Sutherland Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Recognition and Awards

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Students at Sutherland are recognized and celebrated for their achievement in academic and non-academic areas. The Sutherland Scholarship Committee and Recognition Committee are each comprised of representatives from all subject areas, counsellors, administrators, as well as a teacher sponsor for student leadership.


Graduating students are considered for scholarship opportunities based on academic achievement, involvement in school activities, leadership and specific criteria as may be stipulated by organizations.  To be considered for all scholarship opportunities, students are asked to fill out a Sutherland Scholarship and Bursary Form.  This can be found in the portal.  Information about additional scholarship opportunities will also be posted in the portal and on the Scholarship information bulletin board. Students found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct may be considered ineligible for scholarship opportunities.



Throughout school year, teachers can nominate students for their outstanding achievements in one or more of the areas listed below. Administrators present the certificates to students in their respective classrooms mid-year and in June.  Students who receive Sabre Awards may also be acknowledged at the pep-rally event. 

Sabre Awards celebrate student’s outstanding efforts in the areas of: 

  • Learning 
  • Leadership

  • Character

  • Community 

Examples of attributes that each value may entail: 

Learning: Critical, Creative, Divergent Thinking, Habits of Learning (organization, work ethic, planning), Outstanding Artifact of Learning, Active Engagement in Class, etc.

Leadership: Peer Support, Inspiration, Empathy/Care, Integrity, etc.

Character: Persistence, Turnaround and Growth, Fortitude, Overcoming Challenges, Fortitude, etc.

Community: Citizenship, Volunteerism, Environmental Awareness, Activism, etc.




These awards are given to students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement, attitude, effort and participation in various subject area. Students recognized have obtained high markin that particular subject area, and they combine academic excellence with a positive and superior approach to learning. Departments meet to determine Subject Award nominees and finalists for their respective subject areas at each grade level. This information is then shared with the Recognition Committee.  These awards may be presented at an end of year Recognition Gala or grade-level awards ceremony, in June.  



Service hours are time students spend contributing to the Sutherland school community through Athletics, clubs and volunteer work. Staff signoff is required for service hours to be awarded to a student. Students can log their service hours using the form found here: Volunteer Tracking 2024-2025. Students can also pick up the tracking form from the main office. Students submit their forms to the main office by Thursday May 26, 2025. Any late forms will not be part of any year end Recognition Gala or assembly.

Sutherland Service Awards 

β€’ Grades 11 & 12: 40 to 99 hours of school service during the school year 

β€’ Grades 9 & 10: 20 to 49 hours of school service during the school year

β€’ Grade 8: 10+ hours of school service during the school year 


Outstanding Service to Sutherland Awards 

β€’ 100+ hours of school service to Sutherland School (Grade 11/12) 

β€’ 50+ hours of school service to Sutherland School (Grades 8-10)

Scholastic Sabres Award:

In Grades 8 students will have:

- Proficient/Extending in 9 courses, based on the Semester 1 report card and the Semester 2 interim report

-No Emerging for any courses

-1 of the following areas: Subject Award(s), Shining Sabre Award or Service Award

In Grades 9 students will have:

- Proficient/Extending in 7 courses, based on the Semester 1 report card and the Semester 2 interim report

-No Emerging for any courses

-1 of the following areas: Subject Award(s), Shining Sabre Award or Service Award

In Grades 10-12, students will have:

-Average of 86%-94%, based on the Semester 1 report card and Semester 2 interim report

-1 of the following areas: Subject Award(s), Shining Sabre Award or Service Award

Criteria for all grade levels also includes: 

These students have been exemplary school citizens while maintaining an excellent academic record. The Recognition Committee also takes the following Personal and Social Responsibility information into account when finalizing decisions: work habits, attendance, conduct, demonstration of a superior attitude toward learning, Service Awards, Subject Awards and Sabre Awards. The Recognition Committee will meet in May to consider the grade data for students who have achieved this level of academic excellence. The grade data will use Final marks for Semester 1 combined with the Semester 2 Interim marks. This data will be used to calculate a students average percentage for their courses. Marks posted after the interim report card will not be considered. Marks for online courses and academy courses will not be included in these calculations. Online and Academy courses will not be part of the calculation of the average %.

Students will be recognized for the Scholastic Sabre awards at a year end Recognition Gala in June. β€‹β€‹

Principal's Award of Merit

In Grades 8 & 9, students will have:

-Extending in 3 or more classes and proficient in all others

-2 of the following areas: Subject Award(s), Shining Sabre Award and/or Service Award

In Grade 10-12, students will have:​

-Average of 95%-100%

-2 of the following areas: Subject Award(s), Shining Sabre Award and/or Service Award

These students have been exemplary school citizens while maintaining an excellent academic record. The Recognition Committee also takes the following Personal and Social Responsibility information into account when finalizing decisions: work habits, attendance, conduct, demonstration of a superior attitude toward learning, Service Awards, Subject Awards and Sabre Awards. The Recognition Committee will meet in May to consider the grade data for students who have achieved this level of academic excellence. The grade data will use Final marks for Semester 1 combined with the Semester 2 Interim marks. This data will be used to calculate a students average percentage for their courses. Marks posted after the interim report card will not be considered. Marks for online courses and academy courses will not be included in these calculations. Online and Academy courses will not be part of the calculation of the average %.​

Students will be recognized for the Principal's Award of Merit at a year end Recognition Gala in June. 


The Athletics Program at Sutherland recognizes student athletes in a number of ways through the school year.

Athlete of the month

This recognition is given to up to two student athletes each month for their commitment and performance on and off the field of play for that month. Feedback from coaches and members of the Athletic Council provide the candidates for this recognition. The student athletes named will be announced on the P.A. at school and noted in the School Newsletter. Please see photographs of recipients and physical signature of this award in the Trophy Case next to the PHE office in the A (athletics) wing of the school.
Year end Athletics BBQ 

The year end Athletics BBQ is hosted at Sutherland each June on the east plaza and in the multipurpose room. Invitations are sent to student athletes and families in late May to invite them to the event. This is a celebration of our student athletes efforts throughout the year, the success of the teams in their seasons and a big thank you to our volunteers, the Awards below are handed out at the BBQ. These awards are reviewed by the AD and the Athletic council​​.
Year End Athletic Recognition: 

Excellence in Leadership and Community 
This award is given to student athletes that are usually senior students who have shown a history of athletic participation as a player, team official, and game official, may have served on the athletic council, and have contributed to athletics in each season​.​

Athlete of the Year
This is determined in consultation with the Athletic Council, AD, and coaches. These are awarded by grade and are often given to two student athletes per grade. Depending on the depth of the grade level there may be multiple winners. These student athletes have shown exceptional commitment to the team, have shown exceptional performance on the field of play, makes others around them better, have been a model student athlete, and have contributed to athletics in each season.
Is awarded by coaches in consultation with the AD to players that have shown exceptional commitment to the team, have shown exceptional performance on the field of play, makes others around them better, and have been a model student athlete in the classroom and field of play. 

Most Improved Athlete

The Most Improved Athlete recognition is given to a member of a sports team who has shown significant growth and progress throughout the season. The recipient of this award has shown dedication, perseverance, skill development, and positive attitude throughout the season. The recipient of this award serves as an inspiration to their teammates, demonstrating the value of hard work and the potential for continuous improvement in sports and in life​.​

The Sutherland Athletics Council reviews the process of athletics recognition each year




Sutherland Secondary

1860 Sutherland Ave, North Vancouver, BC, V7L 4C2 | 604.903.3500 604.903.3501 |