École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District

​​​Quality education of children involves many perspectives and the voice of parents is important and valued at Argyle Secondary School.  Attending the Argyle PAC meetings throughout the year provides parents with the opportunity to ask questions, offer input, and gain a greater understanding of what goes on at the school on a daily basis.  School staff, students and community members often present speakers on specific topics – if you would like to suggest topics to explore, please let us know.  BC school PAC's apply and receive grant funding from the Provincial government each year.  It is the responsibility of the PAC to administer these funds and, based on the requests made by teachers and administration, Argyle PAC contributes approximately $25,000 to the functioning of valuable programs for the students.  This support is most appreciated. 

Parent volunteers are invaluable!  Athletics, music, drama, and other school activities would not be able to happen without your support.  Thank you for your participation in all areas of the education of Argyle students!

Visit our Argyle PAC parent group website: https://argylepac.weebly.com/ or Facebook page for more info about PAC news and events: https://m.facebook.com/groups/786868994787908

​​​Spring Samosa Fundraiser​​​​​​

It is time again for t​​he Argyle PAC Spring Samosa Fundraiser! Enjoy all your favorite food items (not just samosas, it is a wide variety of foods) as well as some other fun and interesting merchandise. Proceeds go towards funding PAC initiatives throughout the year - we appreciate your support!!

Ordering window: Monday, April 29th to M​​onday, May 20th 

Order pick-up:​ Fri May 31 from 3-5:30pm outside Argyle school  ​

Samosa Picture.JPG

PAC Meeting Dates 2023/2024
Argyle Library
Time:   7:00pm

September 13
October 11

November 8
December - no meeting
January 10
February 21
March - no meeting
April 10
May 15
June - no meeting