Board of Trustees of the North Vancouver School District with the assistance of
a grant from the Provincial Government is pleased to be able to offer a meal
program at Mountainside Secondary School.
Students in need can receive a nutritious lunch with variety and appeal
while at the school.
This school year, MSS will be partnering with a local catering service
for the provision of the lunch program. The cost for lunch
served is $4 per meal.
The intention of the meal program, again, is to provide healthy and
nutritious food to those students who are hungry and need to eat. Previous school years, we have had roughly 60-70 students particiapte in the MSS meal
program, and we are aiming to provide for this number again this year.
Lunch tickets will be sold at a cost of $ 4.00 per ticket. The tickets will be held at the school for each student and the student will pick up their ticket and obtain their meal. This system is designed so that families only pay for meals that their child eats. You can purchase as few or as many tickets as you wish at any time on School Cash Online or at the main office. Methods of payment are cash, debit or credit card. Fee waiver forms are available at the main office or through your advisor teacher.
Should you not wish to participate in the meal program, we ask that you let your advisor teacher or front office staff know, and send a lunch with your student, or provide them with money to purchase food from one of the local restaurants (Subway, DJJ's Pizza, Sushi, McDonalds, Fresh Slice Pizza, etc.) so that we can ensure that the meals that we have ordered go to those that have arranged for it and/or need it.
Should you
have any questions about these changes, please do not hesitate to contact Lucas King, Principal at