Eastview Elementary
North Vancouver School District
News Archive

Scholastic Book Fair Dec 2 - 5

November 26, 2024
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Eastview! Please feel free to pop into the library and do some book shopping. Dates and times are as follows:
Monday December 2nd 8:10 - 8:40/12 - 12:25 Primary Students Only/3 - 3:30 Tuesday December 3rd 8:10 - 8:40/12 - 12:25 Primary Students Only/3...

Eastview Remembrance Day Ceremony

November 10, 2021
​Please take a moment and watch Eastview Elementary's Remembrance Day Ceremony and honour our veterans.

Eastview PAC Welcome Video

September 17, 2021

Eastview Band Concert

July 01, 2021
​Band Concert

The Eastview band performed one final virtual concert last week. Under the guidance of Mr. Forst, the band demonstrated their growth and musical talents as they played a variety of pieces of music.

Eastview Sports Day Whole School Dance

June 18, 2021
​ Fun was had by all with today’s sports day. From the whole school dance in the morning to the traditional grade seven tug of war at the end of the day, it was great to continue some of our traditions here at school. We hope some great memories were made...

Superintendent's K-12 Mask Update

April 01, 2021

March 31, 2021 Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and Staff, Earlier this week Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry amended the existing provincial public health orders . The strengthened orders and guidelines are in effect through April 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., and details are included in this news...

Celebration of Learning: Eastview Band Performance

March 11, 2021
​Eastview Band Performance

Celebration of Learning Tour of School

March 11, 2021
​Celebration of Learning Week: Tour of School  

StrongStart Information

November 23, 2020
Please see the link below regarding NVSD StrongStart ​https://www.sd44.ca/ProgramsServices/earlylearning/

Eastview Partners for Inclusive Education Event- November 18th

November 12, 2020
​Please see the attached flyer with information regarding our upcoming Q and A session with Dr. Connor Kerns and Dr Karen Kester as they discuss anxiety and ASD.

PIE- Anxiety and ASD.pdf

Eastview Remembrance Day Assembly 2020

November 10, 2020
​video available until the end of the day on November 11th

Division 2 Chalk Art Display

October 09, 2020

Eastview School Calendar 2020-2021

July 02, 2020
Please see attached the Approved Calendar for 2020-2021 School Year ​ 2020-2021 Eastview Calendar.pdf

Eastview Salmon Release

April 02, 2020
​Come join Mrs. Jette as she releases the salmon   into Hastings Creek.

Eastview Principal's Blog

March 31, 2020
​Please see the following link for daily updates and activities for students and parents. Principal's Blog

After School Art Pilot Program at Eastview Starting Jan. 20

December 12, 2019
After School Art Pilot Program at Eastview Mondays, Starting January  20th to February 10th. ​Please attached poster for details. AFK Poster.pdf  

Remembrance Day Assembly

November 08, 2019
Today we had a beautiful ceremony for Remembrance Day.  The Grade 7 students lead the assembly and Mr. Forst and the choir sang two relevant and meaningful songs that celebrated our freedom and peace.  We thank Sgt. Major Kerns for coming to our assembly today.   ​ Kerns.jpg

Eastview Cross Country

October 23, 2019
​The Eastview competitors had another successful cross country season! The season culminated in a wonderful final race in Lynn Canyon on a beautiful fall afternoon. Thank you to Mrs. Tapping and Mrs. Ward for coaching the team.

School Supplies 2019-2020

July 04, 2019
​ School Supplies List 2019-2020 Eastview school has embarked on a new initiative of bulk ordering school supplies for the students. This is being done in order to provide supplies of consistent quality and quantity, and to enable the purchase of exact materials needed for the classroom. We are trying to...

Eastview Spring Concert April 25th

April 12, 2019
​Please see the attachment for details. 2019 Spring Concert Poster2.pdf

Eastview Spring Concert April 25th

April 04, 2019
Please see the attached poster for details.​ 2019 Spring Concert Poster.pdf

Canuck's Place Cookie Day

March 15, 2019
​On February 28th division two hosted our first Canuck's Place Cookie Day. Students worked hard in the weeks prior, educating themselves about the impact Canuck's Place has on our local community. Many posters were hung around the school, and the press team shared the message with Eastview. On the day of...

Celebration of Learning

March 14, 2019
​ Eastview Elementary's Celebration of Learning is an opportunity for our students to showcase and celebrate their learning with parents. Students' presentation highlighted the curricular and core competencies worked on along with special projects and activities completed this past term. It was a fun and informative evening for all.


Pink Shirt Day

February 28, 2019
​   Thank you everyone for your participation with Pink Shirt Day . It was wonderful seeing everyone in pink and working together to show kindness and compassion to one another. The grade seven students put on a superb skit called "Pink is for Boys" and the kindergarten students sang a...

