Stay in Touch
Most school communications with families are by telephone and email. Remember to let the school know about any changes to your family's personal information at If you need to change your home address we are required to have proof of the new location on file. Please scan and email or take a picture of the proof of address and email it to the email address above.
Acceptable forms of proof of address for NVSD:
Proof of address in BC (current address determines catchment, pre-sale agreements are not considered)
Home Owners:
- Current
BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone, or internet/cable statement
- Purchase agreement, if you have bought a new home with subjects removed
- Formal rental or lease agreement and a current BC Hydro, gas, landline
telephone, or internet/cable statement in the tenant's or
landlord/homeowner's name (as per lease/tenancy agreement)
- Please note:
If you do not have a formal tenancy agreement (e.g., living with
family/friend), we require: - Letter from the tenant/homeowner stating
this living arrangement including the names of all your family members
(children & parents) living in their residence, and - Proof of their
address (as per accepted documents above)