Cove Cliff Student Conduct
In accordance with School District #44 Policy #302, students at Cove Cliff Elementary School are expected to meet the standards set out in the BC Human Rights Code that include the prohibited grounds of discrimination.
All students are encouraged to arrive at school shortly before the 8:45 bell in the morning. Parents should be aware that there is no supervision of students on the playground prior to the start of school. In order to foster independence, parents are encouraged to say goodbye to students outside the school, and allow them to enter their classroom on their own.
Recess and Lunch Supervision
Education assistants, administrators, and office staff provide supervision of students during the recess and lunch breaks. Students need to be dressed for the weather as it is our expectation that all students will play outside even in inclement weather
Out of Bounds Areas
At Cove Cliff, we have a wonderful and unique location. We are lucky to have our very own salmon stream, which runs through our property. To protect this habitat, we have designated this area “Out of Bounds" during regular school breaks. In an effort to keep students safe, the roadway, driveways, parking lots and areas beyond fence lines are out of bounds areas.
Bicycles/Skateboards & Scooters
Once on school property between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm, bicycles, scooters and skateboards should be walked and stored appropriately.
Indoor Traffic
Children enter and exit through their external classroom doors. The front entrance is reserved for adults and students and who may be late.
Leaving School
Students are not allowed to go to another child's home or any other place for lunch unless it has been arranged beforehand with the parents of both students and notes from both parents are provided to the teacher and to the office. This is to ensure your child's safety while he/she is away from home. We ask that all students sign out when they are leaving and sign back in when they return. Please remenber the school is not responsible for the safety of students once they are signed out and leave the school grounds.
Students with legitimate reasons for using the school telephones will need permission from their classroom teacher. Student use of cell phones on the school site is not permitted. (see NVSD Code of Conduct below)
Students are encouraged to leave items of personal value at home. As a reminder the school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. As there is no locked storage area for instruments, band students are encouraged to keep their instruments at home.
Parents and community members who are working in classrooms or volunteering in the school are reminded that they need to sign in at the office and receive a visitor's tag to wear while they are in the building, or on the school grounds. This helps with the safety and security of students. Volunteers working with children need to have a criminal record check. Parents are asked not to be on the playgrounds during recess and lunch breaks as this makes supervision more difficult for staff members.
Meeting with Teachers
Teachers welcome communication with parents and work hard to establish strong partnerships between home and school. If there is something of importance that you feel your child's teacher should know, please email the teacher. Please schedule a time to meet with a teacher if there is something that you need to discuss.
North Vancouver School District Code of Conduct
North Vancouver School District's Code of Conduct has been established to
Maintain a safe, caring, accessible, and healthy learning environment.
It is the shared responsibility of students, staff, parents/guardians, and the broader community, to demonstrate positive conduct while attending any school or district related activity, at any location.
All members of the school community are expected to:
- Support learning and attendance.
- Demonstrate safety.
- Respect property, environment, personal space, and privacy.
- Model courtesy, compassion, and respect.
- Value diversity.
- Treat self and all other members of the school and broader community respectfully.
All members of the school community must refrain from engaging in any in-person or digital communication or participating in behaviour that is considered to be:
- Interfering with the learning and working of others.
- Bullying, harassing, intimidating, retaliating, discriminating or violent.
- Unsafe or illegal; including the possession, use, or distribution of illegal or restricted substances or the possession of weapons or replicas.
All members of the school community are expected to:
- Comply with the purpose and spirit of the BC Human Rights Code, including not engaging in discriminatory conduct based on Indigenous identity, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or that group or class of persons.
- Wear clothing that does not promote or symbolize illegal substances or activities, hate or discrimination, profanity, pornography; or that incites violence, harassment, or threatens safety.
- Leave personal digital devices at home, in their bag/backpack, and/or in their locker during instructional time. Allowances may be made by the staff for instructional purposes, digital literacy, appropriate use based on age and developmental stage, accommodations within a student's Individualized Education Plan, accessibility, medical and health needs, and/or equitable support for learning outcomes.
Every effort will be made to support individuals and to determine the root causes of behaviour. If the safety or educational program of others is compromised, or if there is an ongoing failure to meet the expectations of the Code of Conduct, a range of consequences will follow. Whenever possible, incidents will be resolved by discussion, community service, restorative processes, referral to counselling and/or support services, mediation, and restitution, but may involve loss of privileges, detention, suspension from school, and/or collaboration with community partners. Confidentiality will be maintained; however, school officials may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct (e.g. school district officials, law enforcement, and/or other agencies, etc.).
The school will take all reasonable steps to prevent any form of retaliation against a student or staff member who has brought a complaint forward of a breach of the Code of Conduct.
Factors such as the severity and frequency of the concerning behaviour(s), as well as the age, maturity, and ability of the person(s) involved, will be considered. In most cases, as people mature, there is the expectation of increased responsibility and self-discipline; therefore, progressively increasing consequences for concerning behaviour may apply.
Considerations apply to those who may not be able to adhere to the Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.
All members of the North Vancouver School District community have the right to be treated fairly and consistently and should know and understand this Code of Conduct.