Crazy Hair Day/ Spell-a-thon

February 22, 2019

Eastview Ski and Snowboard Program

February 08, 2019
​A group of students recently completed their four week ski and snowboard program up at Grouse Mountain. The students developed their skills and had lots of fun. Thank you to the many parent volunteers and to Mr. Eugene and Mrs. Ward for sponsoring this program.

Sutherland FOS Band Concert

February 08, 2019
​Eastview Continuing Band had an opportunity to play alongside other Elementary bands this past week. The annual concert is a showcase of music across the schools. It is also an opportunity to see and hear the progression of skills as the Sutherland band and jazz band performed a number of songs...

Eastview Choir

January 18, 2019
​The Eastview Choir has resumed practices and are already preparing a new set of songs for future performances. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore their musical talents. We are thankful for the leadership and guidance of Mr. Forst and Mrs. Carson who are leading the choir. We look...

Grade Seven Bottle Drive Fundraiser

January 18, 2019
​The Grade Seven students and parents have been busily fundraising all year to raise money to pay for special grade seven activities. It is an opportunity to build community while ensuring a fun and memorable final year here at Eastview. Last weekend they hosted a very successful bottle drive. Thank you...

First Salmon Welcoming

January 18, 2019
​January 18th
This past week we welcomed our salmon eggs as Eastview will once again be participating in the Salmonid program. We had the honour of having Dallas Guss, Indigenous support worker, come out and share songs, stories, and teachings with our students to help develop understanding of the salmon...

Holiday Activities Photos

December 21, 2018

Entrepreneur Fair

December 21, 2018
​Division 3 students recently hosted a very successful Entrepreneur Fair. Students created products, learned about marketing, and then sold their products. There was great real-life learning that took place!

Open Heart, Open Mind

December 14, 2018
​ Open Heart, Open Mind As a part of Eastview's School Plan, students and staff are building community and learning with an "Open Heart and Open Mind."  Staff recently participated in a powerful day of experiential learning with the support of our NVSD Indigenous Education Team and are now being challenged...

Eastview Band Concert

December 14, 2018
​The Eastview Band put on a wonderful performance recently at Lynn Valley School. Along with two other schools, they demonstrated their musical talents. It was a great evening of entertainment.  

Grade Six Outdoor School

December 07, 2018
​Our Grade Six students had the wonderful opportunity of visiting the Cheakamus Centre this week and participate in four fun -filled days of experiential learning. We are sure it is an experience that will be remembered for a long time!

Eastview Staff as Learners

December 07, 2018
The Eastview Staff continues to learn and refine our skills as educators. This past week, we participated in a pro-d day that focused on Indigenous Education and putting the First Peoples Principles of Learning into practice. We look forward to taking our experiences and utilizing our new learning as instructional leaders...

Grade Seven Artists

December 07, 2018
​We recently had two Eastview students participate in an Artist For Kids two day workshop. There work was shown at the Gordon Smith Gallery. Congratulations to our two students!

Book Fair/ Camp Read

November 29, 2018
​ Book Fair/ Camp Read Thank you to everyone for your participation in the Book Fair and Camp Read. Fun was had by all! Funds were raised for our library to purchase many new books which all of students can enjoy. A special thank you to Mrs. Tapping for organizing the...

Hallway Displays

November 29, 2018

Halloween Fun!

October 31, 2018
​Eastview had a fun day of Halloween activities. The day was filled with sing-alongs, parades, costumes, baking, and parties!

Caring Kids

October 31, 2018
The past few weeks Eastview school has witnessed the care and compassion students have for their community and for others. Two student initiatives showed  us the power one has to make a difference in the school and the community. One Monday morning, Cypress, a grade 2 student brought an envelope and...

Terry Fox Run

September 20, 2018
​Thank you to everyone who participated in our Terry Fox Run. Despite the wet weather, spirits were high as staff, students, and parents participated in this important annual event. The school has set a goal of raising $500 for Cancer research. We will be accepting donations in the office over the...

Meet the Teacher Night- Tuesday, September 11th

September 07, 2018
​ Meet the Teacher Night Tuesday September 11 th 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm   5:30 Welcome and Introduction of Staff in the gym Sharing of information and highlights for the upcoming school year
5:50 to 6:10 Class Presentation Parents can visit their child's classroom.  Teachers will give a brief...

Welcome Back!

August 31, 2018
Dear Eastview Community
Welcome back for the 2018-2019 school year! We hope you and your family have had a wonderful summer break. We are excited to see everyone next week and look forward to hearing about everyone’s adventures.
The first day of school on Tuesday, September 4 th is for two...

Eastview Talent Show

June 22, 2018

Aboriginal Week Celebrations

June 22, 2018
​This past week, Eastview participated in three very important events related to the Aboriginal Day Celebrations.
On Monday night, the grade 5 students, under the guidance of Ms. Hudson and Mrs. Riback, presented their learning about Residential schools and the impact on the survivors and their families. The video "Secret...

