What is the Gairdner High School Symposium?
The Gairdner High School Symposium is a half-day event held each fall that gives secondary students and teachers the opportunity to hear from Gairdner award-winning scientists and attend a behind-the-scenes tour of BC Children's Hospital's research facilities.
Who should attend?
Grade 11 & 12 students with an interest in science and medicine.
What are the benefits?
- Engage with researchers and clinicians at BC Children’s Hospital
- Building industry connections.
- Explore and learn about current issues in the medical field.
- Participate in a tour of Children’s Hospital.
When and where is the program offered?
- BC Children’s Hospital located at 950 West 28th Ave, Vancouver
- Students MUST be able to find their own transportation to BCCH.
- ½ Day. Date TBA.
What is the cost?
How do I register?
- Please see the school Work Experience Teacher to register.
- All applications must go through the school Work Experience Department