Code of Conduct (reviewed with staff/students/parents annually) École Boundary Elementary School The Boundary School Code of Conduct consists of three statements: - Caring for Self and Others
- Caring for Learning
- Caring for the Environment
Purpose The Boundary Code of Conduct focuses on ensuring the school is a safe, caring, and orderly environment. These fundamental obligations are intended to ensure that students learn in a safe environment free from threats to their physical and emotional welfare, and that the time for teaching and learning is optimized, and to maintain appropriate balances between individual and collective rights, responsibilities and freedoms. This Code of Conduct was developed in relation to the School Act (Sections 6, 10, 85, 91), the School Act Regulations, and the District of North Vancouver's Policy 302 on Student Conduct. Students at École Boundary Elementary School are expected to meet the standards set out in the BC Human Rights Code, sections 7 and 8 that include the prohibited grounds of discrimination, behaviours that discriminate against a person or class of person by publishing or displaying a statement, publication, notice, sign, symbol emblem or other representation that indicates discrimination because of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age of that person or that group or class of persons. Anti-bullying measures will ensure all students, regardless of their sex, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, enjoy a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environment.
Communication of Code of ConductThe Code of Conduct is displayed in classrooms, hallways, common areas (e.g., Band Room, Multi-Purpose Room and Library) and on our school website. The Code of Conduct and behavioural expectations are discussed and reviewed yearly (last review 2023-2024 school year) with students in classrooms and in assemblies, with staff in regular staff meetings, and with parents in School Planning Council meetings and PAC meetings. Conduct is continuously monitored to ensure that the Code is understood and practiced.
Student Conduct ExpectationsAll Staff at Boundary School will be responsible for the implementation of the School Code of Conduct through fairness, consistency and clarity. We enc ourage positive behaviour by modeling, directly teaching, and reinforcing appropriate behaviour. The Boundary Code of Conduct applies to student conduct while at school, while travelling to and from school, and while attending any school function or activity at any location. The behaviours cited in the Boundary Code of Conduct are examples only and not an all-inclusive list. 1. Caring for Self and Others Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner toward themselves and to staff, students, and visitors. This means that students will: - show respect for other people's ideas, feelings, and belongings
- be in control of their bodies and their language
- inform a "tellable" adult in a timely manner (in advance, if possible) of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation
- act in a manner that brings credit to the school
- follow staff directions immediately without argument or if clarification is needed, ask appropriately
- solve problems in a peaceful way and when having trouble solving problems, to ask for help
- play and work cooperatively with others
- include others in work and play
- show good sportsmanship
Students will not engage in behaviours that: - threaten the safety of others - will not use weapons, toy weapons, and any other items intended, or having the potential, to be used as weapons
- are unsafe - throwing objects, running inside the school and other potentially dangerous behaviours
2. Caring for Learning Students are expected to be ready to learn and to try their best. This means that students will: - arrive at school on time
- listen attentively to the ideas and opinions of others
- engage in purposeful learning activities in a timely manner
- be prepared with appropriate supplies and materials
- ask for help when they need it
- learn from their mistakes and successes
Students will not engage in behaviours that: - interfere with the learning of others
3. Caring for the Environment Students are expected to care about their physical and natural environment. This means that students will: - show respect for school, and other people's property
- recycle paper, juice boxes, bottles, green waste
- use equipment (e.g., gym equipment, computers, iPads) appropriately
- keep their personal areas (desk, coat hook) tidy
- do their part to keep common areas (library, gym, hallways, computer lab, lobby) tidy
- show respect for the green space and animals around the school
Students will not engage in behaviours that: - show disrespect for school and other people's property – littering, stealing, vandalizing, defacing, damaging or destroying the property of others
Inappropriate BehaviourThis Code of Conduct is intended to help students to behave in a positive pro-social manner and to avoid inappropriate behaviour. Inappropriate behaviour includes any action that inhibits a respectful, responsible, and safe learning environment. These inappropriate behaviours include, but are not limited to: - interfere with the learning of others