Circle Structure

June 15, 2018
​ Many of you have seen the recent construction that has started on the playground. We are in the process of installing our Aboriginal Circle Structure. Once completed, we will have a creative mosaic, designed by one of our parents, Shain Jackson. Surrounding the mosaic will be 12 seats which allows...

Spring Band Concert

June 15, 2018
​The Eastview band, along with the bands from Lynn Valley Elementary and Montroyal Elementary, put on a wonderful performance for the audience. Band teacher, Joshua Capri, led the bands through a variety of songs which impressed everyone. Well done!

Swangard District Track Meet

June 08, 2018
​Eastview School was well represented at the annual District track meet. We had 32 competitors competing in a variety of track and field events. Our students not only competed well but also made us proud with their sportsmanship, spirit, and sense of fair play!

Spring Fair Fun!

June 01, 2018
​Thank you to the parents, staff, and students for making the Spring Fair such a success! Fun was had by all.  

Sports Day June 8th

May 28, 2018
For information on this years Sports Day please see the attached notice. ​ Sports Day Notice Home.pdf


May 25, 2018
The classes are actively engaged in the Gymsense program. Students have an opportunity to try different gymnastics elements under the guidance of a certified instructor. Thank you to the PAC for funding this fun program.

Grade Seven Leadership- Refugee Awareness

May 25, 2018

The grade seven leadership team provided a series of stations today to help students understand the challenges for refugees around the world. Whether it is fetching water or finding food, the students gained greater understanding of the experiences of child refugees. Funds were raised through a bake sale to...

Spring Concert Success!

May 11, 2018
​Thank you to all of the parents who came out and joined us for one of the two Concert performances. The students did an amazing job creating their own songs to be presented on stage. A huge thank you to Mr. Forst who guided all of the classes and the choir...

Poetry at Eastview

May 04, 2018
​Under the leadership and guidance of Mrs. Tapping, our Librarian, our school has been focusing on Poetry for the last few weeks. Many poems have been shared, written, and discussed in classes and in the library. We have had daily guests reading on the PA system and fun has been had...

Kilometer Club

April 27, 2018
​Staff, students, and parents have been able to enjoy a wonderful week of KM club. The wonderful weather and enthusiastic participation has made for a great week!  

Eastview Band Concert

April 20, 2018
​The Eastview band put on an entertaining performance today of "Star Wars" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark". The small but enthusiastic band has worked hard all year. Band registration for next year is currently open and we look forward to growing the program here at our school!

Secret Path Lessons- Update

April 13, 2018
​This past week, we had the fortune of having District Principal Mr. Baker visit with our grades 5 and 6 students to share the stories of residential schools and the experiences of the students who attended. Our students demonstrated awareness and understanding of the significant impact of residential schools right here...

Supporting the Humboldt Community

April 13, 2018
​The staff and students of Eastview wore jerseys and green to show their support for the Humboldt community this past Thursday. This initiative was started by our grade six students. Along with the jerseys, an Eastview family provided hockey sticks to be signed by students which will then be delivered to...

Celebration of Learning

March 15, 2018
​Thank you to everyone for attending the wonderful Celebration of Learning event on Wednesday. The students did an amazing job sharing with their parents the learning that has taken place this term. The pride was evident on the faces of all. A special congratulation to the grade sevens on their Dream...

Visit from Superintendent Pearmain

March 09, 2018
​This past week, Mr. Mark Pearmain, District Superintendent, came for a visit at Eastview to see the quality teaching and learning that is taking place. He started off his tour with an opportunity to meet with PAC chair and then visited various classes. Mr. Pearmain had the opportunity to help with...

Pink Shirt Day

March 02, 2018
​Eastview students participated in the March for Kindness on Pink Shirt Day. As a whole school, we walked to Grand Boulevard and 15th to meet up with hundred of other students to participate in a dance to show our commitment for developing a safe and caring school environment. The enthusiasm of...

Primary Sharing of Dance

February 16, 2018
​All of the students in our primary classes had the opportunity to come together and share a dance with others. It was a fun opportunity to perform for one another!

Fundraiser for Wings of Courage

February 16, 2018
​This past week, one of our families hosted a very successful bake sale for "Wings of Courage". This organization helps support orphans in Uganda. This worthy endeavour was started by an Eastview parent. Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser. http://www.wingsofcourage.ca/

Jesse Miller Presentation

February 07, 2018
​Eastview Intermediate students had an informative session with Jesse Miller who provided an excellent presentation on the use of technology, internet access, and the power of social media. Not only did he touch on the safety aspects of using technology and accessing social media, but he shared the power of "storytelling"...

Preparations for the Olympics

February 06, 2018
​Eastview is feeling the excitement of the upcoming Olympics! Some classes have been researching various winter sports while others have been studying the various countries involved. A display has been created in the main foyer which classes will be able to enjoy. Be sure to monitor it as we will be...

