Parents and picture-taking:
a reminder
about filming, photography and student privacy
With all the exciting school activities that occur
throughout the year, we provide this consideration regarding the filming and sharing
of student photographs and videotapes of student events.
Parents are welcome to photograph and videotape school
events. However, the potential promotion, exchange or sharing of student images
raises privacy issues that are important to be aware of.
A parent wishing to film or photograph students and then
post these images to a website (i.e. YouTube) needs to have collected signed
permission for the students (provided by parents or guardians in the case of
minors) in the video before posting their photos. To do so without
signed permission is a violation of student privacy.
While any liability would lie with the photographer/videographer
in a situation like this, we feel it’s important to remind all parents to
respect the privacy of other students and their families. While it’s understandable that many families
would appreciate being able to exchange photographs or videotapes of school
events, privacy concerns must take precedence.
Thank you for your understanding.