Queen Mary Community Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Principal's Messages

​​Important Message


2024-25 School Fees:  $67.95 per child for Kindergarten, $66.90 per child for Grades 1-7 students.

*Fees include administrative fees. Payment takes place in September of each year using School Cash Online​

Fees collected cover costs of school supplies (school will purchase), student agendas, and enrichment learning events and activities (see below for fee breakdown).

In accordance with NV School Board Policy 706 School Fees, Elementary School Fees are established each spring for the following school year.  All school fee amounts are set at cost-recovery, payable to the school at the beginning of the school year.  Fees for Queen Mary for the 2024-2025 school year are set to recover costs of "consumable" supplies (paper, pencils, erasers, markers, glue, scissors etc.).  All students in Grade 1-7 will also receive an agenda book that includes Queen Mary-specific information.

For the 2024-25 school year, the teachers will be purchasing all necessary school supplies for all students through our own suppliers, to ensure consistent quality and quantity of materials is available for all students at all times.  This means you do NOT need to shop for or send school supplies for your children. 

Queen Mary's fees for 2024-25 are broken down as follows:

Kindergarten: School supplies - $52.25    Enrichment learning fee - $15.70     TOTAL: $67.95 per child  

Grades 1-7:  School supplies - $47.05         Agenda - $4.15         Enrichment learning fee $15.70        TOTAL: $66.90 per child

The $15.70 fee enrichment learning activities provides funds to cover a portion of costs associated with performance groups, workshops, and programs to support our P.E curriculum (a 3-week tennis program has been booked for all students, and will take place in all P.E. classes in September.

Note: Fees are optional. As per the NVSD school fees policy, if you would prefer to purchase the necessary supplies yourself, you can do so – if choosing this option please pick up a school supplies list from the office to ensure your child has all items required for the start of the school year. ​ If opting to purchase school supplies yourselves, you can access the school supplies lists posted under the "parents" tab LINK HERE

Please contact the school office if you have questions or need more information.

Cheakamus Centre Programs for Grades 3, 4, and 6: 

2023-24 Programs

Grade 3 Skw'une-was Program: 2-day, 1 night ($152 per student)   Dates:   Group 1 - May 22-23, 2024.      Group 2 - May 23-24, 2024  

Grade 4 Outdoor School Program: 3-day, 2 nights ($247 per student)    Dates: March 6-8, 2024

Grade 6 Outdoor School Program:  3-day, 2 nights ($247 per student)    Dates: December 18-20
*Financial assistance is available in the form of bursaries. Contact the school principal if you would like more information about financial assistance for any of the Outdoor School or  Skw’une-was programs.

Further details and information with be provided to parents/guardians by classroom teachers in advance of the program dates.


LINK to NVSD Superintendent's Communications to Families HERE

Other Information

​Teachers explore learning through inquiry and design, as they engage in professional development relating to implementation of the new BC curriculum within the IB PYP framework.
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