Visit from Trustee Sacre

February 06, 2018
​Eastview School was happy to have Trustee Sacre come by the school for a visit this past Monday. She took the opportunity to have lunch with the staff, meet with PAC representatives,  and visit the classes. Trustee Sacre was able to see the wonderful teaching and learning taking place at Eastview and...

Game Ready Fitness

February 02, 2018
A number of intermediate classes are benefiting from the opportunity to attend the Game Ready Fitness Centres through the generous support of the Washington Kids Foundation. Students are engaged in a variety of activities related to Physical Literacy and Healthy Living. We look forward to more classes participating in the coming...

Hot Shots Basketball Shooting Contest - Update

January 26, 2018
​ 2019 Hot Shot Winners

Mrs. Carson and the Grade Sevens ran a fun and exciting basketball shooting contest this week at lunch time. Each intermediate grades had an opportunity to participate and we even got to see the teachers take a turn!

Salmonids in the Classroom- Update

January 26, 2018
​Eastview Elementary received its salmon eggs this past week from the Seymour Hatchery. This innovative program allows our students to see the hatching and growth of the Salmon until they are ready to be released into local streams. This past week we had the opportunity to have a salmon celebration led...

North Vancouver Rec. Centre Event for Grades 5 to 7

January 15, 2018
​The North Vancouver Rec. Centre is hosting an evening event for students in Grades 5 to 7. Please see the attached poster for more information.

Eastview School Plan Presentation

January 12, 2018
​The following video presentation was shared at the last PAC meeting. It highlights visually our school's Vision, Goal, and Objectives. Along with each strategy outlined in our plan, we have shared examples of what is happening here at the school.

Eastview Christmas Sing Along

December 22, 2017
​Thank you to everyone who attended the Christmas Sing-Along!The event was well attended and fun was had by all.

Snow People Buddy Project

December 22, 2017
​The buddy classes at Eastview Elementary collaborated to plan, design and create a scene populated with snow people. The fun craft activity was an opportunity for students to reflect on the core competency of creative thinking. Please enjoy the following pictures of the different creations. Division 7 and 11

Division 5 and 6 Fundraiser

December 22, 2017
​The students of Division 5 and 6 held a very successful fundraiser in support of the District Animal Shelter and the Salvation Army. Over $300 was raised for these worthy charities through the sale of gently used items! We can be very proud of the students' enthusiasm and excitement with the...

Eastview Donates Christmas Crackers

December 14, 2017
​The students of Eastview school created over 300 Christmas Crackers for donation to families in need. This wodnerful tradition was lead by our grade seven students. Thank you to Mrs. Marcha and Mrs. Alexander (who came back to help organize!) for their time and effort in arranging this special event.

Holiday Music Activities

December 01, 2017
Photos from Lynn Valley Library Choir Presentation, December 13th

December has many musical activities coming up. The Eastview Choir has 3 performances to look forward to. First, they will be performing at Park Royal Mall this Thursday December 7th from 1:30-2pm (Please return the permission form and...

First Peoples Principles of Learning

November 24, 2017
​ Eastview Elementary staff and students continue to look for meaningful ways to incorporate the First Peoples Principles of Learning in the classroom. This happens in a variety of subjects including Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and even PE. Teachers look at different ways of including the Aboriginal views and perspectives in our daily lessons. This approach is in alignment with...

Eastview Remembrance Day Assembly

November 10, 2017
​Eastview staff, students, and parents can be very proud of the Remembrance Day Assembly that was held at the school today. The grade sevens were wonderful in running the event and the participation of students as honour guards, choir members, and speakers really made for a memorable event. Thank you to...

Art Around the School

November 03, 2017

Halloween Fun!

November 02, 2017
​Eastview Staff and Students demonstrated wonderful school spirit with their Halloween costumes and activities this past week. Students in Division 5 to 12 participated in a parade over to Cedarview Care Home and delighted the residents with their costumes. There were many fun activities through out the school in afternoon.

Student of the Week Program

October 12, 2017
​We have recently started a student recognition program here at Eastview Elementary school. The Student of the Week Program is a way to recognize students for their academic achievements, positive work habits, and/ or demonstration of personal or social responsibility. Students are nominated by their classroom teachers and they have an...

Displays Around the School

October 06, 2017

Orange Shirt Day

October 06, 2017
​Thank you to all of the students and staff for showing they care by wearing orange. Our Grade six leaders made a presentation about the story behind Orange Shirt Day and led a wonderful assembly. The introduction and discussion regarding the impact of Residential schools on aboriginal youths in the past is an important part...

Walk to Residential School Monument

September 29, 2017
​The grade six students had an opportunity earlier this week to walk from Eastview Elementary to the Residential School Monument located on the grounds of St. Thomas Aquinas Independent School. There we had the honour of hearing from an elder from the Squamish Nation. He was able to share stories from...

