Highlands Elementary
North Vancouver School District
About Our School


The Highlands staff believes a co-operative, open environment fosters the best possible academic, personal and social development for each pupil.  Every child is encouraged to become an independent, self-motivated student with a positive attitude towards learning, a sense of responsibility and empathy for others.


Our school policies and procedures reflect principles of child development, current educational practices and research, and a concern for the needs of the individual child.  Our programs assist students in acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be successful in society.

We recognise that education is a partnership between home and school, and we encourage parents to become involved through the Highlands Parent Advisory Council (HPAC).


Highlands Elementary

3150 Colwood Dr, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2R6 | 604.903.3540 604.903.3541 | highlands@sd44.ca