Welcome to Ridgeway Elementary's Library
Hello Ridgeway Families,
Follow these instructions to Learn How to Log-In to Destiny Discover:
Or read these written instructions on how to log-in and hold a book:
Open an internet browser such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer.
Scroll to the bottom of the homepage. In the blue section on the left side, click on Online Library Catalogues.
Click on Ridgeway Elementary School. Now click on DESTINY DISCOVER, that will be found on the left-hand side.
Once on that page LOG-IN in the top right side with your school username and password (the same one you have been using for MS Teams).
To find out what books you currently have checked-out, go to the 3 bars in the top left corner and click CHECKOUTS.
You can also place a HOLD on a book by searching for a book and then clicking HOLD.
Please reach out to Ms. Gallilee if you have any difficulties, and I can work through it with you.
Heather Gallilee
Teacher-Librarian Ridgeway Elementary
You can reach Ms. Gallilee by e-mail: hgallilee@sd44.ca
We are on Instagram @librarygall44
We are on twitter @librarygall44