North Vancouver Online Learning
North Vancouver School District
Frequently Asked Questions

​​​​​Who is the Online Learning student?

​​Visit the Student Support page for more information on the types of students that enrol with North Vancouver Online Learning.​

Is Online Learning the same as Homeschooling?

No, it is not.  Both Online Learning and Homeschooling fulfill different purposes.  Please review Classroom Alternatives from the Ministry of Education and Childcare to learn about the differences.​​

​​​​​What courses do you offer through North Vancouver Online Learning?

North Vancouver Online Learning (NVOL) offers academic and elective courses at the Grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 levels. For a complete list, including course descriptions, please visit the NVOL Courses page.

How do I register?

You can register online. See our Registration web page for detailed instructions.  

What happens after I submit my registration information?

You will receive an email with important instructions.  

Who is my teacher?

​Teachers' names and the courses they teach are available under ​Teacher Contacts.

Are online learning (OL) courses equivalent to in-person courses?

Yes! North Vancouver Online Learning courses follow the B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care curriculum. 

By taking a course online at NVOL, students build and strengthen self-management skills including self-motivation, time management, and perseverance. 

How long does it take to complete an online course?

Online learning courses are usually self-paced, and students have up to a calendar year to complete their course. Each 4-credit course is approximately 100 hours of online instruction (including lessons, activities, assignments, readings, etc.) plus time for homework, labs (if applicable) and test invigilation. Students who require a final grade on their June transcript must complete the course by June 1.

How do I write tests and exams?

When you are ready to take a test or exam, contact your teacher who can arrange for you to sit the test remotely virtually online or in person at our NVOL Centre located at Mountainside Secondary School (3365 Mahon Avenue, North Vancouver). 

How do I contact my teacher?

You can contact your teacher via email (visit Teacher Contacts​), Microsoft Teams, by phone, and within the Learning Management System. 

Are the courses web-based?

The courses are held in a secure Learning Management System (LMS) called Brightspace. The Brightspace Learning Management System is accessed via the web but is a private site for teachers and online students only. It is not open to the public.

How do I submit assignments to my teacher?

You submit assignments in the Brightspace Learning Management System​.  If you need support​​, please contact your teacher.

When can I work on the course?

Once you have received your login and password, the course will be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Please note however that NVOL is closed during the months of July and August as well as Winter Break (December) and Spring Break (March).  NVOL follows the same schedule as the other NVSD schools.

Students may work on assignments during these times but will have limited access to their teachers and the ability to submit their work.

What if I forget the login information?

If you forget your password, please follow the Forgot your password? We can help! - North Vancouver School District (​ link

If you forget your username, contact us at 604.903.3333 or email

How can I be successful in my online courses?

Here are a few strategies:
    • Create a plan for when and where you work on your course.
    • Connect with your teacher.
    • Submit assignments regularly.

North Vancouver Online Learning

3365 Mahon Ave, North Vancouver, BC, V7N 3T7 | 604.903.3333 604.903.3334 |