North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Inclusive Education


The North Vancouver School District (NVSD) is committed to inclusion that founded on the belief that all students should be educated in neighbourhood schools, in regular classrooms and in age appropriate settings to the maximum extent possible. Providing programs and services within neighbourhood schools will require layers of support including curricular adaptations to instructional practice that will meet the needs of the individual. The school district believes that the classroom teacher is best supported by a scho​ol-based collaborative problem solving model where assistance may be brought to the classroom level from the School-Based Resource Team and District Specialists who comprise the Learning Services Department.

Inclusive Education within t​​he NVSD is a celebration of the many ways in which diversity is expressed in our classrooms and throughout our school communities.

The NVSD is steadfastly committed to celebrating and supporting all learners at the classroom level and throughout our school communities by promoting meaningful differentiation to curriculum, instruction and assessment.


Learning Services Department

  • Janis Mann, District Principal of Inclusive Education
  • Morag Kelley, Acting District Vice Principal of Inclusive Education
  • Kathleen MacIver, Executive Administrative Assistant

Service delivery consists of a variety of both school-based and district-wide programs and services. These are assigned so that each service is available to a Family of Schools (FOS) (a secondary school and its feeder elementary schools). Services are readily accessible through the Principal of each school and the School-Based Resource Team. There are FOS teacher leaders assigned to each FOS to assist classroom teachers and schools with developing curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of all students. Additional information is available from the contact personnel in the Learning Services Department.

School-Based Services

Learning Services

Specialist teachers are assigned to each school to provide support for the teaching and learning of all students identified as having disabilities and diverse abilities. They provide assistance to classroom teachers and Education Assistants (EAs) and as appropriate, provide direct instruction to a full range of students with learning and/or social/emotional needs. Their role includes the following:

  • Assisting teachers in planning, adapting and modifying programs, including instructional and assessment techniques that may include Level B assessment.
  • Facilitating the implementation of curriculum/programs for students with diverse needs.
  • Assisting teachers/EAs in developing materials for students with diverse needs.
  • Supporting teachers/EAs in developing the skills to differentiate instruction.
  • Providing direct instruction to students identified by the School-Based Resource Team.
  • Developing IEPs, including plans based on functional assessments of behaviour.

Counselling Services

Every school has a counsellor who provides consultation and counselling services for students with academic, social, emotional, behavioural or mental health concerns. Success in the classroom is their primary goal. They collaborate with teachers, parents and additional specialist personnel including personnel from other Ministries and agencies to promote consistency.

Secondary School Counsellors also provide educational planning and career counselling. This may involve consideration of alternative program/school placement as part of the School-Based Resource Team decision making process.

Please take a look at Couselling Services for more information.


Choices provides secondary school-based support for at-risk youth across the North Vancouver School District.  In this way, students with social, emotional, and behavioural challenges who struggle in a traditional school setting receive the additional support they need to learn and develop a sense of place within their local school community.

Please visit the Choices web page to learn more.

Education Assistants

Education Assistants (EAs) work under the direction of a teacher to support the teacher, curriculum differentiation and individuals or small groups of students. All schools have EAs assigned for this purpose. Some EAs have additional training and skills in the areas of: Sign Language (Sign Language Interpreters); Autism (Autism Support Worker); Behaviour (Behaviour Support Worker); Learning (Learning Support Worker) and Work Experience (Work Experience Facilitator). These staff are assigned to each school at the beginning of each school year, based on the type and level of student need in the school at that time. They will work with individual students or with groups of students as appropriate to the needs of the school and in accordance with decisions made by the school principal in discussion with the School-Based Resource Team.

Please take a look at Education Assistants for more information.

Hospital/Homebound Services

The FOS lead teacher provides Hospital/Homebound services for elementary students within their FOS and each secondary school has a teacher (often a counsellor) assigned to provide this service. These teachers work closely with classroom teachers, medical personnel and parents to assist students in continuing their studies while confined to home or hospital. Their services can be accessed through the Principal of each school and the School-Based Resource Team.

District-Based Services

School Psychology Services

School Psychologists provide consultation to teachers and support for students who demonstrate diverse learning needs. The Psychologist will collaborate and consult with school personnel to assess the learning situation for a referred student and make recommendations for appropriate programming. Occasionally a psycho educational assessment is required and the School-Based Resource Team will prioritize referrals for full assessments.

Please take a look at School Psycology Services for more information.

Speech and Language Services

Speech and Language Pathologists provide assessment, consultation, and direct therapy to students who have speech difficulties and to those who have both expressive and receptive language difficulties. They also provide Augmentative and Alternative Communication (A.A.C.) support to our students who need significant assistance to enhance their ability to communicate. Services are accessed through the School-Based Resource Team. 

Please take a look at Speech and Language Services for more information.

Hearing Services

Resource Teachers for the deaf and hard of hearing provide direct or consultative services for students who have a diagnosed hearing loss. They can help plan alternate teaching strategies, provide information on assistive listening devices and liaise with community agencies and support groups. Resource Teachers for the deaf and hard of hearing also provide district and school-based in-services on hearing loss and related issues. 

Please take a look at Hearing Resource Services for more information.

Vision Services

Students who are blind or with low vision require unique adaptations to their learning environment. The Vision Resource Teacher provides alternate material, assistive technology and teaching strategies to assist the regular classroom teacher in the management of the program for these students. This also includes orientation and mobility training for students who need this. Hearing and Vision services are accessed through the School-Based Resource Team.

Please take a look at Vision Services for more information.

Gifted and Talented Resource Services

Gifted Resource Teachers provide assistance to schools for students who require enrichment programs. This includes school-based support for teachers and students as well as the SPARK program. These pull out programs offer opportunities for students to meet with their gifted peers. Each program has a specific focus and is offered for specific periods during the year. Eligibility to these programs is through referral from the School-Based Resource Team.

Please take a look at Gifted and Talented Services for more information.

Literacy Centre (Elementary)

Currently located at Montroyal Elementary and Sherwood Park Elementary, the literacy centre program is directed to Grade 3 students who require an extensive remedial literacy and/or numeracy experience. Specific approaches used include Orton Gillingham, Readwell, Phonographix, and Academy of Reading. The School-Based Resource Team selects potential students for one of three sessions provided in each year that lasts for one term. 

Please take a look at Literacy Centre (Elementary) for more information. 

Community-Based Services

This includes a variety of services that may change over time according to the requirements of students and schools. Services routinely include:

  • Occupational and Physio Therapy, Music, Movement, Play and Art Therapy.
  • Community based instruction including supported work experience.
  • Special Education Technology (SET BC), Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders (POPARD), Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (POPFASD) services. All services are accessed through the SBRT.

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |