École Windsor Secondary
North Vancouver School District

Fall Athletics Meeting 2024


The above website is is where parents and players involved with Windsor's extracurricular athletic program will fill out registration and other forms and view schedules. Team fees will be posted to the school cash online accounts of students chosen for each team.  

The wolvesathletics web is hosted by esportdesk. eSportDesk is a third party service provider. The eSportDesk service is not a North Vancouver School District program. The School District assumes no responsiblility, risk, or liability in respect of eSportDesk. Parents and Students should read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of eSportDesk prior to agreeing to the eSportDesk terms of use. Should a Parent or Student not wish to utilize the eSportDesk service, please contact the Athletic Director to make alternative arrangements.

Seasonal Athletics Information Meetings

The Windsor athletic program hosts mandatory athletic information sessions prior to tryouts for each sport season. The purpose of these sessions is to inform parents and students of sports offered during that season, the costs and commitment associated with each sport and provide an opportunity to meet with coaches.​

Athletic Director:    Mr. M. Fong      mfong@sd44.ca​

Twitter account: @WolvesAthletics

Sports Seasons




Senior Football 8-12 Boys/Girls Basketball
Junior Football 8-12 Boys/Girls Gymnastics
Junior and Senior Boys Rugby
Senior Boys Soccer8-12 Boys/Girls WrestlingGirls Rugby
Junior Boys Soccer​8-12 Alpine
8-12 Boys/Girls Mountain Bike
Senior Girls Field Hockey

​8-12 Boys/Girls Badminton
Junior Girls Field Hockey

8-12 Boys/Girls Golf
Senior Girls Volleyball
Junior and Senior Ultimate
Junior Girls VolleyballTrack and Field
Juvenile Girls VolleyballIce Hockey
Bantam Girls Volleyball8-9 Boys Volleyball
Cross Country
Bantam Rugby
Juvenile Rugby