Γ‰cole Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District

​​​The Science Department at Argyle offers general science courses in the junior grades. In grade 11 and 12 courses are diversified.  The inquiry approach and a wide variety of activities are both used extensively to teach content.


As students investigate cells, atomic theory, light and plate tectonics they will increase their understanding of the Scientific Method and our natural world. Communication, critical and creative thinking, personal awareness, and social responsibility are skills that will be developed throughout the year. Students will also be provided with the opportunity to develop the processes, attitudes and scientific habits of mind that allow them to pursue their own inquiries.  The course will culminate with a grade-wide science fair.  


As students investigate reproductive strategies, the periodic table, electricity and ecosystems, they will increase their understanding of the Scientific Method and our natural world. Communication, critical and creative thinking, personal awareness, and social responsibility are skills that will be developed throughout the year. Students will also be provided with the opportunity to develop the processes, attitudes and scientific habits of mind that allow them to pursue their own inquiries. Recommended: Science 8 or Sciences Naturelles 8 


Science 10 topics include genetic diversity and patterns of inheritance, chemical processes and energy transformations, as well as the formation of the universe. Using critical thinking, creative insight, and their current scientific knowledge, students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, discover and increase their understanding of science through hands-on experience. Recommended: Science 9 or Sciences Naturelles. 

EARTH SCIENCE11                                                                                          

This course provides students with a concept of the Earth's structure, the materials it is made from, and its position in the known universe.  This is a senior science course for students interested in geology and who are willing to put in a serious effort and prepare for Geology 12 or Geography 12.  Students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, and discover our role in shaping the Earth and maintaining a future on the Earth or beyond. Topics covered include earth materials, plate tectonics, erosion, oceanography, atmospheric science, and astronomy.  Recommended:  Science 10 or Sciences Naturelles 10. 



Science for Citizens deals with inventions and discoveries, and the way in which science and technology affect the well-being of individuals and the global society. Using critical thinking, creative insight, and their current scientific knowledge, students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, discover and increase their understanding of science through hands-on experience. Topics covered include, health science, home technologies, recycling, workplace chemicals, forensic science, extreme weather and disaster preparedness, and resources and sustainability. Recommended: Science 10 or Sciences Naturelles 10.


GEOLOGY 12                                                                                                                                                                            

Geology 12 expands on the geology units taught in Earth Science 11.  It prepares students for university courses in geophysics, geology, volcanology, and the oil and mining industry. Geology 12 topics include earth materials, geologic time and the fossil record, plate tectonics and deformation and mapping and surface processes. Using critical thinking, creative insight, and their current scientific knowledge, students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, and discover their place in the geologic record and their responsibility to create a symbiotic relationship with the Earth and its resources. Recommended: Biology 11, Physics 11, Earth Science 11, or Chemistry 11 (recommended 67%) ​

CHEMISTRY 11            

Using critical thinking, creative insight, scientific theory and mathematics, students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, discover and increase their understanding of chemistry through hands-on experience. Topics include atomic structure and the periodicity, the mole concept, chemical reactions and stoichiometric analysis, solution chemistry and an introduction to organic chemistry. In addition to scientific theory, implications for human health, society and the environment will be investigated. Recommended:  Science 10 (67% +) and Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10 (67% +) 

CHEMISTRY 12                                                           

This is an introductory course in physical chemistry which builds extensively on material covered in Chemistry 11.  Using hands-on experience, critical thinking, creative insight, scientific theory and mathematics, students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, discover and increase their understanding of chemical processes and resource development.  Social, health, ethical and environmental issues will also be investigated.  Topics include: reaction kinetics, reversible reactions (dynamic equilibrium, solubility equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium) and electrochemistry (oxidation – reduction reactions).  Recommended:  Chemistry 11 (67% +) and Pre-calculus 11 (67% +) 


Life Sciences 11, formerly Biology 11, uses lab activities to study the increasing complexity of life forms from viruses and bacterium, fungi, and then on to higher plants and animals. Students investigate how different organisms fulfill their life functions, for example, exchanging materials, responding to the environment, and reproduction.  Interactions with other organisms, including humans, and the ecosystem will also be explored.  This course teaches fundamental concepts needed in future biology courses, in both the high school and post secondary setting.   Supplemental field trip to the Vancouver Aquarium wet-lab may occur at the discretion of the teacher.   Recommended:  Science 10 or Sciences Naturelles 10 


This course provides students with a concept of local ecosystems, how to produce and sustain a healthy ecosystem, and how humans can have a positive or negative consequence on their environment. Students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, and discover their role in sustaining a biodiverse ecosystem, limiting the negative impacts of humans on the environment, and how to help conserve and restore local ecosystems.   Recommended:  Science 10 or Sciences Naturelles 10.