Orange Shirt Day- October 2nd

September 29, 2017
​ Orange Shirt Day, began with the story of a young girl, her new orange shirt, and the beginning of her life in St. Joseph Mission school in Williams Lake BC.  Phyllis Jack, on her first day of school, arrived in a brand-new orange shirt. She was stripped and the shirt...

Professional Development Day

September 22, 2017
​September 22nd
The Eastview Elementary staff participated in a variety of engaging and interesting workshops at Sutherland Secondary on Friday morning. Staff members were able to engage in discussions and activities related to Physical Health Education, learning about Residential Schools, understanding the Core Competencies, Experiential Learning, and Co-Teaching strategies.

Meet The Teacher Night and Ice Cream Social

September 15, 2017
​It has been another busy and exciting week here at Eastview. All of the classes have settled into their routines and the active teaching and learning is wonderful to see. Our Kindergarten students have begun to attend full days and everyone is doing extremely well. A highlight of the week was...

Parent Consent Forms Are Officially Online!

September 15, 2017
​ We are pleased to announce that four parent consent forms are officially available via School Cash Online. We kindly request all parents/guardians to login, fill out the forms and submit before September 21, 2017. Click here: https://sd44.schoolcashonline.com.

First Week of School: September 8th

September 08, 2017
​We would like to welcome everyone back to Eastview for another school year! It has been a busy but exciting first week of school. The energy and enthusiasm over the first few days were wonderful and we look forward to a busy and productive school year. It has also been a...

Parent Consent Forms Go Online

July 26, 2017
​ ​ Parents/guardians, on August 29, 2017 , four consent forms will be available via School Cash Online. If you don’t already have a School Cash Online account, we encourage you to register now. Click here:  https://sd44.schoolcashonline.com  Consent for all other forms is still provided on paper and you will receive...

Year End Message From The Superintendent

July 26, 2017
From: Mark Pearmain, Superintendent, North Vancouver School District

Dear Students, Staff and Parents/Guardians,    This school year has been truly inspirational for me as a new Superintendent. I am honoured to have been able to visit all 32 of our schools in the North Vancouver School District over the...

Have you accessed your child’s report card as yet?

July 11, 2017
​ All parents/guardians are urged to access their child’s report card on the MyEd BC parent portal.  Parents should save and/or print the 2016-2017 June report card for their own records, as all 2016-2017 report cards uploads, as per provincial regulations, expire on July 31, 2017.

Eastview Draft School Plan 2017-18

May 07, 2017
The School Plan will help enhance our unique qualities with a clear purpose to strenghthen our sense of community. 

Track and Field

May 05, 2017
​We are excited to have many students in grades 4-7 participating in Track and Field this year.  All students have been invited to participate in the zone mini meets (attendance in these meets is not mandatory).  Qualifications for students will be held at the school level in the next week in order...

Student Safety at Pick up time

February 03, 2017
​ Safe Student Pick up Friday, February 3, 2017   Dear Eastview Community,   The beautiful looking snowfall creates a more challenging student pick up today. The students get excited on "snow days" and we are proud to share that they had a lot of fun and were very responsible during...

Winter Sports

January 26, 2017
​Please click on the link below to check out the practice and game schedules for the winter sports offered at Eastview EastviewSports​

Severe weather safety information

December 06, 2016
Over the next little while we may be in for some cold, snowy and icy weather.  Please take a moment to read the following information about Eastview's Severe Weather Safety Plan ​ School Connects - Severe Weather Safety Reminder[1].pdf

Book Fair Dates and Times

December 02, 2016
​We are hosting the Scholastic Book Fair in our school library Dec 5-Dec 7.  Please come and support Eastview with this fundraiser for our library by purchasing a new book for enjoyment!  Great Holiday gifts are available! Monday Dec 5 8:00 - 8:45 am,  12:15 -  12:45pm, 3:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday Dec...

Report Card Information

November 24, 2016
​MyEd Report Card Information regarding the Parent Portal is attached below.  Please take a moment to review the documents and watch the video in order to answer questions on how to access your child's report card.  PLEASE NOTE:  Should you have problems accessing your child's report card please send an email...

The Card Project

November 03, 2016
All of our students have created beautiful works of art that have all been turned into lovely holiday cards.  Don't forget to order yours and support this PAC fundraiser.  Early orders are due by Nov 13th in order to have cards delivered by Nov 28th. Final orders are due by November...

Harvest House

November 03, 2016
​We are collecting non-perishable food items for donation right now.  If you would like to donate please bring in an item or two for Harvest House.  There are baskets in the front hall of the school!  Anything helps!

Parent Teacher Interview Sign up

October 17, 2016
​Please note that Parent Teacher Interview Schedules will be posted in the front hall of the school on the morning of Tuesday Oct 18th.  All families are encouraged to come in and sign up for a time that best suits them.  If there is not a time that works for you and...

