North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Staff District Login FAQ

2-Step Verification Information for NVSD Staff

For information on the implementat​ion of 2-Step Verification for NVSD Staff, visit the 2-Step Verification Page on the portal.

​Why do I need to reset my password?​

The resetting of passwords is standard industry practice and one way to ensure the integrity and security of not only student and staff personal information but also North Vancouver School District technology systems. Staff and students play an important role in keeping our organization safe from cybercrime.

What are the password requirements and why are they important?

Using a strong password helps keep both your own sensitive personal information and valuable NVSD resources safe.

The requirements are as follows:​​

  • Cannot contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters;
  • Must be at least ten characters in length;
  • ​Must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Numbers (0 through 9)
    • Symbols​ (Non-alphanumeric characters, for example, !, $, #, %)
  • Cannot re-use any of the last three passwords used.

If you see this error message:

Unable to update the password. The value provided
for the new password does not meet the length, 
complexity, or history requirements of the domain.

The password you entered does not meet the password criteria required by NVSD. ​Please review the password criteria above and try again.​


Keep your passwords private and don't share them with anyone. We will never ask you for your password by phone or by email.

Remember, if you ever feel that your password may have been compromised, it's important to change it as soon as possible.

How should I change my password?

Note: If using a mobile device, see Section 4 ​below.

You can go to the Update Password page directly​ to update your password. Alternatively, from the school or district website, click on the Portal link.


The sign in window will appear. Click Change Password.


Enter your district email address, current (old) password and your new password (twice). Click Submit.


If your password has expired, the next time you sign in to the portal, or a district device (while connected to the network), you will be prompted to change it. 

(if you have a District Mac device​, click here)

I am using a mobile device (iPad / iPhone / Android) and I cannot find the link to the Portal to change my password.

You can go to the Update Password page directly, or follow the steps below:

1.   To access the portal on a mobile device, go to​


2.   Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Utility links.


3.   Within the menu that appears,
tap​ Portal.


Alternatively, you can go to to directly access the Portal login page.

​4.    Once on the Portal login pag​e, tap Change Password.


5.    Enter your district email address, current (old) password and your new password (twice). Tap Submit.


How can I configure or update the recovery methods for my account (phone, email or security questions)?

To set up your security questions along with a recovery email and/or phone number, go to

Sign in using your district email address and password. A variety of prompts will appear asking for an authentication phone number, recovery email and security questions. Fill in as many options as possible to maximize your chance of success at account recovery in the future.​

I am trying to change my password but I am getting an error message.​


If you see an error message that your password cannot be changed, it did not meet the complexity criteria required by NVSD. Please review the password criteria (below) and try again.

  • 10 characters minimum
  • Requires 3 out of 4 of the following:
    • Lowercase characters
    • Uppercase characters
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Symbols (for example, !, $, #, %)
  • Not contain the user's account name (e.g. 12345)
  • Cannot re-use the last 3 passwords you used previously​

I changed my password and now I am unable to sign in to district applications (Teams, Outlook Mail, etc.) on my web browser.

Ensure you are manually typing login credentials, as your browser/device may have the incorrect credentials saved. If you are still unable to sign in, the issue is likely with the browser's saved cookies / cache data. See the following pages for instructions on clearing browser data, depending on the browser you are using:

I am using a mobile device and cannot connect to the school Wi-Fi. How can I access Wi-Fi as a guest?

From the available wireless options, choose ‘NVSD GUEST’ to connect. You will be re-directed to the login page. Click on ‘I accept the terms’ then click Done.

WiFi login.png

  WiFi login cont.png

When I was at home, I changed my password using the Portal. When I sign in to my laptop, it still wants my old password.

Since your workstation is not connected to a SD44 network, it will be using a cached (old) password for sign in authentication. Once connected to a SD44 network, your locally cached (old) password will be refreshed and updated to match your new password.

I changed my password and now I am unable to sign in to ICT Xpress to log a ticket. I get an error or am prompted to change my password again.

If you are having difficulties accessing ICT Xpress, uncheck the Keep me signed in option on the sign in page.

If you continue to have difficulties, we recommend that you clear your browser history, cache and stored passwords (see instructions above).

I use a Mac. How should I change my password?

If you are a Mac user and your workstation has a triangular icon (NoMAD) in the upper right, your workstation is encrypted. In this case, your password MUST be changed using the option in the dropdown menu. Failing to do so will inhibit access to the keychain (saved passwords and data) on your workstation. 

From your Mac desktop, click the NoMAD menu (triangle icon) in the upper right of the screen and choose Change Password from the dropdown menu.


Enter your current (old) password, enter your new password, and enter it again in the Verify field. Click Change Password. Failure to reset your password on an encrypted Mac in this manner will result in a double sign in requirement and the need to log a Service Request to reset the keychain.


​​Users of Macs that do not have the triangular icon (NoMAD) should reset their password using the SD44 Portal (instructions above).

I use an encrypted Mac, I changed my password but I did not use the triangular icon (NoMAD) to change it. I am now being prompted to unlock my keychain. What now?

On your first sign in after changing your password, you will get a pop-up asking if you would like to update your keychain password.

If your previous password is known, click Update Keychain Password.


Enter your previous password into the pop-up and click OK.


​Your workstation should now sign in as usual and you should not see the pop-up again.

If you are unable to unlock your keychain, you can reset it once logged into your workstation.
  • Once logged in, click the magnifying glass in the upper right of your screen.
  • ​Search for Self Service and click the result.
  • Use the search option on the left to search for keychain. Click Reset.

If you continue to be prompted to sign in multiple times (once with your old password and again with your new password), we recommend changing your password again (this time, using the triangular NoMAD icon!)​.

If the steps listed above do not work for you, please submit an ICT Xpress service desk request. It will be assigned to the technician for your school who will assist you in the order your request is received.

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