Lynn Valley Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Supervision at School

​All students are encouraged to arrive at school shortly before the 8:50 bell in the morning.  Parents should be aware that there is no supervision of students on the playground prior to the start of school.  There is NO supervision of students provided after the 3:00 bell.   

In order to foster independence, parents are encouraged to say goodbye to students outside the school, and allow them to enter the school on their own, through the doors closest to their classrooms.  Also, please arrange a family meeting place where your children will meet up with the person collecting them at the end of the day.


Recess and Lunch Supervision

Teacher aides, administrators, and office support staff provide supervision of students during the recess and lunch breaks.  Students need to be dressed for the weather as it is our expectation that all students will play outside even in inclement weather.  On very cold and rainy days, we may have an “Inside Day”; however, students should always be dressed appropriately to be warm and dry outside, as not all rainy days are “Inside Days.” 

Students who go home for lunch should sign out at the office when they leave, and sign back in when they return.

For safety reasons, students are not permitted to go out for lunch unless they are accompanied by an adult.

Lunch at School

Lunch at school is a privilege for students.  Students who do not adhere to school rules and behavioural expectations will be asked to go home for lunch.  Students staying for lunch MUST remain on the school property.

After School

There is no supervision of students in the playground after school.  Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child at 3 pm.