Eastview Elementary
North Vancouver School District
News Item

Meet The Teacher Night and Ice Cream Social

September 15, 2017

​It has been another busy and exciting week here at Eastview. All of the classes have settled into their routines and the active teaching and learning is wonderful to see. Our Kindergarten students have begun to attend full days and everyone is doing extremely well.

A highlight of the week was the Meet the Teacher Night and Ice Cream Social. It was a great opportunity to come together as a community and see old friends and make new ones. The teachers provide an overview what students and parents could expect in the upcoming year. Parents were able to meet teachers and see the learning environment that their students were in. The Ice Cream Social hosted by the PAC was a great way to end the evening. The beautiful weather and cold treat added to the fun of socializing with one another.

The evening really highlighted the partnership we have between staff and parents. The ultimate success for Eastview as a community lies in the shared responsibility we all have in supporting our children. We value the relationship with and support of our parent community!


A selfie during our Welcome in the Gym.