- interfere with the safety of others
- interfere with an orderly environment, both inside the school and outside
- create unsafe conditions (examples would include throwing objects, running in hallways or classrooms, pushing others)
- show disrespect of the authority of staff
- b ullying (physical, verbal, social, or cyber)
- harassment or intimidation (includes fighting, belittling, intimidating, excluding, gossiping)
- retribution against a person who has reported incidents
- using, possessing or distributing illegal or restricted substances
- using or possessing at schools any dangerous device or item that threatens the welfare of others. This includes, but is not limited to matches, lighters, or knives
- vandalism
- stealing from another individual at the school
Consequences for Code of Conduct Infractions Rising expectations As students become older, more mature and move through successive grades, increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline is expected and there will be increasing consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Progressive Discipline Model The progressive discipline model, as outlined below, will be used as a guideline when applying consequences. The nature, the severity, or the frequency of the infraction as well as the age and maturity of students will determine the level of consequence. This means that certain incidents will warrant a move directly to a higher level of consequence. Parents will be informed of any serious disciplinary action taken. All staff at Boundary, along with school district professionals, will be working with students and parents to provide support to students experiencing behavioural problems. Students will be given the opportunity to explain their behaviour, or problem-solve with others before discipline is imposed. Possible causes of inappropriate behaviour such as learning disabilities, personal or family problems, will be taken into consideration. Disciplinary action, wherever possible, is intended to be preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive. Level One Minor infractions of the Code are handled on the spot at the discretion of the teacher, special educational assistant (SEA), or administrator. The student is given a warning, with a reminder of appropriate behaviour. Younger students may be given more than one reminder before proceeding to Level Two.
Level Two Code infractions at Level Two are more severe than Level One. Some examples may include but are not limited to: - being out of bounds
- unsafe play, including hitting or rough-housing
- throwing objects such as pens, erasers, rocks, pinecones or snowballs
- name-calling, teasing
- not doing what is asked (insubordination)
- repeated level one infractions
Student is given a time out in the classroom or if during recess or lunch, time at the office for ten to fifteen minutes. (Amount of time will vary depending on the student's age.) Student may also be asked to complete a Problem-Solving Sheet. Level Three These may be serious infractions of the Code. Infractions at this level are typically referred to the Administration who also makes decisions regarding suspensions (absolute last resort). Some examples of Level Three infractions include: - bullying (including cyber bullying)
- harassment
- starting or encouraging a fight (provocation)
- physical abuse
- disrespectful and abusive language or gestures
- damaging or stealing property
- leaving school grounds without permission
- repeated minor offenses
- possession of a weapon
Level Three consequences may be progressive and depending on the severity or frequency of the infractions, may include: - student is asked to go to an alternate location for a time out until a natural break such as recess or lunch
- teacher documents the concern (on a "Blue Slip" in the office) and may connect with the parent with an email or a note in the student's agenda book
- student is given a time out in an alternate location; the student may complete a "Problem Solving Sheet" which is signed by the student, teacher or administrator and, depending on the severity of the infraction, the parent/guardian. The teacher or administrator documents the concern on a Blue Slip. Parents may also be contacted by phone or email
- student is given an in-school suspension. An administrator meets with the student (and teacher when possible) to discuss the behaviour and contacts the parents. A referral may be made to the school-based resource team (SBRT)
- student is given an out of school suspension for 1 to 5 days. The administrator contacts the parents. An intake meeting with the school administration, classroom teacher and parent/guardian is held before re-entry to review expectations and determine a plan for ongoing success
Some form of amends will accompany all three levels. Some examples include: - positive practice of expected behaviour
- repairing or replacing something damaged
- verbal or written apology
- service to the school
Consequences applied by an employee of the School Board are subject to appeal in accordance with the School Board Bylaw – Appeals of Employee Decisions Regarding Students.
