Argyle Student Leadership 11
This course deals with the theoretical and practical understanding of human relations and the application of leadership. The time in class will be spent understanding the basic concepts of proactive leadership and how to effectively use the concepts in life and within the school environment. The student will develop peer-helping skills, coach, plan a practice, practice public speaking and be a part of running school and community events. This course provides an opportunity for senior high school students to take on a mentorship role in elementary schools, at Argyle and in the community. This is a great opportunity for teenagers to help younger students right here in Lynn Valley and bridge the gap between elementary and high schools.
Students will take on leadership roles in the following areas:
- Coaching – Argyle and Elementary athletics programs: e.g. Basketball, Volleyball, etc.
- Teaching Assistant - Assist teaching in both elementary and junior high school classes
- Community - Organize and execute selected events in both the school and surrounding communities and volunteer for local events.
Students need to provide supplemental information to ensure they have the foundation of skills and responsibility necessary to be successful in the course. Please see teacher during programming.
This class is aimed at grade 11's although open to grade 11 and grade 12's.
The course is designed to be taken once for grade 11 credit.
Supplementary Fee $ 15.70
Students wishing to take Leadership 11 are required to indicate their intentions by completing the form located here: