North Vancouver Online Learning
North Vancouver School District


Students who are currently registered in any school in British Columbia, including the North Vancouver School District, must have the support of their parent/guardian to enrol in Online Learning. Students must also inform the counsellor at their school of record about their intention to enrol with NVOL.  

Parents/legal guardians of students who are not attending a North Vancouver School District school must provide identification (e.g., birth certificate and passport) for both the student and themselves, and proof of residency (e.g., phone bill, utility bill).


  • Graduated Adult students who have graduated from a secondary school in B.C. or from any other jurisdiction in the world may need to pay a non-refundable course fee of $550 at the time of registration, based on the course they are selecting. Please contact our academic advisor for information on courses that are fee paying.
  • International students must pay a non-refundable course fee of $1,000 at the time of registration. Some in-district North Vancouver international students may qualify for a fee waiver if the course is a graduation requirement and cannot be accommodated​ in a regular face-to-face schedule at a mainstream secondary school. Permission for the fee waiver must be approved by the International Education program administrator and the NVOL principal. Please contact your counsellor.


Students are expected to complete their NVOL course in a timely manner and will have a maximum of one year from the date of registration to complete. To receive a final grade on the June Communication of Student Learning report card and/or transcript, students must aim to complete their course by June 1. ​


Students are expected to make continuous progress in their online courses. Students who are inactive in their NVOL course for two reporting periods will be withdrawn due to inactivity. Students who wish to "drop" a course must formally withdraw by submitting a withdrawal form at this link.

Course Engagement

Students are expected to be actively engaged in all aspects of their online course. Please refer to our Course Engagement Policy for information.
Course Engagement Policy.pdf

Student Code of Conduct & Academic Integrity

Students are responsible for practicing internet safety, ensuring all work submitted is their own, and properly citing all information sources used in the creation of their work. For details about this policy and the consequences of violating the regulations therein, please review the Code of Conduct below.

Code of Conduct

Test and Exam Invigilation

Tests and exams requiring invigilation may be written virtually online or at our NVOL Centre located at Mountainside Secondary School.


North Vancouver Online Learning

3365 Mahon Ave, North Vancouver, BC, V7N 3T7 | 604.903.3333 604.903.3334 |