authorised business of the WPAC.
4.11 The members may, by a majority of not less than 75% of the votes cast, remove an executive member before the expiration of his or her term of office, and may elect an eligible member (an eligible representative of a Council member) to complete the term.
(a) Written notice specifying the intention to make a motion to remove the executive member must be given in writing to all members not less than 14 days before the meeting.

5.1 A general meeting, a special general meeting, and an annual general meeting shall consist of the assembled members of the WPAC.
5.2 A quorum of any general meeting, including special and annual, shall consist of a minimum of 4 members.
5.3 General meetings will be held not less than four times during the school year. One of those meetings will be the annual general meeting. Additional meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
5.4 Reasonable notice shall be given in writing to members before each general meeting and annual general meeting.
5.5 A special general meeting, dealing exclusively with an emergency matter may be called by the Executive Committee upon at least 24 hours notice.
5.6 A special general meeting shall be called by the Executive Committee upon the written request of at least 10% of the membership.
5.7 The annual general meeting of the WPAC shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee.
5.8 The business of the annual general meeting shall include:
(a) receipt of reports
(b) receipt of financial statements
(c) receipt of the budget framework for the following year
(d) nomination and election of officers
(e) such other business as may further the objectives of the WPAC.
5.9 Except as may be provided elsewhere in these bylaws, all matters requiring a vote will be decided
by a simple majority of the votes cast (50% plus 1).
(a) In the case of a tie vote, the chair does not have a second or casting vote and the motion is defeated.
(b) Members must vote in person on all matters. Voting by proxy will not be permitted.
5.10  At general meetings, members will not discuss individual school personnel, students, parents, or other members of the school community.
5.11  The WPAC will refrain from partisan political action or other activities that do not serve the interests of the school or the public school system.

6.1  The Executive Committee may appoint standing, advisory and finance  committees and shall define the tasks and powers of such committees.

7.1  The Terms of Office for all members of the Executive Committee shall be for one year or shall continue until a successor is elected.

8.  FEES:
8.1  No fees shall be levied upon any members.

9.1  The financial year of the WPAC shall begin on the first day of July and end on the following thirtieth day of June.

10.1  When a budget has been adopted by a general meeting, expenditures beyond any general item of the budget may be brought forward and approved only by special resolution of the Executive Committee. If the expenditure is more than $5000, it must be voted on at a general meeting.

11.1  The Constitution of the WPAC, except Article III. (Dissolution), and the By-Laws may be amended by a 75% majority vote at any general meeting or annual general meeting of the WPAC provided that notice of the proposed amendment is included in the notice of the meeting.