What does a Health Care Assistant do?
Health Care Assistants provide person-centered care and promote physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being of clients in continuing and complex care environments. Health Care Assistants support those providing and
receiving health care.
What do I need to start?
- Recommended courses:
Science for Citizens 11 or Biology 11
- Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status
- Completion of the VCC HCA English Competency Declaration form
- Standard First Aid with CPR C
- Criminal Record Check
- BC FOODSAFE Certificate Level 1
- Immunization records and Tuberculosis Screen Test, N95 respiratory mask
What are the benefits?
- Tuition will be paid by the NVSD for the first level of training. Students
are expected to pay for program supplies, equipment, tools, and PPE
- approximately $1500
- up to 32 graduation credits
- practical experience in a clinical setting.
When and where is the program offered?
- VCC - Broadway Campus
- Class based and online
- 8 month, full time course
- September intake
How do I register?
- Must apply before March
- Applications will be available in January 2025
- Please see Work Experience Teacher
Additional Information