Highlands Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Guidelines, Policies and Routines

1. School Hours

8:44                         warning bell for arrival

​8:49                         morning session begins                                  

10:20 – 10:​40        recess                         

12:00 – 12:50         lunch                                      

3:00                        dismissa​l


2. Office Hours

The Highlands office is open from​ 8:00 am until 3:30 pm.  A message machine is on when the office is closed or when all lines are engaged. 

3. Morning Procedures
        • Students are enc​ouraged to arrive at schoo​​l between 8:40 and 8:44 am.  The doors are opened at 8:40 am. Students should not be in the school be​​fore 8:40 unless under the direct supervision of a teacher.
        • Stude​nts riding bikes, scooters or skat​​eboards to school must wear helmets and walk their wheeled vehic​le on the school grounds
        • ​Students and parents are encouraged to say go​​od-bye and meet after school outside the building at a designated meeting spot.  Building independence ​for students is our goal.

4. Recess Routines 10:20 – 10:40

        • All students go outside ​​and are expected to dress for the wea​ther of the day
        • Students are encouraged to use​​ the washroom durin​g the recess break
        • The computer room and library are not o​​p​en during recess
        • ​​The school grounds are superv​ised by aides durin​​g recess and lunch 

5. Lunch Routines 12:00 – 12:50

        • Students are encouraged​​ to go home for lunch whenever possible
        • Students staying for lunch are ex​​pected to remain in their seats and display proper behaviour while eating
        • Students go outside at the 12:20 bell unle​​ss an “inside” day is called due to heavy rain
        • Students with passes may work quietly in the libra​​ry.  Once students have made this choice they may not go outside.  Similarly, students who choose to go outside must stay outside for the duration of the lunch hour.
        • Students who go home for lunch must go straight home and​ straight back
        • Students who stay at school for lunch must stay on the school g​​rounds 

6. After School Routines

        • All students are exp​​ected to go home promptly after being dismissed from school
        • Students who have been ask​​ed to stay after school by a teacher will be given permission to use the student phone in order to inform their parents.

7. General Guidelines for Students

        • The gym, medical, music and stor​​age rooms are out of bounds to students unless under the direct supervision of a staff member
        • Students are expected to follow traffic safety rules when traveling to and from school and to obey the direction of Highlands Safety Patrollers and Parent Patrollers
        • Students are expected to take responsibility for the care of school materials, including textbooks, team shirts, supplies, equipment and furniture. Students are liable for lost or damaged items and will be charged a replacement cost or a portion thereof.
        • Students are asked to leave personal valuables (jewellery, toys, money, trading cards, electronic devices etc.) at home. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
        • Students may not take photos at school. In order to satisfy legal requirements regarding the protection of privacy, photography at school is allowed only for school purposes.

8. Accident Procedures

When accidents occur, a qualified staff member will administer first aid.  It is very important that parents notify the school office if there are any changes in telephone numbers (residential, cellular or business), emergency numbers or family doctor.   This information could be critical if there is an injury to your child.

9. Medicine at School

If a parent wishes school personnel to administer medication to a child for any period of time, a special Vancouver Coastal Health form, available from the school office, must be completed.


10. Telephone Use

Pupils may use the phone, with their teacher's permission, for any important reason.  They may not use the phone to inform parents or friends of after school plans.  Students are encouraged to make their social arrangements the night before. The phone is always available in an emergency.


There is no cell phone use at school

  • Students who wish to carry a cell phone for before- and after-school use must have a signed cell phone agreement on file in the office


11. Extra Time at School

School hours may be extended beyond the regular dismissal time of 3:00 p.m.  Students may be kept for the completion of work or for behavioural infractions.  Students also may be asked to stay after school when a teacher feels more work is required, in which case they will be asked to phone home for permission.  Students are always granted the use of the phone to inform parents of an unexpected delay in arrival time.


12. Homework

Homework contributes to the educational growth of the student by providing an opportunity to deepen and further develop understandings, concepts and skills. Homework may take the form of nightly reading, math drills, subject review, project research, unfinished classroom work, specific classroom assignments as listed in the student planner or studying for up-coming tests. When a child has been absent, missed classroom work may be assigned for homework.


Homework should be completed in an environment with few distractions. The type and amount of homework will vary from student to student, from grade to grade and from day to day. Parental involvement in the intermediate grades should be limited and strategic so that students develop independence and responsibility. Parents can show an interest by checking the planner, asking questions, helping prepare for tests, encouraging effort and promoting independence. 


More support is needed at the primary grades, when positive attitudes and habits about homework are being formed. Primary readers benefit from one-on-one support from a pare​nt for nightly reading. Primary homework typically consists of nightly reading, spelling practice, math fact practice, and the occasional special project. Board games, dice games, card games and nature walks all complement classroom activities and reinforce concepts in a fun, interactive way. Parents are encouraged to check and sign their child’s planner daily.


Click here to see chart   Covid-19 Symptoms, Testing and Return to School.pdf


Highlands Elementary

3150 Colwood Dr, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2R6 | 604.903.3540 604.903.3541 | highlands@sd44.ca