NotificationSchool officials may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct. For example: - parents of student offender(s) – in every instance
- parents of student victim(s) – in every instance
- school district officials – as required by school district policy
- police and/or other agencies – as required by law
- all parents – when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it
École Boundary Elementary SchoolSchool ExpectationsSchool Entry Students are expected to: - unless instructed by school personnel or to attend an extra-curricular activity, students are not to arrive at classrooms earlier than 8:51am and students are to leave at 3:00pm
- entry the school through their assigned entry door. If the door is locked they may enter through an alternate door
- remove their hats when they come into the building
- at 8:56 am all students must be in their desks ready for the day's activities. Everyone in the building must stop what they are doing and listen to PA messages
- students arriving after the 8:56am must sign in at the office before going quietly to their classroom
School Grounds Students are expected to: - remain in school boundaries
- respect the environment (leave all the plants and trees intact)
- play co-operatively (include everyone, invent new games, play safe)
- pick up litter and dispose of it using a garbage can or recycle bin
Recess and Lunch Expectations
Recess - except in cases of extreme weather, students are expected to be outside
Lunch - "Play Before Lunch" - move to outside or inside activities at 12:10 and remain there until the 12:30pm bell
- students should exit the building using the door designated exit to their classrooms to avoid wandering the halls
- lunches are eaten between 12:10 and 12:30. Students are expected to sit and eat quietly in their own classrooms and not visit between divisions. Students go outside to play at 12:30
- students are encouraged to go home for lunch. Eating at school is a privilege that students must respect by demonstrating responsible behaviour. Students going home for lunch must sign out/in at the office and upon returning to school. They must also have first submitted a signed Lunchtime Permission Form if they eat at home on a regular basis, or present a signed parent note for each trip home
- visits to another student's home are not permitted without written permission from both students' parents
Outside Days - everyday except in cases of extreme weather (determined by the principal)
Inside Days - on days of extreme weather where it is unsafe for the students to be outside
- stay in class or move to activities determined by the school
Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Wheelies - all of the above may be used as transportation to and from school, but will be stored during school hours
- riding of the above is not permitted inside the school or outside on school property immediately to or following classes. This rule is in place to keep everyone safe
Telephone - a phone for student and community use is available at the office, but may not be used for social reasons
- permission for students to use the phone must be granted by a staff member who will give the student a phone slip
Dress Code - students are expected to dress in a neat and appropriate manner both for school and weather conditions. Clothing should be conducive to a working environment. Staff will use their discretion with what is appropriate
- items with inappropriate slogans or pictures are not allowed
- footwear is required at all times to promote safety, good hygiene and to be prepared for emergency evacuation of the school
Washrooms Students are expected to: - use the washroom at the appropriate time (i.e., not during a lesson)
- use the washroom for the appropriate reason (i.e., not a social centre)
Prohibited Items Inappropriate clothing, 'gang' related attire, music with profane or inappropriate lyrics, weapons, toy weapons, slingshots, items which are intended to be used as a weapon and valuables are not permitted at the school. The school will immediately confiscate these types of items. Those that are not weapon-related will be returned to the student at the end of the school day, to be taken home. Any weapons or items intended to be used as weapons will be held until a meeting with the parent and the school administrator(s) has taken place. The RCMP will be contacted in the event that weapon-like items of a serious nature are brought onto school property.
Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices It is now common for students to carry mobile phones and other electronic devices to school. We recognize that for some families a phone is important for communication between students and parents/caregivers before and after school. However, mobile phones can be a source of disruption in the classroom, especially when used for texting, a safety concern on the playground and a cause for social difficulties, especially amongst older children. While students can carry cell phones to school, we ask that parents support our efforts for appropriate use by adhering to the following guidelines:
- unless teachers have specified the use of personal digital devices for use in the classroom (e.g., for research purposes), please do not allow your child to carry a mobile phone to school unless it is necessary for before and after school student/parent communication
- mobile phones at school must be turned off and kept in zipped backpacks, or a safe place permitted by staff, between 8:55 AM and 3:00 PM. Students may not use mobile phones in classrooms, hallways or on the playground during the school day. Mobile phones can only be used outside of our building and outside of school hours
- the school office phone is available during the day if it is necessary for parents to call in or students to call out. Students need a phone slip from a staff member
- mobile phones are often equipped with cameras. Students may not take pictures at school. In order to satisfy legal requirements around the protection of privacy, photography at school is allowed only for school purposes and with the permission of a staff member. Permitted photos can only be used with parental consent
The school takes no responsibility for loss or damage to mobile phones or any other electronic devices. Parents send mobile phones and other electronic items to school at their own risk. In order to encourage positive social interaction, mobile devices and technologies should not be used on the playground during recess and lunch. 2017 Code of Conduct.pdf