Translink International Walk to School Week Notice

October 02, 2016
​Check out the opportunities for International Walk to School Week for October 3-7!

North Vancouver Recreation Centre Notice

October 02, 2016
​Check out the following healthy living opportunity from NVRC!

Orange Shirt Day and Phyillis's Story

September 25, 2016
We have some great ​activities planned all week. ​​

Family of Schools- Harvest Fair

September 23, 2016
​The Sutherland Family of Schools PAC is excited to announce a wonderful collaborative initiative that is fun for all ages.  Please join us at Sutherland Secondary School on Sunday Oct 16th , from 11am to 2pm for a Haunted House, goodies, pumpkin patch, band performances and so much more!  We look...

Important Forms

September 19, 2016
​Please ensure that you have completed and handed in your child's emergency forms for the 2016-2017 year.  It is very important that the school have up to date information on all of our students in case of emergency, allergies, illness or other needed communication.  We appreciate your help in completing this...

Meet the Teacher...

September 12, 2016
​Please see the attachment for a description of this Eastview community event

Welcome Back Eastview Eagles!

September 01, 2016
​We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday September 6th.  Please see the attachment with added information about the shape of the first week for students, parents and staff.  Community Snapshot September 6-9, 2016.pdf

School Planning Process

July 05, 2016
​Please check out the attachment below to see the Eastview School Planning Process for the upcoming school year

Artist for Kids - Summer Camps

May 29, 2016
​Please see attached flyer.

Kindergarten Orientation

April 19, 2016
​ Incoming Kindergarten students and their families will be invited to attend one of two Kindergarten Orientation sessions on May 25 either between 9:15-10:15 or 10:45-11:45.  We are excited to welcome these families to be a part of the Eastview community!  If you have any questions, please contact the school office at...

Sports at Eastview

April 11, 2016
​Please click the link below to find the Spring Athletics Practice schedule for Eastview Elementary Practice Schedule

Spring Concert 2016

April 03, 2016
​ Save the date!   The   famous Eastview  ​Spring Concer t is  on Wednesday,  April 20.    All classes will perform at Centennial Theatre.   Please  click​   to view the full  information  from Simon Forst. 

Community Report

March 29, 2016
​There is always a lot of exciting activities happening around Eastview.  Please click on the link to access the Community Reports and our Week at a Glance bulletins.

Summer Programs

March 10, 2016
​Please see the attached flyer for North Vancouver School District Summer Learning opportunities.  The District is offering a grade 7/8 Transition class along with other courses for students at a variety of levels.   Please note that registration is limited

Scholastic Book Fair

November 09, 2015
​Attention all book lovers!!  The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Eastview.  It is the perfect time to grab a great new read, or even do a little early shopping for a certain holiday that is coming up.  The dates and times for our fair this year are : Tuesday Dec...

Kindergarten 2016-2017

October 11, 2015
​Eastview Elementary would like to invite any family, with a child entering Kindergarten in the 2016-2017 school year, to join us for a school tour on November 18th at 9:30am.  We would like the opportunity to share what an amazing community Eastview has to offer you and your child.  Coffee will...

Anaphylaxis Awareness

October 09, 2015
​There are many reasons to be aware of anaphylactic reactions.  Eastview would like everyone to read the attachment below so that we can ensure the safety of all of our students with severe allergies. Thank you Anaphylaxis Awareness Sept 2015.pdf

Welcome Pole Blessing

September 18, 2015
​​The entire Eastview community came together on September 18, 2015 to unveil and bless our new Welcome Pole. Elders from the Squamish Nation, students, staff important and distinguished members of our community celebrated the unveiling of our traditional Coast Salish Welcome Figure that will keep watch over the school and anyone...

Choir is beginning!

September 18, 2015
Lunchtime on Monday Sept 21st, will be the first Eastview Choir rehearsal of the year.  Any intermediate students (grades 4-7) interested in joining should meet in the Music Room at 12:15pm.  We look forward to having many students join us for choir this year!

Welcome Pole Blessing

September 11, 2015
​We are excited to extend a warm welcome to parents for the blessing of our new welcome pole.  Eastview students work hard on the carving and painting of our welcome pole, and it is ready to be put in place.  The ceremony will take place on Friday Sept 18th at 9:00am...

School Start Up- Sept 8th

September 04, 2015
​Welcome back to a brand new school year.  Please see the attached School Connects message regarding the first week of school (Sept 8-11)
We are really looking forward to "soaring" with you this year!! Welcome Back- Eastview School Start Up 2015.pdf

Year-end Report July 6, 2015

July 06, 2015
​Thank you for a great year Eastview! Please see attached our Year-end Report.


