Hello parents/guardians and students:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Carson Graham this September. We are planning an exciting retreat for all Grade 8 students from September 19th-22nd, 2022. This retreat will be an important team-building experience for all our incoming Grade 8's. Grade 8 teachers, Carson Graham staff, and senior student leaders will participate in the retreat alongside the Grade 8 students.
This four-day event involves:
- 1.5 days at the Cheakamus Centre in Brackendale (including one overnight experience) &
- 1 day at Grouse Mountain (daytime retreat experience only - student must bring a bagged lunch, morning snack & water bottle)
- 1/2 day at Carson Graham for a variety of team building and reflective activities
- Follow up activities throughout the year to complement team building
Due to the large number of Grade 8's, we will be dividing all students into either Group 1 or Group 2. These groups will alternate between being at the Cheakamus Centre in Squamish and being at Grouse Mountain/Carson Graham. Both groups will overlap on the afternoon of Day 2 at Cheakamus to bring all the Grade 8s together at once. Students will be assigned to one of the two groups in September. In an effort to help students build relationship with their new peers and teachers every attempt will be made to group Grade 8's with students and staff in their scheduled Grade 8 classes.
Please find below more details about this retreat as well as the important permission forms that will need to returned to your Grade 7 teacher before June 22nd, 2022. The cost of the four-day retreat is $222 and can be paid via the School Cash Online payment system available through the link provided on your elementary school website.
Fee Payment Schedule
- September 2022 - 33% of total cost (approximately $75)
- January 2023 - 33% of total cost (approximately $75)
- May 2023 - Remainder of total cost.
This fee includes:
- 1.5 days of activities and supervision at the Cheakamus Centre in Brackendale
- 1 day of activities and supervision at Grouse Mountain
- 1/2 days of activities and presentations at Carson Graham
- Bus transportation to and from Cheakamus Centre
- Accommodation for 1 night at Cheakamus Centre
- All meals at the Cheakamus Centre
- A barbecue lunch for all Grade 8's on the forth day of the retreat
- A color coded team identification item (bracelet or bandana)
- A special retreat t-shirt
- Supplies and material needed for a variety of retreat activities
- Cost of any guest speakers associated with the retreat
- Cost of Teachers-on-Call to cover any CGS staffing needs during the retreat
All students are expected to attend the camp, regular Grade 8 classes will not be running during the four day of the retreat. Therefor, students will not be missing any classes during the 4-day Grade 8 retreat. If students are in involved in afternoon classes at alternate sites and activities outside of school time on these dates, they are asked to re-schedule their activities as early as possible so not to conflict with this important school-wide event. A parent/student meeting will take place on September 12th, 2022 at 6:30pm at Carson Graham to review the trip details prior to departure.