École Windsor Secondary
North Vancouver School District
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The Student Services Department at Windsor assists students in their developmental journey through their
academic, career, personal and social challenges. Windsor’s counsellors work closely with students,
teachers, parents, and the community with the goal of helping students develop the qualities they need to
become self-reliant, responsible individuals. 
Counsellors also provide assistance with program planning, timetable concerns, post-secondary and
scholarship information, as well as information on alternate programs such as summer school and distance
education. We have access to a wide range of community services, and can assist in suggesting resources
for  families, parents and students who need on-going counselling or therapy.
Students can and are encouraged to make appointments with their grade counsellor via e-mail or to stop
by Student Services, located across the hall from the main office.  Parent inquiries are also welcomed by
counsellors by phone (604-903-3700) or e-mail.


Counsellors 2023-24

​M. So 

​Grade 9 Counsellor & ​
International Counsellor
D. Lavallée

Grade 10 Counsellor
Choices Counsellor 
S. Maquignaz​​Grade 8 Counsellor
Grade 11 Counsellor (A-R)

​​S. Martin

​Grade 11 Counsellor (S-Z)
Grade 12 Counsellor 