École Windsor Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Green Team

​ Windsor Green Team’s Earth Month initiatives

By Inès Palaz, Windsor Green Team

Over the last month, the Windsor Green Team has worked hard on different initiatives to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship within the school community.

At the beginning of April, the club invited other environmental groups from the school district to take part in a district-wide cleanup challenge and collect over 8,000 pieces of litter from our streets.

Seycove’s Green Club responded to our call, and together, we tracked our cleanups through the app, Litterati. Rain or shine, students showed their dedication by going out and cleaning the school grounds, neighbouring streets and Cates Park.


With the challenge coming to an end, we are proud to share we surpassed our goal and collected a total of 8,515 pieces of litter! Our neighborhoods are a little cleaner, and our hope is that we will continue to work together to keep it that way.

On Earth Day, the Windsor Green Team also brought back its annual school community cleanup! Following a tradition from our pre-pandemic world, teachers graciously gave 40 minutes of their class time for students to come out and clean an assigned area around the school grounds. Students were encouraged to pick up as much litter as possible within the allocated time.

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The sun came out that afternoon, and everyone rose to the challenge! The winner was determined by weight of litter collected, and Mr. Prepchuk’s Grade 8 class earned themselves a pizza party by collecting over 66 lbs of litter.

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Overall, the event allowed us to clear our neighbourhood of over 330 lbs of litter, and it opened many students’ eyes on how much more we can do together to take care of the beautiful environment we live in!

It has been an exciting and successful Earth Month, and we are hoping for more engagement…but less litter, next year!

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