Biochemistry and cellular mechanics form the basis of study for the first half of this academic course, formerly known as Biology 12. Genomics and the importance of emerging DNA technologies such as cloning and recombinant DNA will be explored.  Human physiology becomes the focus for the remainder of the year. An understanding of the organization of human systems and the integrated nature of the human body will be emphasized. The effects of nutrition, lifestyle, and different medical conditions on homeostasis and health will be considered. Recommended:  Biology 11 and Chemistry 11* (67% recommended) Note: Students who wish to enroll in Anatomy and Physiology 12 without Chemistry 11 should meet with a Anatomy and Physiology 12 teacher and preview the textbook/content to ensure they have the appropriate foundational skills to succeed.


PHYSICS 11                                                                                         

This course is designed to give the student a general background to physical concepts.

Topics include: Kinematics in one and two dimensions, Dynamics in one and two dimensions, Energy,  Waves and Circuits. Recommended: Science 10 (67% +) and Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10 (67% +). The big ideas are as follows:



This course is designed to give the student a general background to Physics concepts including kinematics, dynamics, momentum and energy, gravity, waves, light, nuclear physics and special relativity. This course will help prepare students for the rigors of first year university, and will especially benefit students intending to study Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, and general Sciences.  Expanding on the Physics 11 curriculum, this class will prepare students to write the Advanced Placement (AP) Physics 1 Exam, and will include rotational dynamics, angular momentum, oscillations and simple harmonic motion. Students develop deep understanding of the content and apply their knowledge through inquiry-based labs. Students may write the optional AP Physics 1 Exam in May. Recommended: demonstration of excellence in Science 10 and Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10, and a strong work ethic.

The cost to write the optional AP Physics 1 Exam is $150


PHYSICS 12                                                                                         

This course covers in greater conceptual and mathematical detail the material taught in Physics 11.  Detailed experimental techniques will be covered. Topics include Vectors, Dynamics in one and two dimensions, Satellites in circular orbits, Momentum, Energy, Electrostatics, Circuits, Electromagnetism, and Einstein's Special Relativity.

Recommended: Physics 11 (67% +) & Pre-calculus 11 (67% +) The big ideas are as follows:​

AP PHYSICS 2              

This course covers in greater conceptual and mathematical detail the material taught in Physics 12. Detailed experimental techniques, vectors, 2-D kinematics, dynamics, equilibrium, gravity, electric charges, circuits and electromagnetism will be covered. This course will prepare students to write the Advanced Placement (AP) Physics 2 Exam in May. AP Physics 12 will be taught like an introductory college-level physics course that explores topics such as fluid statics and dynamics; thermodynamics with kinetic theory; PV diagrams and probability; electrostatics; electrical circuits with capacitors; magnetic fields; electromagnetism; physical and geometric optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. Through inquiry-based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills. Designed for students who excel in the sciences and want to go into sciences, particularly Engineering, Physics, or Computer Sciences at university.  Recommended: Physics 11 (86% +) & Pre-calculus Math 10 & 11 (86% +)

The cost to write the optional AP Physics 2 Exam is $150



Preparing for Advanced Placement (AP) exams provides students an enriched academic experience to demonstrate their expertise at a 1st year University level. AP curriculum is fast paced and stretches students' thinking and problem-solving skills. In May of each year, AP, in conjunction with the College Board and Educational Testing Services, offers a set of internationally recognized exams. A successful result on the AP Exam may be used as credit and/or advanced placement at many post-secondary institutions. For more information on Advanced Placement, visit the website at: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/​


Γ‰cole Argyle Secondary

1131 Frederick Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1J3 | 604.903.3300 604.903.3301 | argyle@sd44.ca