Seycove Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Course Information and Course Descriptions 2025-2026
​​​​AP Courses​Curriculum
​Grade​Course Code
AP Psychology Course Flyer 2025

AP Psychology Course Syllabus

AP Psychology PP from FEB 7 info night

AP Exam Fee
AP Psychology​
12​​​4​Open to students in grade 11 & 12​


​ ​ ​ ​ ​
ADST - Applied Skills Courses - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education Curriculum
​Course Code
Economics 12
Economics 1212 MEC-124Open to students in grade 11 & 12
Engineering 8
course video
Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 88 MADGE08ENGSupplemental Fee Applies $10.50
Engineering 9
course video
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 99MADGE09ENGSupplemental Fee Applies $68
Metalwork and Engineering 10
Metalwork and Engineering 1010 MTMET 104Supplemental Fee Applies $68
Metalwork and Engineering 11
course video
Metalwork and Engineering 1111MTMET 114Supplemental Fee Applies $68
Metalwork and Engineering 12
course video
Metalwork and Engineering 1212MTMET 124Supplemental Fee Applies $68
Food Studies 8
8MADFS08Supplemental Fee Applies $21
Food Studies 9
course video

Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 99 MADFS09Supplemental Fee Applies $57.75
Food Studies 10
course video
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 1010 MFOOD104Supplemental Fee Applies $57.75
Food Studies 11
course video
Food Studies 1111 MFOOD114Supplemental Fee Applies $63
Food Studies 12
course video
Food Studies 1212MFOOD124Supplemental Fee Applies $63
Media Design - Yearbook - 10
Media Design 1010 MMEDD104
Media Design - Yearbook - 11
Media Design 1111 MMEDD114
Media Design - Yearbook - 12
Media Design 1212MMEDD124
Textiles 8
8MADT-08Supplemental Fee Applies $10.50
Textiles 9
course video
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 99MADT-09Supplemental Fee Applies $42.00
Textiles 10
course video
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 1010 MTXT-104Supplemental Fee Applies $42.00
Textiles 11
course video
Textiles 1111 MTXT-114Supplemental Fee Applies $42.00
Textiles 12
course video
Textiles 1212MTXT-124Supplemental Fee Applies $42.00
Woodwork 8
course video
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 88 MADW-08Supplemental Fee Applies $10.50
Woodwork 9
course video
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 99MADW-09Supplemental Fee Applies $75.00
Woodwork 10
course video
Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 1010MWWK-104Supplemental Fee Applies $75.00
Woodwork 11
course video
Woodwork 1111MWWK-114Supplemental Fee $75.00
Woodwork 12
course video

Woodwork 1212MWWK-124Supplemental Fee Applies $75.00

ARTS - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education  CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Art 8Art 88MVA-08​Supplemental Fee Applies $5.25
Art, Digital Art and Photography 9
course video
Art 99MVA-09Supplemental Fee Applies $36.75
Art Studio 10
course video
Art Studio 1010MVAST104 Supplemental Fee Applies $36.75
Art Studio 11
course video
Art Studio 1111MVAST114 Supplemental Fee Applies $36.75
Art Studio 12
course video
Art Studio 1212 MVAST124Supplemental Fee Applies $36.75
Film & Television 11
course video
Film & Television 11 11MDFT-114 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35
Film & Television 12
course video
Film & Television 12 12MDFT-12 4 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35
Photography 10Photography 10 10MVAPH104Supplemental Fee Applies $63
Photography 11
course video
Photography 11 11 MVAPH11 4 Supplemental Fee Applies $63
Photography 12Photography 12 12 MVAPH12 4Supplemental Fee Applies $63

Band - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Junior Concert Band 8
course video
Arts Education 88MMU-08-CB
Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Intermediate Concert Band 9
course video
Music Education 99MMU-09-CBSupplemental Fee Applies $42
Intermediate Concert Band 10
course video
Instrumental Music 1010MMUCB104Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Senior Concert Band 11
course video
Instrumental Music 1111MIMCB114Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Senior Concert Band 12
course video
Instrumental Music 1212MIMCB124Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Intermediate Jazz Band 8
course video
Arts Education 88MMU-08-JBSupplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Intermediate Jazz Band 9
course video
Music Education 99MMU-09-JBSupplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Intermediate Jazz Band 10
course video
Jazz Band 1010MMUJB104Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Senior Jazz Band 11
course video
Jazz Band 1111MIMJB114 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Senior Jazz Band 12
course video
Jazz Band 1212MIMJB124 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50

Career Programs - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education  CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Career Life Connections 12
Career Life Connections​12MCLC-12BL74
Career Life Education 10
Career Life Connections​10MCLE-10BL74
Work Experience 12A
Work Experience 12A​12MWEX-2A4Work Experience Blog

What is WEX
Work Experience 12B
Work Experience 12B​12MWEX-2B4Work Experience Blog

What is WEX

Choir - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Choral Music Chamber Choir 10
Chamber Choir 1010MMUCH10--014 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Choral Music Chamber Choir 11
Chamber Choir 1111MMUCH114 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Choral Music Chamber Choir 12
Chamber Choir 1212MMUCH124Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Concert Choir 8
course video
8MMU-08-CCSupplemental Fee Applies $42
Concert Choir 9
course video
9MMU-09-CCSupplemental Fee Applies $42
Concert Choir 10
course video
Concert Choir 1010MMUCC104Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Concert Choir 11
course video
Concert Choir 1111MCMCC11-014Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Concert Choir 12
course video
Concert Choir 1212MCMCC12-014 Supplemental Fee Applies $42
Vocal Jazz 8
course video
8 MMU-08-VJSupplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Vocal Jazz 9
course video
9MMU-09-VJSupplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Vocal Jazz 10
course video
10MMUVJ104 Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Vocal Jazz 11
course video
11MCMJV114Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50
Vocal Jazz 12
course video
12MCMJV124Supplemental Fee Applies $31.50

Drama- Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Drama 8
Drama 88MDR-08
Drama 9
Drama 99MDR-09​Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35
​Drama 10
Drama 10​10​MDRM-10​4Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35
​Drama 11
Drama 11​11​MDRM-11Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35
​Drama 12
Drama 12​12​MDRM-12Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35
​Directing and Script Development 11, 12
Directing and Script Development 11

Directing and Script Development 12
​11 - 12
​Musical Theatre
​10-12​Supplemental Fee Applies $42.00
Theatre Production 10,11,12
Theatre Production 10,
10-12MDRD-10/11/124Supplemental Fee Applies $31.35

ENGLISH - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education Curriculum GradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Composition 10/
Literary Studies 10
Composition 10
Literary Studies 10
​English 8
English Language 8​MEN-08
English 9
English Language Arts 9​9MEN-09
English 12
English Studies 12​12MENST124
Literary Studies 11Literary Studies 11​11MLTST114
Literary Studies 12
course video
​Literary Studies 12
​12MLTST12​4​Open to students in grade 11 & 12​
Spoken Language 12

Spoken Language 12

Mathematics - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Calculus 12
Course Video
Calculus 1212MCALC124
Foundations of Math 10 and Pre-Calculus 10
Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 1010MFMP-104
Foundations of Math 11
Foundations of Math 1111MFOM-114
Foundations of Math 12
Foundations of Math 1212MFOM-124
Mathematics 8
Mathematics 88MMA-08
Mathematics 9
Mathematics 99MMA-09
Pre-Calculus 11
Pre-Calculus 1111MPREC-114
Pre-Calculus 12

Pre-Calculus 1212MPREC-124
Workplace Math 10
Workplace Math 1010MWPM-104
Workplace Math 11
Workplace Math 1111MWPM-114

Modern Languages - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Intro Spanish 11
course video
Intro Spanish 11
​11MBSP-114Open to grade 10 students
Spanish 11
course video
Spanish 11
Spanish 12
course video
Spanish 12
French 8
course video
French 8
French 9
French 9
French 10
French 10
French 11
course video
French 11
French 12French 12MFR--124

Physical Education - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGrade
Course CodeCreditsNotes
Active Living 11 and 12 Basketball Academy
Fees Apply
Physical and Health Education 8

08MPHE-08Supplemental Fee Applies $21
Physical and Health Education 9
09MPHE-09Supplemental Fee Applies $21
Physical and Health Education 10
10MPHED-104Supplemental Fee Applies $21
Active Living 11
course video
11MACLV-114 Supplemental Fee Applies $41.80
Active Living 12
course video

12MACLV-124Supplemental Fee Applies $41.80
​Fitness for Life
​Supplemental Fee Applies
Strength and Conditioning
course video
Strength and Conditioning

4Supplemental Fee Applies

​PLP​Grade​Course Code
​ADST - Digital Literacy PLP
​08​MADDL08PLP​Supplemental Fee Applies $5.25
​ADST - Information and Communications Tech 9 PLP
​09​MADIT09PLP​Supplemental Fee Applies $5.25
​Digital Communications 11 PLP
​10/11/12​MDCOM11PLP (GR 10)
​Supplemental Fee Applies $5.25

Science - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Anatomy and Physiology 12
Anatomy and Physiology 1212MATPH124
Chemistry 11
course video
Chemistry 1111MCH-114
Chemistry 12
Course Display
Chemistry 1212MCH-124
Earth Science 11

Earth Science 1111MESC-11-014
Environmental Science
Course Video

Environmental Science
Life Sciences
Physics 11
course video
Physics 1111MPH-114
Physics 12
course video
Physics 1212MPH-124
Science 8
Science 88MSC-08
Science 9
Science 99MSC-09
Science 10
Science 1010MSC-104

Social Studies - Course DescriptionMinistry of Education CurriculumGradeCourse CodeCreditsNotes
BC First Peoples 12
BC First Peoples 12​MBCFP12​4
Explorations in Social Studies 11
course video
Explorations in Social Studies 1111MEPSS114 Open to Grade 11 and 12 students
20th Century World History 12
course video
20th Century World History 1212MWH-124Open to Grade 11 and 12 students
Law Studies 12
course video
Law Studies 1212MLST-124Open to Grade 11 and 12 students
Psychology 12
course video
12YPSYC1A4Does Not Count as a Social Studies Credit.  Open to Grade 11 and 12 students
Social Justice 12
course video

Social Justice 1212MSJ-124Open to Grade 11 and 12 students
​Social Studies 8
Social Studies 8​MSS-08
Social Studies 9
Social Studies 9​9MSS-09
Social Studies 10
Social Studies 10​10MSS-104

​Whole School/Grade
​Student Activity Fee
Grade 8
Includes Agenda Book
​Supplemental Fee
​Student Activity Fee
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
​Supplemental Fee $36.60
​Grade 12 Graduation Activity Fee
​Supplemental Fee $57.50



Seycove Secondary

1204 Caledonia Ave, North Vancouver, BC, V7G 2A6 | 604.903.3666 604.903.3667 |