Montroyal Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Code of Conduct
The Board of Education believes that schools provide safe, caring and orderly environments for purposeful learning activities. As required by the School Act, each North Vancouver school develops its own code of conduct in consultation with parents, staff and students. These codes are monitored and reviewed on an annual basis and clearly communicated to staff, students, and parents. There are certain issues that all schools address with reference to their own code of conduct. Consequently, through the development of their code of conduct, schools establish and maintain appropriate balances between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. School codes align with the North Vancouver School District's Code of Conduct.

​North Vancouver School District's (NVSD) Code of Co​nduct. ​Please also refer to the following link to review the NVSD Code of Conduct policy.

The students of Montroyal have taken the NVSD Code of Conduct and adapted it into "kid friendly" format. It reads as follows:

 Behaviour Expectations at Montroyal
​What is Expected 
Take care of yourself, others and our school. 
Be kind to yourself and to others. 
Be on your best behaviour. 
Listen to adult and student requests on the first ask. 


It is the shared job of everyone to show and be on our best behaviour, to work on finding solutions to problems, and to treat people the way we want to be treated. 

All members of the school community are expected to 

Behave in a way that allows others to work and learn. 
Stop when someone says stop.
Understand that no means no. 

Please be a helper when solving problems. Some ways you can do this include:β€― 
Follow requests and/or instructions the first time someone asks.β€―β€― 
Use your words.  
Say β€œsorry” if you hurt someone else with your body or your words. 
Own your part of the problem. Take responsibility for your words and/or actions.β€― 
Follow through with the consequences of your misbehaviour and learn from your mistakes.β€― 
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.β€― 
Stay out of problems that do not involve you.β€― 
Seek adult help if needed.


What is Not Expected 

Calling people names.
Saying unkind things about people.
Being unkind to someone over and over again.
Asking unkind questions about classmates with other classmates. 
Using negative, unkind or bad words. 
Using your hands or body to hurt others.


If unexpected behaviours happen, teachers and other staff members will work together with parents to figure out what needs to happen for students to be successful at school. β€‹