North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Five-Year Capital Plan
​​2025/26 Five-Year Capital Plan & Priorities

Each year, boards of education are required to submit a Five-Year Capital Plan identifying both major and minor capital funding priorities required for their school districts. In late March 2024, the Ministry of Education and Child Care issued instructions identifying the funding programs and requirements for the preparation and submission of the 2025/26 Five-Year Capital Plan. The deadlines for the submissions, using the Capital Asset Planning System online platform, as follows:

  • Major Capital Programs  – June 30, 2024
  • Minor Capital Programs  – September 30, 2024

The staggered deadlines are intended to provide the Ministry with input required to initiate planning for the next budget cycle, while enabling school districts additional time and flexibility to plan over the summer. School districts may wish to provide Major and Minor Capital submissions by the June 30, 2024 deadline.

School districts are required to have a current Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) to support major capital priorities identified in their Five-Year Capital Plan submission. The LRFP is to incorporate consideration of demographic changes, enrolment patterns, residential developments planned in the community, facility condition, and capacity utilization.

A consultant was engaged to assist with updating ten-year enrolment projections and emerging priorities for the LRFP.  These priorities were used to highlight major capital project requests.

The major capital funding programs require projects to be prioritized over a five-year budget horizon. The current major capital funding programs that are applicable to the North Vancouver School District are:

  • Addition/Expansion Program
  • Demolition Project
  • New School Program
  • Replacement/Renovation Program
  • Seismic Project
  • Site Acquisition Program

The minor capital programs only require funds to be identified for a single budget year. The minor capital funding programs include the following:

  • Carbon Neutral Capital Program
  • Playground Equipment Program
  • School Enhancement Program
  • Food Infrastructure Program

The following Draft priorities have been identified for the 2025/26 Five-Year Capital Plan in the tables below:

Major Capital Funding Programs

School Addition/Expansion Projects

Priorities based on Long Range Facilities Plan and enrolment projections.

PriorityFacility Name​Project Description​Project Cost​
​1Lynnmour ElementaryExpand capacity from 20K/250E to 60K/450E (+224 Operating Capacity)​$19,576,055
​2Carson Graham SecondaryExpand capacity from 1,100 to 1,400 (+300 Operating Capacity)​$28,875,454
​3Queensbury ElementaryExpand capacity from 20K/250E to 60K/400E (+178 Operating Capacity)
​Larson Elementary
Expand capacity from 40K/375E to 60K/475E (+112 Operating Capacity)
Highlands Elementary​Expand capacity from 40K/350E to 40K/450E (+93 Operating Capacity)​$9,865,618
Sutherland Secondary
Expand capacity from 950 to 1,150 (+200 Operating Capacity)

Demolition Program

This funding is primarily for rural school districts; however, the NVSD has submitted a request with the hope it might be funded.

​Priority​Facility Name
Project Description​Project Cost​
​1​William Lucas Centre​

Partial demolition of the West and South blocks of the building.​

New School Program

New school proposed based on long range enrolment projection. This request would be subject to securing a new site.

​PriorityFacility Name​Project Description​Project Cost
​1New CNV School​​

New 60K/400E capacity K-7 Elementary school on new site.​$52,808,969​

School Replacement/Renovation Projects

Priorities based on a combination of facility condition with consideration to future enrolment.

​PriorityFacility Name​Project Description​Project Cost
​1Ross Road ElementaryReplace and expand capacity from 40K/425E to 60K/475E (+66 Operating Capacity). ​$55,855,841
​2Seymour Heights ElementaryReplace and expand capacity from 20K/250E to 60K/525E school (+315 Operating Capacity). 

Seismic Program

​PriorityFacility NameProject Description​Project Cost
​1​Lynnmour Elementary​​​

This project request is connected with the Lynnmour expansion project​ request and both projects will need to be delivered as a singular project.

Site Acquisition Program

A funding request to support the acquisition of future elementary school.

​PriorityFacility NameProject DescriptionProject Cost
​1​New CNV School Site
Acquisition of new ​site that can accommodate a 60K/400E capacity school.



Minor Capital Funding Categories

Carbon Neutral Capital Program

School districts are limited to five priorities. Projects must contribute to measurable emissions reductions, operational cost savings, align with Capital Asset Management Systems equipment renewal period and LRFP.

PriorityFacility NameProject DescriptionProject Cost
​1​Windsor Secondary
​Heating plant boiler & system renewal
2Canyon Heights Elementary
​Heating plant boiler & system renewal$250,000
​3Carisbrooke Elementary​Heating plant boiler & system renewal$500,000
Seymour Heights Elementary​Heating plant boiler & system renewal$500,000


Playground Equipment Program

Funding eligibility is based on new or replacement playground equipment. Prioritization is given to schools that do not currently have playground equipment, and where students do not have easy access to nearby playground facilities. School districts are limited to three requests for universally accessible playground equipment.

PriorityFacility NameProject Description​Project Cost
Seymour Heights Elementary​

Installation of a new universally accessible playground to support and remove barriers for all students to access play opportunities especially students with physical or intellectual disabilities, neurodivergent students, students with vision, hearing and sensory needs.
2Upper Lynn Elementary
Installation of a new universally accessible playground to support and remove barriers for all students to access play opportunities especially students with physical or intellectual disabilities, neurodivergent students, students with vision, hearing and sensory needs.
Sherwood Park Elementary​Installation of a new universally accessible playground to support and remove barriers for all students to access play opportunities especially students with physical or intellectual disabilities, neurodivergent students, students with vision, hearing and sensory needs.​


School Enhancement Program

School Enhancement Projects are investments that will contribute to the safety and function of the school and will extend the life of the existing asset. Projects and priorities were identified with the use of the Ministry’s Capital Asset Management System, consulting reports, and staff input. Eligible projects must be valued at more than $100,000 but not exceed $2,000,000. One project must be included that is valued at $500,000 or less. School districts are limited to a maximum of 5 separate School Enhancement Projects limited to five priorities.

​PriorityFacility NameProject DescriptionProject Cost
​1​Windsor Secondary
Phase 3 - Building envelope and glazing systems renewal.$1,450,000​
​2Cleveland Elementary
​Accessible washroom upgrades for staff and students at Cleveland Elementary.
​3​VariousAccessibility upgrades at multiple facilities - (Mountainside, Windsor, Seycove, Boundary and Braemar)
​Accessible washroom upgrades for staff and students at multiple facilities -  (Blueridge, Brooksbank, and Larson)​
​5​Various​Lighting upgrades at multiple facilities (Highlands, Queen Mary and Ridgeway)

Food Infrastructure Program

The Food Infrastructure Program is an annual program, directly tied to the broader Feeding Futures program, intended to assist with creating, improving or expanding infrastructure to ensure students are properly fed for learning to enhance positive academic and healthy outcomes.

​PriorityFacility NameProject DescriptionProject Cost
​1​Mountainside Secondary
Food Distribution Van - procure a new full size EV van to distribute food to all 33 school sites within our district. The van will support the needs of our FIP program and will be stationed at Mountainside Secondary School where we have EV charging infrastructure.​$110,000​


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |