Montroyal Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, and In-line Skates

​​​Bicycles and scooters are often ridden to and from school. Sometimes students may ride on skateboards or use in-line skates. Whatever type of wheels you are using, it is expected that students will wear helmets and behave in an appropriate manner that ensures everyone is safe.​

Skateboards, bicycles, scooters or in-line skates are not to be ridden on school grounds during the school day. The school day is deemed to be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Students must walk their wheels once at school.

Bikes can be locked to  the bike racks in the courtyard. Skateboards, scooters and in-line skates should be put away in the cloakroom area of classes, and tucked away in order to ensure that no one trips over them.

In the event of a student having difficulty with following the above behaviour expectations at school, they may be told to leave these modes of transportation at home. 

Thank you for your cooperation. β€‹β€‹