École Windsor Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices

All members of the school community are expected to leave personal digital devices at home, in their bag/backpack, and/or in their locker during instructional time. Allowances may be made by the staff for instructional purposes, digital literacy, appropriate use based on age and developmental stage, accommodations within a student’s Individualized Education Plan, accessibility, medical and health needs, and/or equitable support for learning outcomes.​

Acceptable Electronics Use

Staff Process for handling confiscated devices:

Staff may confiscate electronic devices when used in contravention of the NVSD Code of Conduct. The teacher must, however, keep the confiscated electronic device in a secured place until its return to the student. Confiscated devices must be returned to their owner by the end of the same school day during which it was confiscated. If a student is belligerent or refuses to surrender their electronic device, or if the student is a repeat offender, the teacher may refer the offending student to an administrator with their device.