June 19, 2015
​Please click on the following link for important school and district events for the school year 2015-2016  Eastview Calendar.pdf

Sutherland Family of Schools Sky Art Project

May 29, 2015
​Monday, June 15 from 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  For more information on this exciting event please click on the following link FOS Sky Art Project.pdf

Litterless Lunch

May 05, 2015
​In collaboration with the Eastview PAC, we are promoting litter-less lunches and pack-in, pack-out lunches.  Please click on the following for litter-less lunch ideas!  http://www.abca.on.ca/downloads/GC_LitterlessLunch.pdf?phpMyAdmin=fa638e549ab1e05917617e02161cad78   In addition, we are asking students to wash out their containers and to take home pop cans, juice boxes and tetra containers.  We will add...

Band Program Registration

May 01, 2015
​EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FOR BAND HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MAY 31, 2015.  For information regarding 2015/16 band and string registration process, please click on Programs and Services tab and then click on Band and Strings.  Thank you.

Satisfaction Survey Extended to May 15, 2015

April 22, 2015
​The deadline for completing the annual Satisfaction Survey has been extended until May 15, 2015! The survey is available for students in grades 4, 7, their parents, teachers, and all school staff to provide feedback on the BC public school experience. Survey results are broadly used to improve education—not only by...

May 11 to May 15 - Primary Days of Music

April 20, 2015
​For more information please click PrimaryDaysOfMusic.pdf

Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup - Sunday, June 7, 2015 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

April 14, 2015
​Meet at the picnic shelter at Cates Park.  Please join us for Ben's Beach Cleanup.  All necessary supplies will be provided as well as snacks, refreshments and prizes (but please bring your own gloves as well as cups for beverages).   All kids who help out will receive a participation certificate.  A...

Ready Set Learn at Eastview on April 11, 2015

March 26, 2015
​The North Vancouver School District welcomes 3 year old children with their parents, guardians, childcare providers or early childhood educators to Ready, Set, Learn - a free early learning event funded by the BC Ministry of Education.  The Ready, Set, Learn event at Eastivew will be held in our kindergarten rooms...

District Lockdown Drill Wednesday, February 18 at 11:00 a.m.

February 16, 2015
​Please see attached guidelines and protocols regarding the District Lockdown Drill on Wednesday, February 18 Lockdown Procedures.pdf Parent Letter Lockdown.pdf Sample Outline for Classroom discussion of Lockdown.pdf

Rainy and Inclement Weather

November 24, 2014
​Eastview believes that getting outside and being active is essential to student learning.  Understanding that we live on the North Shore, weather can often be rainy, windy, chilly and sometimes snowy.  We encourage our students to be prepared to be outside everyday. Some things that students can do to be successful...

Any Leftover Halloween Candy?

November 21, 2014
​We are collecting donations in the office for our annual Christmas Cracker activity.  Every student in the school will participate in making Christmas Crackers with the support of the Grade 7 students and the office staff.  The crackers are donated to the North Shore Alliance Church.  If you have any questions...

2015/2016 Student Registration/Transfer Requests

November 20, 2014
​Please see attached .pdf regarding important dates and information about transfer requests and student registration deadlines for the 2015/16 school year. Student Registration and Transfer Information.pdf

Parking Procedures

November 19, 2014
​For the safety of our students and in consideration of our neighbours we ask that parents do not park in the East 18th Street cul de sac. This area must only be used for immediate pick up and drop off only. Another issue to note is the cul de sac becomes...

Introducing Our New Librarian - Kate Mosely

November 04, 2014
​We would like to welcome Kate Mosely to the Eastview community.  Please see the attached letter of introduction from Kate. Introducing Kate Mosley.pdf

Speak Out Power!

November 03, 2014
​Please see attachment at the end of this message. North Shore Restorative Justice Society is hosting another Speak Out event!  The Speak Out Event will be on Thursday, November 13 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at Mountainside Secondary , North Vancouver.  Through group activities and dialogue, we will be exploring "Power"...

Summer School NEW UPDATE on July 2, 2014

June 30, 2014
Due to the limitations of the Labour Relations Board Essential Services Order, the restrictions on Summer School will prevent us from offering our planned educational programs. Students enrolled in both Review and Completion and Full Credit Summer School will be receiving full refunds over the next 4-6 weeks. These students should...

Board urges BCTF and BCPSEA to reach an agreement or settlement

June 25, 2014
Dear Minister Fassbender, Mr. Iker and Mr. Marchbank:   The North Vancouver Board of Education is writing you today to urge both parties to reach a negotiated agreement or mediated settlement as soon as possible. The bargaining impasse is directly impacting our students, parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff within our community....

BCTF Strike Action - Provincial Exams - Year-end Procedures

June 12, 2014
June 12, 2014 - Letter to Parents and Guardians:      I am writing to you with an important update on the BC Teachers’ Federation declared withdrawal of services and several changes that will affect our end-of-year procedures, including Provincial Examinations, Grade 12 final grades, and the return of textbooks and resource...

