CALLBACK LINE: 604.903.3673
Only call the Callback Line if you are excusing a student or email
When reporting Absences to the Callback Line:
(please keep the following in mind)
First Name, spell Last Name, Date of absence, whether they will be absent the whole day, or state the portion of the day, one-word explanation for absence (such as “excused”, “ill”, “appointment”, “vacation”). It is not necessary to provide your telephone number, as it is in our system already. (Note it is not necessary to repeat the information).
If your student is absent due to illness, please specify symptoms as this will assist Public Health in monitoring/following up communicable illness in the school community.
Examples of what NOT to say:
“Hopefully will be in…”, “might be away…”, “maybe there...maybe not…”,
What to do if you receive a phone call:
The automated call system refers to "PERIODS OF THE DAY" (1 thru 8) so you must look at your student’s timetable to determine which missed class ("BLOCK") the call is for. IF you receive a phone call regarding any Period other than 1 thru 8, it is referring to a class that is outside of the regular timetable (ie, lunch or before/after school) which could be band, choir or an Academy. FYI: We have 8 periods (classes) that are arranged in different blocks. Block 1 is 9:10-10:21 – Period 1 falls in a block 1 on Mondays of week 1s and Period 5 falls in a block 1 on Tuesdays of a week 1.
If your student says they were in class, they must speak with the teacher who marked them away. Please note: only that teacher can verify and change the attendance.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Attendance Matters
The staff at Seycove Secondary believe that attendance and punctuality are key factors for success at school. Students that demonstrate punctuality as part of their work ethic are more likely to succeed, whereas those who are habitually absent or late often struggle to achieve their potential in course work and extracurricular activities. Please take a look at the Attendance Matters flyer below, and please feel free to contact the grade counselor if you have any questions.
Attendance Matters