École Windsor Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Career Education/Work Experience
Please come visit the Career Centre in Room 203 Open Monday-Friday 8:10-3:10pm
WORK EXPERIENCE/CAREER EDUCATION: We get many students dropping by our Room in 203 looking
for volunteer or paid positions.

Work Experience Blog

Career Pathways 44






Ms. Connie Misceo
Work Experience Coordinator

604-903-3700 ext. 809909

Ms. Heidi Senoner
Work Experience Facilitator

604-903-3700 ext 809203



We get many students dropping by our Room in 203 looking for volunteer or paid positions.  Please encourage them to view our blog spot….


Did you know you could save thousands of dollars on post-secondary by helping your son/daughter figure out what they want to do before they finish high school?!  Your child can join the Work Experience Program (WEX) and try out potential future careers!  If this interests your child, please see a counselor to add WEX to their courses. There are classes inside and outside the timetable!

Work Experience WEX12A or WEX12B (4 credits each)

Students are placed with local employers in positions that align with their interest and future career goals.  The community becomes the classroom where students gain experience in the workplace and are provided with a frame of reference to review or revise their career goals.  Through employer assessment, students receive valuable feedback about their employability skills and technical skills related to specific occupations.

Work Experience is comprised of pre-placement classroom assignments, placement activities including successful completion of 90 hours (minimum) at a community worksite(s), and post-placement assignments.  The Work Experience teacher and the Work Experience facilitator will work with students individually and in small groups to assist students with choosing and obtaining relevant and meaningful placements.

Youth Work in Trades   

The Youth Work in Trades program enables students to apply trade specific training or explore career options with ITA recognized sponsors. 

The main goal is to help students personalize their learning by allowing them to begin apprenticeship training as part of the secondary school education program.   

It is possible for you to earn up to 16 credits while going to school. Four credits are assigned for every 120 hours of work completed.  

Youth Train in Trades 

The Youth Train in Trades Carpentry Program provides training for Grade 11 and 12 students interested in a career in carpentry and related trades. Based at West Vancouver Secondary, students receive training every second day, while attending Windsor Secondary School for core academic subjects.  

This intensive program allows students to receive technical training typically done at a post-secondary institution while working toward high school graduation. Each student accepted into the program is registered as a trainee with the Industry Training Authority (ITA). 


If you do, we would also welcome a call or email from you. We are always happy to have new host employers!!!  Contact the office or 604-903-3700 Local 809909.