Schools not in session on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May 30, 2014
​As you may already know, the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation announced that a second week of rotating, one-day strikes will take place throughout the province next week. The BCTF’s decision reflects a continuation of their job action related to teacher contract bargaining. Locally, the Teachers’ Federation has directed its members in our...

Elementary Summer School Cancelled

May 30, 2014
At the May, 27, 2014 Public Meeting, the North Vancouver Board of Education approved the cancellation of the 2014 Elementary Summer School program. Due to limited funding for the program, and an inability to charge fees to ensure that all costs are covered, the School District is unable to offer the...

Sutherland Secondary Presents!

May 27, 2014
​Illinois Jane and the Rainforest of Retribution:  A Student-Produced Play! Come out and see this family-friendly adventure comedy, as the heroine, Illinois Jane, and her arch-nemesis and evil Russian countess, explore the uncharted depths of the jungle and duel for a powerful oracle. The show dates are Wednesday, May 28 and...

May 29, 2014 - BCTF Rotating Strike Action

May 20, 2014
Schools are not in session on Thursday, May 29th due to BCTF Rotating Strike Action - Letter to all North Vancouver School District Parents and Guardians on May 20, 2014:

As you may be aware, the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation announced this morning a series of rotating, one-day strikes to occur throughout the...

Land, Learning and Livability Public Open Houses

February 07, 2014
Lucas Centre Site and Cloverley School Site
The Board of Education is seeking public input as it undertakes a land management process that will identify options for repurposing of the Lucas Centre and Cloverley School sites.

Two public open houses will be held to inform the community on the process, and to...

Parking Procedures

November 08, 2013
​For the safety of our students and in consideration of our neighbours we ask that parents do not park in the East 18th Street cul de sac.  This area must only be used for immediate pick up and drop off only.  Another issue to note is the cul de sac becomes...

Scholastic Book Fair Dec 2 - 5

November 26, 2024
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Eastview! Please feel free to pop into the library and do some book shopping. Dates and times are as follows:
Monday December 2nd 8:10 - 8:40/12 - 12:25 Primary Students Only/3 - 3:30 Tuesday December 3rd 8:10 - 8:40/12 - 12:25 Primary Students Only/3...

Eastview Remembrance Day Ceremony

November 10, 2021
​Please take a moment and watch Eastview Elementary's Remembrance Day Ceremony and honour our veterans.

Eastview PAC Welcome Video

September 17, 2021

Eastview Band Concert

July 01, 2021
​Band Concert

The Eastview band performed one final virtual concert last week. Under the guidance of Mr. Forst, the band demonstrated their growth and musical talents as they played a variety of pieces of music.

Eastview Sports Day Whole School Dance

June 18, 2021
​ Fun was had by all with today’s sports day. From the whole school dance in the morning to the traditional grade seven tug of war at the end of the day, it was great to continue some of our traditions here at school. We hope some great memories were made...

Superintendent's K-12 Mask Update

April 01, 2021

March 31, 2021 Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and Staff, Earlier this week Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry amended the existing provincial public health orders . The strengthened orders and guidelines are in effect through April 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., and details are included in this news...

Celebration of Learning: Eastview Band Performance

March 11, 2021
​Eastview Band Performance

Celebration of Learning Tour of School

March 11, 2021
​Celebration of Learning Week: Tour of School  

StrongStart Information

November 23, 2020
Please see the link below regarding NVSD StrongStart ​https://www.sd44.ca/ProgramsServices/earlylearning/

Eastview Partners for Inclusive Education Event- November 18th

November 12, 2020
​Please see the attached flyer with information regarding our upcoming Q and A session with Dr. Connor Kerns and Dr Karen Kester as they discuss anxiety and ASD.

PIE- Anxiety and ASD.pdf

Eastview Remembrance Day Assembly 2020

November 10, 2020
​video available until the end of the day on November 11th

Division 2 Chalk Art Display

October 09, 2020

Eastview School Calendar 2020-2021

July 02, 2020
Please see attached the Approved Calendar for 2020-2021 School Year ​ 2020-2021 Eastview Calendar.pdf

Eastview Salmon Release

April 02, 2020
​Come join Mrs. Jette as she releases the salmon   into Hastings Creek.

Eastview Principal's Blog

March 31, 2020
​Please see the following link for daily updates and activities for students and parents. Principal's Blog

Scholastic Book Fair Dec 2 - 5

November 26, 2024
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Eastview! Please feel free to pop into the library and do some book shopping. Dates and times are as follows:
Monday December 2nd 8:10 - 8:40/12 - 12:25 Primary Students Only/3 - 3:30 Tuesday December 3rd 8:10 - 8:40/12 - 12:25 Primary Students Only/3...

Eastview Elementary

1801 Mountain Hwy, North Vancouver, BC, V7J 2M7 | 604.903.3520 604.903.3521 | eastview@sd44.ca