Mountainside Secondary School
North Vancouver School District
​​​​​Post-Secondary Information

Plan your education

EducationPlannerBC helps learners make well-informed decisions about their education, including post-secondary education and career options.

Refer to the BC Graduation Program Handbook of Procedures for information about provincial assessments, transcripts and the sharing of data between schools and the Ministry of Education.


If you are applying to a post-secondary institution, make your PSI selections using the online Ministry of Education's Student Transcript Service.  Completion of the Student Transcripts Service, allows the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care to forward your transcript electronically to the post-secondary institutions you have applied to.

This service also allows students to view their transcripts and assessment results, and place orders for copies of their official transcripts.

Visit the Order transcripts and certificates Ministry of Education Student Transcript Service web page for more information, including help videos.

Online Course completion deadlines for university entrance.

If you are taking online courses to meet university entrance requirements, most schools will require:

  • Courses be 50% complete and graded before reporting an interim/midterm grade by March 15.
  • Courses be 100% complete by 1st week of June so that course marks will be on your final transcript by June 30.
  • If you have already graduated from high school and are upgrading courses, complete all courses and submit your final, official transcript by May 15 (UBC).

​Job and Career Training

​Follow the link below to the ​BC Ministry of Post Secondary ​​Education and Future Skills website​​ for information on SkilledTradesBC, WorkBC​​ and many other continuing education, trades, training, and career options.

Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

​North Shore Youth Services Directory

Follow the link below to an interactive resource from the City and District of North Vancouver and West Vancouver.


Mountainside Secondary School

3365 Mahon Ave, North Vancouver, BC, V7N 3T7 | 604.903.3333 604.903.3334 |